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Ok, here's the thing: Chimera Vitality gives you Energy of the Chimera. Energy of the Chimera is a special hp bonus that stacks with all other hp bonuses, including other Energy of the Chimera's, as long as they have different numerical values. Depending on how many dragonmarks you have, Chimera Vitality either gives you Energy of the Chimera I, II, or III, for 10, 15, or 20 hp, respectively. But it's NOT cumulative. Meaning if you get Energy of the Chimera II from your Chimera Vitality because you have 2 dragonmarks, you just get the 15 hp, not the 10 and 15 hp. If you have 3 marks, you get Energy of the Chimera III from Chimera Vitality, giving you 20 hp, but you do not get the 10 or 15 hp from Energy of the Chimera I and II.
It's a little confusing how the helm has abilities giving other abilities, but if I remember right, having an item check feats like this was new tech for the time, and it's implementation was a bit more...wrinkled.
In short, Chimera's Crown gives you bonus hp depending on how many marks you have. 1 mark gets you +10 stacking hp, total. 2 marks gets you +15 stacking hp, total. 3 marks gets you +20 stacking hp, total. Each of these values has a name (Energy of the Chimera I, II, or III), and you get an Energy of the Chimera from Chimera Vitality (which, itself, does not grant any hp--it just grants one Energy of the Chimera variant, determined by the number of dragonmark feats you have).