Also Remi, I'll gladly take a GS blank for that sour darkcap you got from me the other day in abbot channel.
Mail some GS goggles to Tserina, and we'll call it even
Also Remi, I'll gladly take a GS blank for that sour darkcap you got from me the other day in abbot channel.
Mail some GS goggles to Tserina, and we'll call it even
Your prices seem fair, but, obviously they are only good if people are paying what you are asking. However, you shouldn't expect people to stay out of your business, when YOU make your business public. Good luck.
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I agree with the OP. Nothing gets my goat more than when people take it upon themselves to express their unsolicited opinions on whether or not an item is over priced or not. These busy-bodies who have nothing better to do in-game than open their big mouths trying to ruin a deal for someone are a pox on society. They do it on the forums too.... Just look at many of the posts up on the marketplace sections and quite often you see people posting their ridiculous opinions. There's nothing wrong with trying to make some Plat.
Last I seen you wanted 2 LDS for a blank. That is too much for me. I never said anything, I just didn't buy. I have always paid 1 LDS for blanks, like I just did the other day.
Really doesn't shock me you were getting tells, some people just can't ignore stuff and move on.
Last edited by UrbanPyro; 04-01-2014 at 01:45 PM.
/Trade is a public channel. Use it and expect a public response.
Having said that, I've bought GS blanks from Unreliable at his price and would do so again.
But this isn't really about his price it is about the response he gets. I really don't see any way that posting this thread will have any impact on that
i obtained my first GS Great axe from him, no grind necessary. Just 1 LDS and Boom i had it... to those that are saying its to high priced well... go grind and obtain the ingredients and do it urself. Thanx unreliable for the great buisness..
Destrukshun TR Lvl 16 Barbarian Healndra Lvl 20 Cleric
Err 500k is less than you would pay for the ingredients on the AH Atm.
Some are 150k a pop,as i just found out.
That is an incredibly reasonable price.
I'd love a GS Warhammer blank if you have one?
I'd happily give you two LDS
Last edited by krackythehoodedone; 09-05-2011 at 01:38 PM.
I have to agree with the sheer worthlessness of this... regardless of WHAT the item being sold is, actually.
I've had this happen to me for stupid stuff like collectables, motes of mabar last year, etc.
IMHO, if an item is too high, WHAT POSSIBLE value comes from /telling someone the price is too high?
When I was /trading a ioun stone a while back, a guy came back and rather than saying "that's too high", he instead /[told] me "I'll give you [blah] plus [blah2]?" I counter-countered, and we made a deal with which both of us were happy.
If you see a price on trade that's too high, you have three possible responses that are of value to the whole deal, dufi (that's plural of dufus): 1) ignore, stay silent 2) accept 3) counter offer.