The Matrix is now recruiting 5 new competant members.
*About the Matrix
We are a level 79 Raiding guild that focuses on end game raiding and pushing our characters to the limits.
We like to keep as drama free as possible, and to just have fun with the game.
Adventure Packs.
The packs you must have are Amrath, Sands, VoN, Necro 4, and Vale. We usually run all of these raids weekly, some up to twice a week.
*not a requirment but a very important pack is devil assault. We usually run echrono... alot.
Must have 1 level 20 character with the adventure packs listed above.
Must have some knowledge of end game. You do not need to know everything about everything, but be able/ready to learn them.
An open mind, A lot of people in matrix like to build 'builds' and we are proud of the knowledge we have on them. Be able to accept critque on your build and/or your gear.
USA...playtime: All the time.
If interested talk to pele/kado/storms.