Currency Accepted : Plat/FRDS/LDS <-- Priority Order
Also looking for Gloves of the Claw Scroll...
Offers via PM.
Scroll of the Ring of the Mire
Scroll of the Zephyr
Scroll of the Bracers of Deftness
Scroll of the Necklace of the Silver Prophecy
Scroll of the Unkors Cleaver
Scroll of the Hyena Claw Necklace
Scroll of the Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
Scroll of the Sirens Charm
Scroll of the Pouch of Jerky
Scroll of the Elyd Edge
Scroll of the Weathered Targe
Scroll of the Shard of Vollum
Scroll of the Bow of elements (air)
Scroll of the Bloodstone
Scroll of the Ravens talons
Scroll of the SoulEater
Scroll of the Ironwave Robe
Scroll of the Thornlord
Scroll of the Sting
Scroll of the Sirroco
Scroll of the Belt of the Mroranon
Scroll of the Ravens Sight
Scroll of the Charged Gaunglets (SOLD)
Tons of small n medium (not gonna list)
Items :
Deep Red Ioun Stone (With suppressed power) (Sold)
Tome Page VIII
Bloodstone (Sold)
Golden Greaves
Remlins Step
SkyVault Shield
Lenses of Doom
Collapsed Portable Hole x12
Some +2 Tomes
Greater Essences (All flavors)