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  1. #1
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Default Unconventional greensteel?

    It seems the established norm is to make Mineral II and Lightning II greensteel weapons, and situationally radiance and triple positives. Are there other weapon recipes people use for specific cases, or just for lulz?

    Related question regarding triple positives: the conventional wisdom seems to mandate creating a maul to break DR/blunt. Would a falchion be much worse? I'm wondering would the situational lack of DR breaking be offset by its massively better crit range ...

  2. #2
    Community Member Lurzifer's Avatar
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    Triple positive are usually the Undead beaters (especially Skeleton/Lich Beaters), therefore Mauls and Warhammers work the best due to highest base damage on Blunt.

    Since u cannot crit Undead, a Falchion is the worst choice with the lowest Base damage on a 2-hander GS
    Haek N' Slay (©ompletionist Juggernaut / Zeus Life 61 of 61)My Toon is better than your toon.Mitis Mors - Thelanis

  3. #3
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    It seems the established norm is to make Mineral II and Lightning II greensteel weapons, and situationally radiance and triple positives. Are there other weapon recipes people use for specific cases, or just for lulz?
    I made a Steam II instead of Lightning II, just to be different. Lower average DPS, sure, but plenty good enough for levelling 12 through 19, after which switch to Epic weaponry.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lurzifer View Post
    Triple positive are usually the Undead beaters (especially Skeleton/Lich Beaters), therefore Mauls and Warhammers work the best due to highest base damage on Blunt.

    Since u cannot crit Undead, a Falchion is the worst choice with the lowest Base damage on a 2-hander GS
    OK, good answer. Thanks.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    I made a Steam II instead of Lightning II, just to be different. Lower average DPS, sure, but plenty good enough for levelling 12 through 19, after which switch to Epic weaponry.
    Like this? Pretty cool, also has good alignment. I was toying with the idea of a simple triple fire weapon, since it's cheap.

  6. #6
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    I was wondering about the same thing recently. The problem is that some effects that sound good on paper like Disintegration and Enervation are coupled with rather sub-par effects (unholy/fire damage, acid absorption, etc). Sundering Ooze might be good, allowing for Icy blast and Icy burst, but I'd imagine that in epics, anything worth debuffing its AC would easily make a DC 40 Fort save.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suszterpatt View Post
    I was wondering about the same thing recently. The problem is that some effects that sound good on paper like Disintegration and Enervation are coupled with rather sub-par effects (unholy/fire damage, acid absorption, etc). Sundering Ooze might be good, allowing for Icy blast and Icy burst, but I'd imagine that in epics, anything worth debuffing its AC would easily make a DC 40 Fort save.
    Yup. Like SirValentine says, they'd probably be more useful against trash in the lower teen levels. Another one I was thinking of was an air guard weapon for offhand. Energy absorption looks pretty neat too, especially fire.

  8. #8
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    Like this? Pretty cool, also has good alignment.
    That's the idea, though I went with Holy/IcyBurst rather than Frost/GoodBurst. And a Greatsword instead of a Falchion, since I wanted something I could reuse when I do a WF FvS Lord Of Blades life in the future.

    It worked out pretty well for my intended purpose, and I still whip it out for cold-vulnerable opponents.

  9. #9
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Fire & Ice.

    Sometimes i see triple fire and ice GS. As the ultimate Anti Ele device.

    Plus of course incinerate or freeze.

    I made a slightly different version.

    Instead of triple fire i went double fire with Enervate.

    Additional advantage of dealing evil damage for those few good creatures we have to fight

    Instead of triple ice i went double ice with acid and Ooze.

    Rather than the Puddings proccing on being hit they proc every time the weapon deals damage.

    In my case the weapons are bows but they could be anything.

    The Enervate Bow is good but the real surprise package was the Ooze Bow

    Built mainly for fun the combo of IPS & manyshot through a mass of targets

    Procs Puddings like nobodies business. Effective and fun too

  10. #10
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    the real surprise package was the Ooze Bow

    Built mainly for fun the combo of IPS & manyshot through a mass of targets

    Procs Puddings like nobodies business. Effective and fun too
    That does sound fun. I'll keep that in mind for the future.

  11. #11
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    My AA made a Holy greensteel bow. Then she put Shocking Burst on it. Standard steps toward Lit2, right? Well, instead of dual Lit2 shard I just put Good Blast on that bow. I am not a power gamer; I play to have fun, and the grind involved in making Lit2 shard would have taken fun out of the game for me. It just was not worth the effort.

