I am excited to announce the KorthosCast whom has recently jumped right into DDO's podcasting community is now a part of DDO's Official Fansites listings. KorthosCast is dedicated toward creating a perspective of gaming for both new and old players while taking a look at not only gaming mechanics, but the mechanics of a party based MMO. So sit back, relax, and slip on your favorite Sahuagin skinned slippers. We will be stepping into the World of Dungeons and Dragons Online and experiencing it with a whole new perspective! You are more than welcome to leave comments on the website, on my twitter, or even shoot me an email with any questions, comments, or concerns. It has been a lot of work putting everything together but it has been incredibly fun and I look forward to continuing to express perspectives within the game we all enjoy.

You can check out the site at Korthoscast.webs.com

Check out previous episodes!

Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3

Contact Me!
Twitter: DDOKobay
Email: Korthoscast@yahoo.com