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  1. #101
    Community Member Indoran's Avatar
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    unknown rogues are myddoed and usually rejected... because they have half the hp I expect. but there are excellent rogues in my server that I prefer over barbs...

    Also wizzies and sorcs are frequently rejected because I don't like their build basically, I have very strong views on what I need for my pugs... AM evokers with 200 hp at cap are not one of the things I need...

    I dont specially like rangers... but those are not necesarilly that bad (please get more than 400 hp though)
    Khyber: Pinel / Laerak / Sibeli / Kaeral / Gilmara - Crafter

  2. #102
    Community Member gavijal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonKiller View Post
    Of course you did. Your thread is about trolling, it's very evident by the wording "Most Usless Class in DDO". You didn't ask "Which class do you dislike" or "Which class is most often the worst played" or anything like that... so of course your going to get Neg'd for it. Doesn't take a psychic to see that coming.

    And no it wasn't me... I don't waste my time on that stuff (to the point I don't even know if I can).
    Trolling? I dont see any trolling in my question, and yet there are 101 replays on this thread atm.... whatever --

  3. #103
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    Paladins. Not my own opinion, but the (anecdotal) evidence is:

    1) It's the class I see least of in game
    2) No threads about "OP paladins"
    3) No threads demanding to "boost paladins" - nobody even cares
    4) Turtle tanking is history

    Rangers come in close 2nd.
    There are not many of us Palys because so many are built so poorly they dont survive. Pally's are one of the most challenging builds just from the choices and tradeoffs that must be made. Its a lot of button mashing and firing off DM,zeal etc.

    Noone will ever claim Paly's are OP so that thread will never exist.

    I care and I would love to see some enhancements to Paly's but I dont have complaints other than I would love an extra feat or a few more build pts but Im just waiting to TR again and read all the tomes I have been saving.

    This is the misconception that Paly's are only good for AC based tanking, they are not, they have some of the highest burst DPS at end game.

    If people dont want to make Paly's that is their choice but I get turned down less than 1% of the time when I hit an LFM.
    Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.

    All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)

  4. #104
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    aw buck up, heres some offset rep lol.

    For me, I just don't even bother with wizards anymore. Favored souls are getting there to. Odds are most of the time your getting some guy that's playing the wrong class. lol I still remember that favored that claimed she was a necromancer.

  5. #105
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
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    I'm sorry you got neg rep'd-not sure you deserve that, but your question was poorly phrased and ill considered. Not quite 'the unmistakeable stench of trolls' but lots of potential for flaming, arguing, class bigotry and generally unproductive discussion.

  6. #106
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    Rogues, Rangers, and Paladins all scare me but not because of the class itself...they're just easy to mess up in big ways.

    Warforged FvS give me pause because of the few out there that play the 'I'm DPS' card despite easily being able to raid heal with minimal build concessions. I would take one as a DPS but only if they didn't try to tell me that they're 'only DPS'.

    Half Elves I seriously consider turning down on aesthetics alone. They may be happy with the way they look but that doesn't mean the other 11 people want to be looking at them all day.

    But basically it's just bad players that are useless. Bad players and people with a poor sense of style.

  7. #107
    Community Member gavijal's Avatar
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    If some class is " useless " its not because of bad players, its because of game mechanics. Take a typical party.

    1. healer = first choice = cleric, second = fvs , mostly ppl don't even flag third 1 = bard??
    So for healer spot you have really 2 choices (3 but rarely )
    2. CC = first choice wizzy , second = sorc . 3. = bard
    So for CC role there is only 1 class and that's wizzy, 2 and 3 are if u cant get wizzy (only In VON6 u really need fascinate)
    3. buffs = 1. bards (songs + buffs ) , 2 = wizzy/sorc and cleric/fvs but they are covered in spots 1 and 2 , 3. rangers

    Spot 4.5.6. DPS - 1. barbs-fighters and multyclasses of them . 2. pallys 3.rogues , rangers 4. monks

    So many ppl in my experience thinking like this.

  8. #108
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    Default I'm THAT rogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Symerith View Post
    Among the 20-40 best power gamers and epicly geared players on my server, I don't think any of them has a rogue. Why? Because it's so easy to make an evoker or nuker that is able to do sooo much more than a rogue.
    Any WF FvS built correctly can tank, offensive cast, heal & melee. And the rogue? Disable traps that can be avoided in 90% of the content.

    In my opinion, monks have more syngergy. 2 more feats, better saves vs trapsmithing & SA.
    Anyway, as I said, I agree a rogue correctly built can outDPS a barb but SERIOUSLY, that is THEORY, how many rogues with more than 350 HP do you see out there? Take the time to myDDO some of these "ubber" rogues and you'll laugh quite often.

