Welcome to the DDO Cocktail Hour where we discuss the social aspects of Dungeons and Dragons Online, Eberron Unlimited. This week we talk all about trolling, what it is and isn’t and troll our way through DDO community forums and the internet in general! Craziness ensues! We also touch on Atificers and easing some of the XP grind for your TR! Listen to find out why Samius hates everything and everyone! Thanks so much for listening!

Here is the link for the episode! Just left click and play or right click and “save as” to download!

You can also listen from our home on cyberears Or ddococktailhour.com

Intro: Trololo

Cowboys and Aliens!
Adan Maskery’s Alcoholic Apothecary, Black Loch Coffee

Trolling! What is it? Why do it? Why do we do it?

Let’s Troll!
Cleverbot! What is that?

Trolling Twitter!
Jason Momoa, mmmmmmm

Trolling Blogs (Shamless self promotion)
Lessah (Minecraft) - Samius

Trolling other podcasts:
Kalari’s Thread of the Week, Should I shave my armpirt hair?

Putting your Politics on Others.

Trolling Forums!

Worst Shroud Pug Ever
If I had a Time Machine!
Trolling Ourselves on the Forums!
Who do you Miss from the good old days? By Parvo
How much would you rather have Druid than Artificer? also by Parvo
Alias, who needs em? By Jacoboon
Alias’ and You, Text Macros By Thalion

Wardrobe of the Warrior

Reach us at:
90IPWNU00/ 904-796-8001
Samius' MY DDO
Lessah's MY DDO

Outro and Toast!

But be responsible, don't drink and drive and don't drink durning a raid unless your in the shroud.

Don't for get to visit ddococktailhour.com

Follow Us on Twitter!
@MichaelsrROTT -> Adan Maskery's new twitter.
