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  1. #1
    Community Member Unreliable's Avatar
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    Default Stop sending me tells saying X amount is too much for GS blanks!!

    Hey, to all you people that keep sending me tells when I use the trade channel that 500k, 600k, sometimes even 400k (or 1 LDS) is way to much to charge for a GS blank and that they are worth a lot less: Stop.

    If you think this, go farm the ingrediants yourself or buy them off the ah.

    Maybe when you have to run coal chamber 8 times to get your 2-3 funk you will finally realize that 400-500k is not such a bad deal afterall.

    Maybe when your 500k can only get you a couple pebbles, maybe a funk on the ah and leaves you with still 6-8 of your ingrediants (and the signet stone) you still need to collect to make your GS blank youl think otherwise.

    Tired of people sending me tells saying I charge too much, its really starting to bother me. If you dont want to buy or you dont have anything usefull to say dont send me a tell about my prices. I know what I am doing, I have sold well over 200 greensteel blanks and I do not need your advice on what you think they are worth.


  2. #2
    Community Member blkcat1028's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unreliable View Post
    Hey, to all you people that keep sending me tells when I use the trade channel that 500k, 600k, sometimes even 400k (or 1 LDS) is way to much to charge for a GS blank and that they are worth a lot less: Stop.

    If you think this, go farm the ingrediants yourself or buy them off the ah.

    Maybe when you have to run coal chamber 8 times to get your 2-3 funk you will finally realize that 400-500k is not such a bad deal afterall.

    Maybe when your 500k can only get you a couple pebbles, maybe a funk on the ah and leaves you with still 6-8 of your ingrediants (and the signet stone) you still need to collect to make your GS blank youl think otherwise.

    Tired of people sending me tells saying I charge too much, its really starting to bother me. If you dont want to buy or you dont have anything usefull to say dont send me a tell about my prices. I know what I am doing, I have sold well over 200 greensteel blanks and I do not need your advice on what you think they are worth.

    WAY TOO MUCH!!! Just kidding

    500k for a green steel blank seems pretty fair to me.
    "You know how sometimes when you’re drifting off to sleep you feel that jolt, like you were falling and caught yourself at the last second? It’s nothing to be concerned about, it’s usually just the parasite adjusting its grip." -David Wong

  3. #3
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    Yea 500k for GS blank sounds about right. Think I once paid 700k and that felt a bit much. But yea if you feel it is too much feel free to run all those quests again...and again...and again. Personally I dislike those quests enough that I only want to run them once / character and rather buy the blanks or missing ings.

    But tradechannel is what it is. There is always some moron who feel the need to laugh at the prices and insult your person for it and then a few minutes later you get somebody who buys it at that value. I personally dislike the trade channel drama enough that I sell in AH even though I would get more from trading without AH.

    The only times I feel the need to comment is when someone is spamming like mad. Prices: If you are interested in the item but feel the price is bit too much make an offer.

    Oh and wow...over 200 GS blanks. Thats a LOT of grinding mate. Gratz...I guess.

  4. #4
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    Man, I remember when gold was the standard and prices werent so flipping ridiculous.

    500k GOLD sounds about right. plat well not really but in todays *plat standards sounds right.

    but really? sorry for possible thread de-railment but since this is a semi rant thread im going to rant..

    Does it annoy some of the vets here to see the prices of everything go up? I use to get icy burst its 350k gold and it was lovely. now its 350k plat.

    Its frustrating to say the least.

  5. #5
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    From people ive run into that sell blanks 500k is the going rate, so 1 LDS is perfectly fair, I'd trade ya 1 for it

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unreliable View Post
    Hey, to all you people that keep sending me tells when I use the trade channel that 500k, 600k, sometimes even 400k (or 1 LDS) is way to much to charge for a GS blank and that they are worth a lot less: Stop.

    If you think this, go farm the ingrediants yourself or buy them off the ah.

    Maybe when you have to run coal chamber 8 times to get your 2-3 funk you will finally realize that 400-500k is not such a bad deal afterall.

