I'm TRing from a fighter to a monk in the near future and wanted some ideas on what items would be good to have ready. I plan to be half-elf and solo often but not all the time.
I'm TRing from a fighter to a monk in the near future and wanted some ideas on what items would be good to have ready. I plan to be half-elf and solo often but not all the time.
Last edited by Newbie; 08-12-2011 at 03:37 PM.
TRing is an extremely fun experience and can be done in an infinite number of ways. My best advice would be to try and round off as many 20th raid completions as you can, have a few twink lowbie items waiting for you at each few levels, and just enjoy playing your character again and don't worry about the exp - long as your playing quests at or below level, you will be fine. The funnest part is leveling and achieving your new set of equipment. lowbie raid equipment is particularly awesome while leveling, for instance the von series raid gear and the demon queen raid gear. of course the vod/hound gear is great as well when you get that high.
Oh, and don't turn into one of those jerks who gets mad every time someone dies because you lose 10% expyou'll live.
Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.
I would also recommend getting enough favor with House P, before TR'ing, to get your pendant of time so you can still motor around public areas like Speedy Gonzalez and making sure you have enough Silver Flame favor to get the Blessing of the Silver Flame.
Ask for an extra Blessing token and put it in your bank before you TR then after TR'ing eat it for a little bump in SP/HP recovery in taverns/public areas.
If you have enough Yugo favor and plat, buy a few stacks of Yugo pots.
Other than that, having a couple hundred CSW pots, haste pots, etc. isn't bad either.
Gungpao - lvl 7 mnk/ 12ftr/ 1 rog, Quinidine - lvl 20 FvS, Harshuul - lvl 20 Barb, Diluadid - lvl 20 FvS, Ibbanez- lvl 20 bard, Mongorrian 12 Ftr/6 Brb/ 2 Rog, Yellowcab 9 Wiz.
Before starting my monk TRs I went around and gathered up many of the named handwraps from the different adventure chain.
The Fernian handwraps from Threnal (IIRC) are nice for your triple fire finisher as you rush through waterworks and other places.
Most of them are pretty decent and have no minimum levels on them so you can use them right away off the boat.
For a monk I would also suggest having a Shroud HP item made. This is a great boost to your HP at lvl 11. I went triple earth for the concentration boost and the earth grab but others would be benifical as well.
If you can stomach a few runs through the Shadow Crypt adventure, getting a pair of Devout Handwraps would be a nice thing to have as well.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the ElderIryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, VisUbique eo, invenio me esse ducem hominium.