    End game content = higher fort = the end of rogue's paradise.

    I laughed here.
    WF FvS are far superior to those rogues. Granted, less DPS meleeing but then you have DP, BB, etc.
    A rogue that can tank better than a WF with immunities & 35 DR?

    Laughed again. You said SOME, the correct version is TOO MANY.

    And you'll be surprised by the low number of people who 'know' the class.

    As I said, I always accept anyone, even though it's a rogue, but I'm better of with a barb. At least, I'm not worried about the HP bar dropping to 0 in a few seconds.
    And yes, I know a FEW rogues who really are excellent players.

    Myddo krimsonrane (main) or krimsonrayne (alt). I'm THAT end game powerplayer rogue you seem to think is theory.
    Krimsonrayne -Ultimate Lord of Shadows on Orien server.
    Using -Ethan Hunt build -Assassin III, 900+ HP versatile, survivalist, high dps, str build.
    Build presented in video format. Long Live R.O.G.U.E.

  9. #109
    Community Member Emizand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by memnir View Post
    the Last One To Apply To The Lfm.

  10. #110
    Community Member Asymetric_War's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symerith View Post
    I always accept anyone who applies, but I'm always a bit reluctant when a rogue applies. Besides what everyone says about the highest DPS with 0% fort and 100% SA, and all the blablabla, I've never seen a rogue grab aggro from a barb in a raid, and they die pretty fast due to lower HP.

    Yes, I know all rogues do not have a low HP but how many end game players & epic oriented players play with a rogue? That should answer your question.
    Barbs have enhancements and gear to increase aggro gain, rogues have enhancements and gear to reduce aggro gain. If a rogue is gaining aggro from a barb they're both built wrong.
    DDO Rogue FAQ:
    Find me on Cannith: Level 20's: Scathach (x2) / Boudicca / Caileach / Fhirdhia / Cuchulain / Maedb (x2) / Dagdha

  11. #111
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post

    Half Elves I seriously consider turning down on aesthetics alone. They may be happy with the way they look but that doesn't mean the other 11 people want to be looking at them all day.

    This is the best reason for not wanting someone in your group, that I have seen in this thread!
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  12. #112
    Community Member Nodoze's Avatar
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    Default funny, all our melee classes are getting hate in here...

    I say don't hate the class nor the player... Give people a chance and respectful counsel if they need it. If they don't improve (even slowly) or are hateful/mean then at least you tried and set the proper example.

    Ironic that all of our melee in our static party are getting a lot of hate in here but I wouldn't change them (I am the cleric healer who also offensive casts). We don't have any fighters nor Barbarians and instead we have:

    - TWF Paladin (DPS KoTC type slanted toward HPs & agro) who is kinda like our Barbarian (plays like a high HP sponge "tank") and I really like that he can do huge burst and with some hate gets way ahead on the Agro. I also like that he can heal himself if I get taken out briefly or have someone else in trouble and ask him to LoHs & self heal...
    - TWF Rogue/Ranger/Monk (I think 13/6/1) who does our traps/locks and manages his agro well. He is normally our party scount & I like watching him filet the backsides of the MoBs & even better when he does occasionally steal agro because he tumbles the Mob to the other Melee... He does have the lowest HPs of our front line melee (all three now have minos,GFL, and at least +6 con) but between playing smart and his high reflex/Evasion he seems to take minimal damage;
    - TWF Ranger/Rogue/Monk (18/1/1 Exploiter) who does DPS and fills in for all of the above roles if/when one of the above are missing from our sessions. He is my favorite melee slot in the group because with his high AC/Evasion mode he can even tank.

    Anyway, we have lots of fun and I wouldn't change them for something more "uber"; They are all solid builds with decent stat/skill/enhancements that were stronger before the changes but still do well.

    More importantly they are good players and even more importantly they make the game fun...
    Last edited by Nodoze; 08-21-2011 at 03:40 PM. Reason: fixt

  13. #113
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    Rangers are pretty much the worst class in DDO. Outside of favor.
    Low HP, meh DPS when compared to other DPS classes, they get evasion but meh, so what. A really unimpressive class overall.
    After that, pallies in every quest that doesn't have an evil outsider in it. Which is pretty much 95% of the epics.
    Note - I, for the vast majority of the content and party makeups, won't decline ANYONE from a party. My parties end up with a lot of rangers, pallies, multiple casters and w/e because I simply do not care. The vast majority of the content can be done with **** instead of class.
    The only content I will need to MyDDO these classes is elite ToD, and eChrono.
    If both of them didn't have evil outsiders in them, I wouldn't accept pallies.
    Last edited by SpiritBoy; 08-21-2011 at 03:16 PM.