    Maybe when your 500k can only get you a couple pebbles, maybe a funk on the ah and leaves you with still 6-8 of your ingrediants (and the signet stone) you still need to collect to make your GS blank youl think otherwise.

    Tired of people sending me tells saying I charge too much, its really starting to bother me. If you dont want to buy or you dont have anything usefull to say dont send me a tell about my prices. I know what I am doing, I have sold well over 200 greensteel blanks and I do not need your advice on what you think they are worth.

    Why is it that people like to gank your chain.
    Do you make yourself that big of a target all the time?
    Almost every post you put up on the forums is of inflamatory nature.

    Please If you do not like the feedback then just stick them on the AH.

    How thin skinned are you anyway?
    If you want to be the center of public attention then you will get the good along with the bad.
    If you whine about it you will only pull that much more aggro.

  7. #7
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxpwnedxx View Post
    Man, I remember when gold was the standard and prices werent so flipping ridiculous.

    500k GOLD sounds about right. plat well not really but in todays *plat standards sounds right.

    but really? sorry for possible thread de-railment but since this is a semi rant thread im going to rant..

    Does it annoy some of the vets here to see the prices of everything go up? I use to get icy burst its 350k gold and it was lovely. now its 350k plat.

    Its frustrating to say the least.
    Wrong. Prices did not change with switching to plat as the standard, in fact this is why we all embraced the switch to plat, the extra zeroes would have been getting out of hand and the PLAYERBASE started using plat as a base for all trades long before it became the standard for the game. The game changed to accommodate the players.

    I spent over 1 million plat (yes, plat) on icy bursts when they first came out: I didn't have time to learn to do the jumping myself, and 1 mill plat means very little to said vets. (Second time around I had a blast doing the jumps, even sold 1 or 2 spare kits)
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  8. #8
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victorhammer View Post
    Why is it that people like to gank your chain.
    Do you make yourself that big of a target all the time?
    Almost every post you put up on the forums is of inflamatory nature.

    Please If you do not like the feedback then just stick them on the AH.

    How thin skinned are you anyway?
    If you want to be the center of public attention then you will get the good along with the bad.
    If you whine about it you will only pull that much more aggro.
    One has a right to play without harassment. If you do not like an offer, you don't buy it. If you think it's too expensive, go do it yourself, or better yet, do it yourself and offer it cheaper. Sending tells to the seller is frankly just rude unless you are interested in buying and are trying to make a counter offer.
    Last edited by Solmage; 08-16-2011 at 12:40 AM.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    One has a right to play without harassment. If you do not like an offer, you don't buy it. If you think it's too expensive, go do it yourself, or better yet, do it yourself and offer it cheaper. Sending tells to the seller is frankly just rude unless you are interesting in buying and are trying to make a counter offer.
    You do not get it do you. Nobody thinks it is to expensive. That is not why they do this. They do it because it invokes a response. Then he feeds them with a post like this on the forum.
    And I do not even play on your server.

  10. 08-15-2011, 08:12 AM

  11. #10
    Community Member Arnhelm's Avatar
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    For people who send such tells, I politely say, "Thank you for your opinion". If they persist, I report them for chat harassment.
    Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.

  12. #11
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnhelm View Post
    For people who send such tells, I politely say, "Thank you for your opinion". If they persist, I report them for chat harassment.
    Sounds like a good way to handle it.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  13. #12
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    How aobut if I post in your thread saying X is too much for your greensteal ?

    Really though, if you post something in a trade channel, then you should expect people to comment on what THEY think it's worth. Either way.... They're worth to YOU what you want for them, who cares if someone else thinks they're worth less, don't talk to them

  14. #13
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnhelm View Post
    For people who send such tells, I politely say, "Thank you for your opinion". If they persist, I report them for chat harassment.
    Standard on my server is 1 LDS = 1 blank. 1 LDS = 300-500k. You're amount seems normal to me.

    Personally, when this happens I ask them, "oh how much is it worth?" They usually respond with something low like 100k.

