Last edited by IWIronheart; 08-17-2011 at 07:24 AM.
I think fighters are the weakest class in DDO.
Boost fighters please =D
No supprise I see a lot of ranger hate.
Keep hating please, maybe the devs will give the rangers some much needed love.
To those of you good ranger players out there, who have soloed, and tanked, what ever keep quiet please, we want the devs to buff rangers not nerf them again.
Haters going to hate, good players going to ignore and keep on playing.
Thats the thing, I run a ranger as my 'main.' Well, its slowly being pushed out by one of my casters, but thats another story.
Rangers are the ugly ducklings. Yeah, mine can HP tank any of the bosses 'cept Lailat and elite Horoth. Yeah, she can solo a lot of content.
She still sucks in comparison to what other classes bring.
I'll continue to play her, but the class's potential is a lot lower than it used to be. Was OP before, now its under-powered. Needs a nudge.
Full STR to offhand would do nicely.
Most useless class has to be artificer. They dont do anything!
For what is actually accepted *last* into groups.. for my groups, its all too often a divine, because while I know I can take care of my own hp, I dont know if the other ppl in my pug can as well and having a divine is insurance against that. More at the intention of the topic? The class I least want in my last party slot is that weird multiclass when I have no idea how well it works in 18-epic content. Otherwise it has a lot more to do with the player and the gear than the class.
Other pug leaders? The class they want in their final slot seems to most often be a barb or fighter, sometimes paladin, rarely monk, ranger, or rogue for "dps". Granted its your pug so if you want 12 AA elf bards in your raid, more power to you, but if you want something specific like "melee dps" you should at least have the courtesy to say so in your lfm.
Guilds: Prophets of the New Republic & Revenents Khyber
Active: Clean 18barb/2ftr Cleen 20arti Kleaner 20monk Darkstaar Dark Knight Psyborg 20sorc Warrwitch 20wiz Roque 19rog/1mnk Killeric 18fvs/2monk AA Duality Helves Angel
Builds: Helves Angel Hurtlocker Dark Knight Riddle of Steel
Well when I made this thread I meant more like if u have last spot in LFM what would be last choice to pick up. For me rangers, rogues and monks dont have any specific role. Maybe its just me but if I want dps ill go with fighter/barb/sorc, for CC - wizzy (maybe sorc), for heals cleric/fvs and for backup bard.
Takes of beards of dwarf women are made up by jealous elves, who aren't masculine enough to grow their own, and who got many other flaws. Theese rumors are repeated over and over by elven probaganda machines.
The truth is, dwarven women are mostly securely kept in dwarven cities, because all other races are not worth of seeing dwarven ladies.
PS: nie mów źle o krasnalach, bo wiem gdzie mieszkasz ^^
I always get the first 5 or 11 people that hit the lfm, as long as they're in the level range I specified of course... if they die, I'll just continue on soloing the rest... *yawn*
Everybody's cute. Everybody's cute! Even me. But in purple, I'm stunning!