3 Rules to Life
1.) "Dont teach a pig how to sing because it wastes your time and annoys the pig."
2.) "Never wrestle a pig in mud, because you get dirty and the pig enjoys it."
3.) "Never argue with an idiot because people watching cannot tell the difference."
Krago - Dwarven Barbarian
The most useless class in DDO is Piker. They do nothing!
Followed closely by Druid. Tree hugging good for nothing nature lovers! Seriously. Quit cuddling the squirrels and start hitting things!!!
<-Curelite Bottling Company->
Originally Posted by Chilldude
The Hatchery
http://www.dkforums.com - Look Mom it's a Guild forum, can I have one too?
Not "class", but more class/race combination that just screams out "squishy!" or "don't waste your healing" or "I'm going to kite all over the place!!1!". There are, of course, great players with these combinations, but the "bad" tends to outweigh the good in the PUG scene.
Drow Rogues - Commonly dex/int based, dump con, low HP, low fort ("I don't get hit!"), can't contribute outside of the trap bonus (which is used to make up for their -10% ding penalty).
Elven Rangers - While there are many good melee Rangers, and some good AA Rangers; most of the ones you'll see are AA builds that maxed DEX, dumped STR, don't carry melee weapons, don't carry Resists/FoM, dump con, have low HP and fort ("I don't get hit!"), and expect the party to cater to their kiting huge groups around while SLOWLY plinking them to death.
Those two combinations I cringe the most on.
Other class combinations that have a more even distribution of "good vs. bad":
Drow Sorcerers - Many are good, many dump con and don't compensate for their lower HP with items. Many lately don't carry Haste. I can understand not having Extend, or GH, but not Haste.
Drow Wizards - With Pale Master allowing for FAR better survival along with many other caster benefits, this combination is nowhere near as "cringeworthy" as it once was. Some PM's however still don't understand that they're not nearly immortal without getting the rare loot needed to make them so.
Warforged Barbarians - Far too many have not invested any time in acquiring Healing Amp gear (Blood docent shards are cheap and easily crafted or bought, and work great until you get a DT/Claw Set). Far too many feel that Healer's Friend 1 isn't even worth taking. When you run an epic Small Problem, and have to spend 6,000SP keeping one Barb up, while the rest of the group takes under 1,500SP for all five put together, there is a problem.
Among the 20-40 best power gamers and epicly geared players on my server, I don't think any of them has a rogue. Why? Because it's so easy to make an evoker or nuker that is able to do sooo much more than a rogue.
Any WF FvS built correctly can tank, offensive cast, heal & melee. And the rogue? Disable traps that can be avoided in 90% of the content.
In my opinion, monks have more syngergy. 2 more feats, better saves vs trapsmithing & SA.
Anyway, as I said, I agree a rogue correctly built can outDPS a barb but SERIOUSLY, that is THEORY, how many rogues with more than 350 HP do you see out there? Take the time to myDDO some of these "ubber" rogues and you'll laugh quite often.
End game content = higher fort = the end of rogue's paradise.
I laughed here.
WF FvS are far superior to those rogues. Granted, less DPS meleeing but then you have DP, BB, etc.
A rogue that can tank better than a WF with immunities & 35 DR?
Laughed again. You said SOME, the correct version is TOO MANY.
And you'll be surprised by the low number of people who 'know' the class.
As I said, I always accept anyone, even though it's a rogue, but I'm better of with a barb. At least, I'm not worried about the HP bar dropping to 0 in a few seconds.
And yes, I know a FEW rogues who really are excellent players.
Last edited by Symerith; 08-16-2011 at 03:54 PM.
Sithali-1 ~ 31/31 Lives ~ Completionist
The Sith Project ~ Youtube channel ~ Sithali, King of Burst DPS ~ Pyrene, the Endgame Paladin ~ Facebook!
If the rogue is grabbing aggro from the barb then they are both doing it wrong!
