Seems to me that once you reach level 20 the game becomes less interesting. I see some players that run epic quests to get epic equipment so that they can more easily run eipc quests and raids. Problem for me is that running epic quests to get equipment so I can more easily run epic quests is a little fruitless and, since I very seldom fail in a raid with non-epic equiped players, it also seems fruitless to run eipc to equip for raids. My idea is this. Start a DDO Eipc game. The game would have its own servers and be a separate charge. This way you would run your characters up to level 20 in DDO. Nothing would change there. You could still run epic and better equip. Once ready, you could transfer the character to the DDO Eipc servers at no charge. You could not transfer back. Then you could run the character in epic to level 40. All equipment, end rewards, etc would be scaled appropriately in the epic version. My feeling is that some players would transfer their characters to DDO epic and quit DDO, some would never transfer to DDO eipc. Since the only way to get to DDO eipc would be to run the character to level 20 in DDO, I suspect most players would be paying for both. Maybe even offer a discount if playing both. I would suspect that, initially, they woudn't even have to have new quests on epic. Same quests that are in DDO but scaled to level 21.