    Another unconventional GS weapon I have is a 30% Healing Amp dagger (10% from Tier 1 and 20% from Tier 2). When I can spare larges, I will make it 45% Healing Amp. The reason it is a dagger is so I could use it in different combinations --with a Superior Devotion shield, or in off-hand with a "real" weapon. Actually it may not be all that unconventional -- how many people have a dedicated healing amp stick?
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

    "Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

  12. #12
    Community Member BoBo2020's Avatar
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    Default If you are swimming in mats

    If you are swimming in mats, I like this totally worthless item on my monk:

    Shocking, Evil Burst, Shocking Blast Returning Shuriken of Soul Trapping (with Destruction clickie)

    Conceptually - really fun - I call it "pointy."

    In practice, it does **** damage, has a low fire rate, and is a short distance returner that occasionally scoops up a soul but inevitability leaves the gem on some unreachable platform.

    (avoid unholy if you are good aligned to avoid the neg level)


  13. #13
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    As bobo already mentioned with the changes in the Cannith crafting needing soul gems some of the Air + Negative weapons that provide 'Trap the Soul' may get some use. Additionally some casters may like to craft a Concordant Opposition weapon.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by suszterpatt View Post
    I was wondering about the same thing recently. The problem is that some effects that sound good on paper like Disintegration and Enervation are coupled with rather sub-par effects (unholy/fire damage, acid absorption, etc). Sundering Ooze might be good, allowing for Icy blast and Icy burst, but I'd imagine that in epics, anything worth debuffing its AC would easily make a DC 40 Fort save.
    Actually the sundering ooze is "chance on hit" effect, and trust me. It goes off often.

    Enervation I'd pass on myself (unless you get it as a guard on dragon touch. That seems to go off a decent amount.)

    Disintegrate is a very nice replacement for Lit II. Sure you have to go unholy so you do a d6 or 2d6 less depending on how you make it. My dice hate me so I count that as 1 or 2 points less each swing. Big deal. Pair it on a rouge, and who cares if you aren't beating DR so long as you get your sneak attack.

    Some people have been doing Vaccum as well for soul gems. At this exact moment I'd not do that unless you were bored. They seem to only be able to do 20 HD souls max (last I heard). I'm hoping they'll upgrade this ability.

    Last thought is that some people who are TWF, make up a tripple pos healing amp weapon for their off hand, or others elemental absorbtion. Such as tripple fire absorber weapon. I knew a WF melee, no UMD, no evasion, pairing that up with the glacial bracers from VoD for the cold shield, could actually solo Enter the Kobold. (This was back before TRs, etc.)

    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    Actually it may not be all that unconventional -- how many people have a dedicated healing amp stick?
    Several actually. Healing amp got a lot more prolific within the last year or so between PrEs, race, and new gear.
    Last edited by Missing_Minds; 08-16-2011 at 09:34 AM.

  15. #15
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    being a gs addict myself i have several random things... and this is all on one character :/
    lit 2 bow
    2x min II Khopesh one with 4 insight AC and other with +2 wisdom
    2x generic lit II khop
    triple fire absorption khopesh
    triple cold absorb khop
    ooze bow (this one is indeed fun. i play on same server as kracky and when he saw someone else besides himself had one he was in amazement haha. but yes IPS + manyshot = ooze city)
    30% healing amp longsword
    conc opp boots with major healing lore on them lol (purposely done)
    radiance boots
    air boots
    3x glove displacement clickies (these are all just tier2 though because gloves are cheap)
    min II helm
    smoke necklace

    i might destroy some of these if they ever introduce gs decon with a decent enough return since im mostly done with TRing on this char and a lot of these were only helpful during leveling/solo

  16. #16
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Just be careful of the puddings in dispel heavy areas. If they are hit by a Greater Dispel, they can turn on the party.

  17. #17
    Community Member badbob117's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Some people have been doing Vaccum as well for soul gems. At this exact moment I'd not do that unless you were bored. They seem to only be able to do 20 HD souls max (last I heard). I'm hoping they'll upgrade this ability.
    This is a big misunderstanding about TTS weps from shroud.