That depends on if the rogue player knows how to build and play a rogue, I know several very good rogues who regularly run epics, a friend of mine used to solo epic Claw of Vulkoor in a matter of minutes - less than 10, but I can't remember exactly. I run epics, and soloed some, on my pure assassin prior to TR'ing. A first life pure assassin will get 17D6 + 12 SA damage, stealing aggro means that sweet damage is lost. Many things will reduce the aggro you get such as rogue subtle backstab enhancement line, Tharnes set, several weapons have the threat reduction property. Add in correct tactics and use of bluff / diplo and you should never see a rogue steal aggro from a barb unless the barb is really badly built. Oh and my rogue had 517 HP before I TR'd, not including rage / madstone / yugo pots and only a +2 con tome.
Not allowed to have my own opinion?
The top 6 reasons why I'm always reluctant to accept a rogue in my raids are :
#6 DDO isn't just a paradise land where all mobs have 0% fort.
#5 Most rogues I see around are terribly built, with low HP.
#4 A lot of new players find the ranger and rogue class attracting and start with those, without "knowing" how to play one.
#3 The skills you talked about can be taken by oh so many other classes. That's just a terrible reason. Sad you think so.
#2 90% of the traps in end game content can be avoided and therefore makes the rogue less useful. (I almost said useless).
and #1 Because just like you, Smiter, a lot of rogues are morons who curse the healer or the tank.
Last edited by Symerith; 08-16-2011 at 04:12 PM.
Sithali-1 ~ 31/31 Lives ~ Completionist
The Sith Project ~ Youtube channel ~ Sithali, King of Burst DPS ~ Pyrene, the Endgame Paladin ~ Facebook!
I can say this for fact in the early lvls even GH I will take my rogue into S&B spam intim with subtle backstab off to pull aggro as I can maintain good AC and moderate damage especially with a RadII in hand.
I will let others do the DPS and save the whole party on Healing maintenance.
Its the PLAYER not the CLASS.
I am no good with an AA, but I have many friends that are. I would take their AA over a Horc Barb.
My friends expect me to be either on my evoker FvS or my Rogue. They get confused when thy say Bod get that trap, and I respond uhm not on my rogue.
I can see why people have issues with classes, but its the player, and to some degree gear.
The Kill count means nothing even the piker can dish out the last swing on a mob.
I'm probably going to take some heat from this..
Lets see what roles they can fulfil
Dps spot : no
heal spot: no
Traps : maybe.
overall rangers are just a mediocre class. They need revamped.
Exalted Tyrants-Anemoi-
-Cranke A Tune-
-Crankke Some Heals-
Artificer. They are so bad that I haven't seen anyone roll one yet.
Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)
Agreed, and that's why so many rangers and rogues suck. Because free players start playing with those classes, not knowing how to correctly build one. Let's be realistic, I'm not saying the rogue class in itself sucks, I'm saying most players who play a rogue do not know how to play one.
Sithali-1 ~ 31/31 Lives ~ Completionist
The Sith Project ~ Youtube channel ~ Sithali, King of Burst DPS ~ Pyrene, the Endgame Paladin ~ Facebook!
Any cleric with a name like "Blastmaster" or something like that.
Second choice would be folks with uber bizarre, gimpy builds - or sorc/wiz, or cleric/FvS - or something that just screams "I don't know what I'm doing".
But I don't think I've ever rejected anyone, actually.
Why a healer & a bard? Rogues are so awesome they don't need heals or buffs ! They can do it all !
Sithali-1 ~ 31/31 Lives ~ Completionist
The Sith Project ~ Youtube channel ~ Sithali, King of Burst DPS ~ Pyrene, the Endgame Paladin ~ Facebook!
Rangers have many things going against it IN ddo...they are better in PnP
They are missing a bunch of things
1. Rng combat is gimpt by default because DDO jacks up melee combat numbers of attacks per rnd way past PnP.
2. Rng animal companion is gimpt due to it's very low cr compared to it's masters level
3. Rng are SUPOSTED to be able to disarm traps as a cross class skill and also set traps.
4. Rng are SUPOSTED to be able to track...a unused skill in DDO, most D+D games allow Rng to track enemy on
mini map
Given all that...they are generally the weakest link in the combat classes
I see many responses of Ranger.
Early in the game's history ranger's were a shunned class and then with the release of the Tempest PrC, for a couple years they were the hottest dps class to have. With the release of other PrC's (Kensei/FB/Etc), it's funny to see it all come full circle.
The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular