I AM A NOOB WHEN IT COMES TO GREEN STEEL. I have never made any green steel so far, my highest level is lvl 17 that has just enough materials for a SINGLE green steel item. I am well aware that I can't wear two GS items (Not weapons) untill they're cleansed, and I have researched the issue quite a lot.
Hello, I would like you to tell me how I should gear up my toons with green steel items. I used this site to play around with the items: http://rpgamerd00d.150m.com/DDOCraftingCalculator.html
First is my cleric, he is a pure caster cleric (I.E no melee), that focuses mainly on healing and crowd control.
I use the Staff of Fleshshaping (http://ddowiki.com/page/Staff_of_Fleshshaping) and I don't think I can come up with any better Green Steel weapon or even two, but if you think you can please be my guest. He can also use the goggles slot for a GS item. I would also like one of the item to give as much exceptional wisdom, and as much SP As possible.
Next is my blizst guy (12ftr\6brb\2rog), he uses two khopesh, I'd like to get as much exceptional strength bonus on him as possible, and also utilize the goggles slot for a green steel item.
My sorcerer, air savant that also uses water spells, so increased SP, lighting \ ice lore and all the stuff that can increase my spell power.
Last but not least is my THF paladin, due to the awesomeness of the Epic SOS I don't think I will need any green steel weapon for him, so again the goggles slot for anyothing that can benefit a paladin. You might as well offer a GS weapon (Falchion prefered[?!]).
Thank you all in advance!