    VacuumII Shroud weapons do NOT have a HD limit. Only the spell and the souleater have a limit. I have been using trap the soul weapons in epic on just about every trash mob i can find for the last year and a half. They have a save and do not proc often. But i can verify they do not have a HD limit. I have trapped mobs souls with tons of hp in epics before the u9 hp nerf and continue to do so on a regular basis post u9. You can vacuum anything that is not a red or purple named just about. A bit of debuffing helps obviously do to the dc 30 save of the weapon or guard.

    VacuumII are a powerful weapon. A lot of players never give it a chance and end up missing out on its awesomeness. I never made my Vacuum II weapon for Soulgems. I made it to insta-kill epic Mobs and am not sorry i did.
    Born to play, Forced to work !

  18. #18
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by badbob117 View Post
    This is a big misunderstanding about TTS weps from shroud.

    VacuumII Shroud weapons do NOT have a HD limit. Only the spell and the souleater have a limit. I have been using trap the soul weapons in epic on just about every trash mob i can find for the last year and a half. They have a save and do not proc often. But i can verify they do not have a HD limit. I have trapped mobs souls with tons of hp in epics before the u9 hp nerf and continue to do so on a regular basis post u9. You can vacuum anything that is not a red or purple named just about. A bit of debuffing helps obviously do to the dc 30 save of the weapon or guard.

    VacuumII are a powerful weapon. A lot of players never give it a chance and end up missing out on its awesomeness. I never made my Vacuum II weapon for Soulgems. I made it to insta-kill epic Mobs and am not sorry i did.
    Epic Souleater doesn't have an HD limit either. I've trapped Sobrien in eClaw, and orange named earth and fire elementals in eSmallProblem with it; and they are immune to the spell.

    Making one or the other is definitely worth having in your "golf bag" once you have enough spare ingredients.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    Related question regarding triple positives: the conventional wisdom seems to mandate creating a maul to break DR/blunt. Would a falchion be much worse? I'm wondering would the situational lack of DR breaking be offset by its massively better crit range ...
    I was wondering that too. However, this is wrong:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lurzifer View Post
    Since u cannot crit Undead, a Falchion is the worst choice with the lowest Base damage on a 2-hander GS
    From the thread I started asking about trip pos:
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDjinnFor View Post
    On a critical hit, extra burst effects are applied even if the base damage isn't doubled. And, like posted, you get Greater Disruption which is +6d6 per hit plus a 3% chance to either kill a mob under 1000 hp instantly or deal 100 damage if over 1000 hp.

    In total, it's 1d10 +9d6 on hit, with an extra +8d6 on critical and an extra +4d6 on vorpal strikes. Then you get a 3% chance to perform a vorpal insta-kill or 100 damage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Immune to crit essentially means the base damage of the weapon + other base mods will not multiply in case of a crit. The effect damage of bursts and blasts still happens.
    My thinking is that 8d6 averages to 24 damage. I am including imp. crit for slashing, but not for blunt as I suspect that is how most builds are.

    Falchion crit range 15-20 = 6/20 or 30%
    .3*24=7.2 damage per hit.

    Maul crit range 20 = 1/20 or 5%

    Average base damage
    Falchion 2d6=6
    Maul 2d8=8

    Falchion gains (7.2-1.2=6) 6 average damage from crits, and looses (8-6=2) 2 damage from base weapon damage, resulting in a gain of 4 damage per swing.

    Against no DR Falchion wins, but against any blunt DR maul wins. DR blunt seems to be 15+, so against one of those it would come out way behind a maul.

    I have never gotten the whole weighted die thing.

  20. #20
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    It seems the established norm is to make Mineral II and Lightning II greensteel weapons, and situationally radiance and triple positives. Are there other weapon recipes people use for specific cases, or just for lulz?

    Related question regarding triple positives: the conventional wisdom seems to mandate creating a maul to break DR/blunt. Would a falchion be much worse? I'm wondering would the situational lack of DR breaking be offset by its massively better crit range ...
    All are good and have uses.

    But Min II has Keen (freeing up a feat) and is a good boss beater for just about every raid boss we have right now.

    Lit II has the lighting strike that does a whole lot of damage when it goes off.

    Radiance is awesome for Rogues.

    Triple Pos is cheap, and has an extra bonus against undead.

    That is why they are the most popular.

    I was considering either Earth Grab or the Ice (forget name) frozen effect as a CC idea.

    Trap the Soul would be useful for crafting, and works against most creatures.

    But IMO, they are all if you feel you just want to be different go for it.

    (I sacrificed Fire and Acid damage from my Rad and Min II so that I could have matching white flame effects...appearance counts in my book. )
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

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