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    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Default Automated bug report forum

    Automated bug report forum:

    At the top of the screen, you see dev tracker/service tracker/submit a bug/etc. etc. I would suggest firstly a new option that says "reported bugs" so that players can easily and quickly see this, and add their tally (getting to the tally soon, bear with me please)

    This "reported bugs" could be set into subcategories on opening, similar to basic forums, i.e.: bags> inventory> quests> hirelings> raids>etc.etc. with additional subgroups inside for each hireling/raid/quest whatever, so that players could click on the sub group and then see "threads" such as "shared bank transfer eating items", or "hireling not healing" etc etc. (I admit, I have not given a huge amount of thought into this, just had the idea pop into my head).

    Now, how it would function: A player submits a bug report, this bug report would be automatically sent to the report forum, a forum where players can NOT post in in any way, yet devs can just so players could see they are there and watching, if necessary, but there would be a simple icon in each subgroup of each sub category with a simple icon similar to the like/dislike option on facebook minus the dislike part,(I would suggest using the wording of "also affected by this bug with a clickie) meaning, if the bug affects you, you can click the icon, and you are tallied as one of the players affected, if the bug does NOT affect you, then move along, nothing for you to do, because bugs that do not affect you, ultimately have no relevance to you.

    This would allow for a more accurate means of tracking how serious each bug is as far as gameplay/player base goes, just based on the tally, that can allow for more dev time saved by not having to read each and every bug report submitted, also will set precedence of fix.

    I know, I am poor at explaining my thoughts, always have been, so please, continue to bear with me.

    This system would have to be a player account based system, similar to the ddo store, meaning, that you can only be tallied one single time for each sub group per account, this would have to be a MUST or the system would be massively fraught with abuse.

    Now, if you are in game, and submit a bug, this would count as your "tally" and be automatically applied to the sub group tally, and further bug reports from you o the same issue are automatically round filed, or done the old fashioned way and have to be read. (This would require a keyword search of every bug report by every player to even be viable at the least)

    What this will allow for:

    Players could easily access the report forum, and see if this is a common bug, and if so, add to it, if not, submit a report. This would also allow new players that do not understand the system, to still file bug reports through the ? just like now.

    Players could also see whether a dev or Q&A has made a comment of the bug........

    And mostly, it would enable majmalphunction to have his bug report forum without the current concerns he has expressed in other threads of the problems he could see down the road....No players would be able to post in the threads, just add a tick to the tally.

    Players could then actually feel as if their bug reports are actually doing something as well, because I know, most people (myself included) really feel like what the hell is the point in reporting it, it does no good.

    Would allow for an easier system for the devs to see what they need to focus on that is affecting more players as far as fixes go, just based on simple numbers.

    Now, I am fully aware of how difficult implementation would be. My old man is a major computer techno geek in his 60's, still programming hard, and he and I chatted the other night about what something like this would take, but he said he could likely have something functioning in this manner in about a month on his own, the hardest part for him would be setting up the account based system where hundreds of thousands or even millions of of accounts had to be taken into account, but for my suggestion, the system is already here, and we call it the ddo store.

    Please note, I am largely computer ignorant, and do not know how to italicize (wasting your time to attempt to instruct me) so I use caps to show what should otherwise be in italics. I am not yelling when I use them for a word here and there. (you know who you are and why I am forced to state this)

    That was my suggestion. I look forward to expanded ideas and criticism, but I won't really be paying attention only between farm runs while waiting out timers.

    More to follow as I remember what I forgot to add, as I actually remember it.......I think.......
    Last edited by puget; 08-15-2011 at 02:46 AM.

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