Looking for some clarification on how this whole thing works.
A lengthy discussion ensued last night after I upped my "Healers Friend" Enhancement line to mitigate the complaining heard from healers. Now don't get me wrong, I know that healing warforged sucks ... but I am starting to wonder if there is anything that can be done about. **Beyond tons of uber gear, of course**
The wiki does a good job of explaining the DDO math involved and I think I get that part, see this site for a refresher -
The character I'm playing has 800+ hp most of the time (20 fighter, barb past life, madstone, etc.) and tends to be a damage and mana sponge.
There were multiple schools of thought and I'd like to hear if one, all, or none of these makes sense to rest of you.
The difficulties encountered when healing this character is due to -
1) Inherent warfarged inadequacies. WF start 50% less and only get up to "normal" with gear and enhancements. The rest of the fleshy party, on the other hand, is at >+30% amp and when compared to the WF ... well, the WF looks real bad.
2) Spell choice. Considering that most fleshies are at >+30% amp, most healers use Cure Mass/Moderate which may top a fleshy and leave a WF still less than full.
3) Topping this character with mass cures is not wise. Lower amp and higher max hp means this guy will always need a personal heal spell to get topped off.
And one that I can't find any confirmation for anywhere:
4) The DC's of the healer's conjuration spells is not high enough to overcome WF "resistance". This confused me the most since I don't think characters save against "friendly" spells (PvP and Pale Master forms excluded). The explanation here was that critical heals will happen more often against non-warforged because the DC is lower for a fleshy.
Anyone got a better grasp on this?