Esp ranged rangers.
Esp ranged rangers.
Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)
My, how things have come full circle. When the game first came out, the only thing rangers were good for was barkskin. Then came tempest, and everyone loved rangers.
The change to TWF and tempest (and attack alclarity in general) hit rangers hard. Ranger exploiter builds rank in DPS only against favored enemies now, and even then they may not break into the top 5. This is compounded by the fact that there is a greater variety of enemy types in end game and epics than FE can cover, and so much of ranger dps relies on it.
And then you have new players coming from more conventional MMOs or DnD games believing range is a viable option (as it SHOULD be). It is not, hasn't been since RELEASE and Turbine stubbornly REFUSES to fix this.
I love rangers. Played them since head start. They're simply so far behind the power curve compared to every other class. A well played ranger is better than a poorly played fighter or barbarian. But any other class well played will out perform rangers in the current state of the game.
Officer of Disciples of the Apocalypse on Sarlona
Himawari Life 3 - 1 FvS | Svipul Life 3 - 1 FvS | Chikaze Life 2 - 2 PAL / 2 MNK / 4 FVS
Completionist Project: GLaDOS - Life 14 of ??: Bladeforged 'Zeus' - Started 22/02/14
It's a tough choice, considering I have seen puggers that have managed to make pretty much every class look useless. That's why I don't discriminate based on class in my runs, just guild tag :P
Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.
There is no weak classes only weak players.
Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.
All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)
No class is useless and all classes can excel.
In the spirit of the question for characters all or almost all one class, I'd say it's probably paladin right now. They desperately need a PrE overhaul.
I rarely put up an LFM though.
I hate waiting. I hate having to deal with people that decide to go AFK just after they joined the group.
No class is useless, just the players behind the class can render it useless.
Gimpy Rangers/paladins/rogues that cant do damage.
A rogue is basically, "Look at me or die."
I hope your asbestos armor has no hole
More seriously, rogue is a quite difficult class to master, and quite ungrateful when you first hit epics.
But, if you ever see a good rogue in action... it's the only class that has a chance to compete with a necro spec'd wizard in the killcount department (in epics/elite amrath) beside savants.
As for their boss DPS, between the new imp. sunder, the FvS debuff and opportunist, i don't think they're gonna suffer much in that department if the group is smart.
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Yes, i'm french and i do eat frogs alive, so don't mess with me when i'm hungry
Argonessen FTW : Leelith ~ Bagdad Cafe ~ Lipp Stick ~ Peroxy Acetone
Biggest obsticle I see to a Rogue's kill count is being able to put weapons on target before someone else kills it. Which is further slowed down by the need to not have agro.
If a Rogue can strike fast enough, he can rack up huge kills. But some players are better at drawing first blood than others.
At low lvls, my Rogues lack fast enough Striders to get there before the Barbarians can swing their axes. At high lvls, the Wizards can FoD from long range and wail several targets at once.
But even then, my Rogues usually can pull off the high kills in most parties. (always a source of pride to outkill a Pale Master.)
When I pug with that kind of guys - you know who you are, the multi TR'ed Horc monk, the WF Sorc with Abishai set, basically, anybody who could solo contents under level, and still barely break a sweat - I try and provide them with foe debuffs: bluff, sunder, trip, sap, paralysis...
I tend to see my rogue's job as a debuffer melee.
No point in trying to outkill heavy weights, I might be better served with a lower personal kill tally, but making the killing process smoother for everybody.
They see my effects going off, they realise they have an easier time killing, they see my rogue not getting hurt, or surviving crits because he's got 100% fort, and - hopefully - they realise I'm adapting to their style and doing my part of the job, beyond trap duty.
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
Human Artificer's. If you're smart you're saving flawless sibery's so you can swap feats out once you've hit cap with a decent Artificer only to convert it into a pure crafting artificer. I have a feeling 70-90% of the Human Artificers we'll see in game for a while will be poorly built crafting bots leeching on PUG goodwill.
cause if you spent those feats on crafting you...
I find bluff a very useful skill in those occasions when timed right, plus it has the exact same cooldown sooooo... the other important skill is usally tied to having played an instakiller caster yourself : if you 'know' which target will eat the FoD, you know which target(s) you will be able to assassinate during FoD cooldown
Wail being a PBAoE is a bit less of a concern, you can easily see what group is gonna be wailed and either be there to finish the mob(s) that saved, or seek another target that will be out of range of the wail if the caster has high enough DC for the content to wail everything.
Rogue is to me by far the most interesting & challenging melee class to play, and rewarding if you do it right. The only downside is the overlook from a lot of people, my rogue is pretty much only played in guild groups as for now...
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Yes, i'm french and i do eat frogs alive, so don't mess with me when i'm hungry
Argonessen FTW : Leelith ~ Bagdad Cafe ~ Lipp Stick ~ Peroxy Acetone
Well, my point was that my Rogue can kill just fine. But I am limited to melee range, and further limited by needing to not have agro....which in some cases requires me to make sure I am not seen first (hang back a bit).
But some people kill things soooo fast, that the monster is dead, before I can et wepons on target.
Barbs and Monks run faster than everyone else. Casters can kill at range.
I think the highest movement rate possible is very critical to a Rogue. You need to be able to pounce!
I really take pride in both getting the high kill count, plus never taking damage...especially in groups of Min II swinging TRed 1/2 Orc Barbs and insta-killing arcanes.
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
Pikers, even though they are Invulnerable to everything.
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To be honest I'm ussually hesitent to allow monks, as someone who normally uses back up characters such as bards and trap monkeys. I'm hesistent to let anyone in who can't tank or offer great dps.
The most useless class would be the one who doesn't click on my lfm and let me get into the quest faster(it is of course tied with the class played by the 15yo boy who won't stop hitting on me)
I've had shroud runs with 5-6 rogues and no barb/fighter/pallys in them, done just fine. Other raids with no casters, and so on.I've even been known to let some more interesting build in a group just because I'm curious and know we can still complete regardless of them. I completely agree with it's the player not the class
~Cari, Pikearella, Sheezza, and a bunch of other toons that kinda get ignored ~Piking Princess & killer of Avacado (in all forms)<3 Making Grevins dungeon grinds entertaining for the last 5 years <3