  14. #114
    Community Member Maxallu's Avatar
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    The ones with low HPs and zero fort.

  15. #115
    Community Member Olath_Senger's Avatar
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    All these responses saying Ranger genuinely confuse me.

    Rangers are a jack-of-all-trades class; they can do some of the best melee DPS out there, buff the party, self-heal... I've even seen some Rangers act as the main tank. The only thing they can't do is traps and locks, but giving up the capstone isn't a big deal. In fact, I wouldn't build a Ranger who couldn't be a trapmonkey. Sure, a pure Barbarian will out-DPS a Ranger, a Bard will out-buff, etc., but that's because the classes are built for that; Rangers can serve to replace those classes and can fill multiple rolls easily. Who wouldn't want that in their group?

    I guess Rangers have a bit of a bad rep because of all the new players rolling Elf Rangers with 8 Con, 12 Str and max Dex and using nothing but bows thinking they're doing insane damage, but I've seen well-built Rangers out-DPS Fighters and even some Barbs. Look at Exploiters - I'd say a well-played Exploiter would be in the top 3 melee builds for DPS, and definitely the most versatile.

    Just my two cents here. But yeah, I'd agree that it's the player that's awful, not the class. I accept anyone in my PUGs, assuming I don't need something specific.

  16. #116
    Community Member karnokvolrath's Avatar
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    Archers and Pallies get my vote.
    Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
    Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
    Gasolinex - Pale Master
    Gasomatic Systematic - Bard

  17. #117
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    artificers, becuase they are only on live.

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olath_Senger View Post
    All these responses saying Ranger genuinely confuse me.

    Rangers are a jack-of-all-trades class; they can do some of the best melee DPS out there, buff the party, self-heal... I've even seen some Rangers act as the main tank. The only thing they can't do is traps and locks, but giving up the capstone isn't a big deal. In fact, I wouldn't build a Ranger who couldn't be a trapmonkey. Sure, a pure Barbarian will out-DPS a Ranger, a Bard will out-buff, etc., but that's because the classes are built for that; Rangers can serve to replace those classes and can fill multiple rolls easily. Who wouldn't want that in their group?

    The kind of group that is going to a harder raid (Hard/leet ToD, eChrono) and just doesn't care about buffs Rangers can provide, doesn't care about selfhealing, and can get better DPS from just about every other stinking melee class out there. Same with epics.
    If the game had any actual challenge in regular epics, I wouldn't accept them for epics. I'm better of getting another barb/fighter/a bard/rogue/monk(Not top end DPS either, but meh). Or a wizard.
    Always take a wizard over any other class.

  19. #119
    Community Member MasterOfWorlds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritBoy View Post
    Rangers are pretty much the worst class in DDO. Outside of favor.
    Low HP, meh DPS when compared to other DPS classes, they get evasion but meh, so what. A really unimpressive class overall.
    After that, pallies in every quest that doesn't have an evil outsider in it. Which is pretty much 95% of the epics.
    Note - I, for the vast majority of the content and party makeups, won't decline ANYONE from a party. My parties end up with a lot of rangers, pallies, multiple casters and w/e because I simply do not care. The vast majority of the content can be done with **** instead of class.
    The only content I will need to MyDDO these classes is elite ToD, and eChrono.
    If both of them didn't have evil outsiders in them, I wouldn't accept pallies.
    You think eChrono is hard? - Shameless Flame (but good-natured, I'm only teasing)

    Seriously, though... I've tanked CAD on my Ranger and I've seen plenty of Pallies tank it. I wish I could My DDO players in some way instead of toons. :P
    Khyber - Arnonech/Dracnair/Rakashai/Arashtol
    "That's Khyber for you - even when we're nice we are crushing dreams."

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfWorlds View Post
    You think eChrono is hard? - Shameless Flame (but good-natured, I'm only teasing)

    Seriously, though... I've tanked CAD on my Ranger and I've seen plenty of Pallies tank it. I wish I could My DDO players in some way instead of toons. :P
    Oh, don't get me wrong - unless they're total gimps, pallies are good on evil outsiders. Just not that much without em.
    And well, eChrono IS one of the hardest raids in the game. Which is..
    Pretty sad. But yea. Let's move on.
    If I really do MyDDO someone, I usually just check for weapons (not random loot trash), fort, hp and that's about it. Like I said, I almost never decline people from my parties. Game is just that easy.

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