    They I politely ask, "have any to sell, buying for 100k."

    Tells stop quickly after that. Even better type /trade, "sorry guys buy so so is selling them for 100k." and watch as he gets spammed for the next 30 minutes with people trying to rip him off as he was trying to rip you off.

  15. #14
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    fair price indeed, if ever i needed one a lds is fine

  16. #15
    The Hatchery BrightAsh's Avatar
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    500k??? you're cheap, get your butt over Thelanis man

  17. #16
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syllph View Post
    Standard on my server is 1 LDS = 1 blank. 1 LDS = 300-500k. You're amount seems normal to me.

    Personally, when this happens I ask them, "oh how much is it worth?" They usually respond with something low like 100k.

    They I politely ask, "have any to sell, buying for 100k."

    Tells stop quickly after that. Even better type /trade, "sorry guys buy so so is selling them for 100k." and watch as he gets spammed for the next 30 minutes with people trying to rip him off as he was trying to rip you off.
    I like this idea

  18. #17
    The Hatchery Paleus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syllph View Post
    Even better type /trade, "sorry guys buy so so is selling them for 100k." and watch as he gets spammed for the next 30 minutes with people trying to rip him off as he was trying to rip you off.
    ^ This. I approve this idea. Though, it might be kind of the kicking yourself to do it since people will go to that person over you, at least until the tellers learn to stop bugging you because you will give as good as you get.

    Quote Originally Posted by xxpwnedxx View Post
    Man, I remember when gold was the standard and prices werent so flipping ridiculous.

    Does it annoy some of the vets here to see the prices of everything go up? I use to get icy burst its 350k gold and it was lovely. now its 350k plat.

    Its frustrating to say the least.
    Its also frustrating when people associate correlation with causation. Over time, prices of most goods in this game have gone up, though I would actually say they have fluctuated, I've seen some things go down lately depending on where you draw your comparison point. During that time, Turbine released half-elves, converted gold standard to plat, and a bunch of people have been accumulating plat from questing with no real plat drain (crafting, AH fees aside). Well, there's no fooling me, I know the true culprits. I say we tar and feather the smooth faced bastiches for ruining our economy. Who's with me!
    Kobold never forgive....kobold remember waterworks.

    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    i'll be putting a bug into our system.

  19. #18
    Community Member gloopygloop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    Wrong. Prices did not change with switching to plat as the standard, in fact this is why we all embraced the switch to plat, the extra zeroes would have been getting out of hand and the PLAYERBASE started using plat as a base for all trades long before it became the standard for the game. The game changed to accommodate the players.
    Were you not paying attention during the gold to plat switch? Every server saw significant jumps in price on the AH and soon after in /trade when that change was made.

    I do agree that the game was changed to accommodate the players, but prices certainly did increase significantly as soon as the change was made.

    ...and for the OP, I actually do send those /tells to people in /trade chat sometimes. Mostly when someone is asking for a price that they are extremely unlikely to get, so that they don't end up wasting days in /trade chat without ever selling the item. I see a whole lot of +3 Cursespewing Light Hammers of Everbright and similar advertised for three times the base price.

    That said, I think that you are asking a completely reasonable price for your blanks.

  20. #19
    Community Member Arshan's Avatar
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    Assuming ye need 12 ingredients to make a blank, and that most of the ingredients are at 50k+ (very often at 120k for twigs and funk...), we have 12 x 50 = 60k. You are proposing very cheap prices. In addition you add the signet stone, which requires indeed a run of each vale quest.
    In my opinion a GS blank is not about the difficulty to get it, but the time it takes. You offer people to save time, and 500k is a very good price for it. As you said if they think it's too expensive they can go farm it themselves.
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  21. #20
    Community Member Yvonnel-1's Avatar
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    its a fair price after all and as long as it sells i dont think everyone thinks its too much - guess mainly ppl who are too greedy to spend their coins on ur business and are too lazy to farm themselfes think so, so why care
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