Last edited by KreepyKritter; 08-11-2011 at 08:06 PM.
Badly and rushed.
I translated 8-26 as 4d6+4 (which is wrong that would be 8-28) and included it in the per-level notation. So I didn't even do my bad math correctly, as 5d6+4 * 20 would have been 100d6+80.
Regardless, a comma or use of parenthesis might make it obvious which part is per level and which part is not. Even though I know better, it still looks like 40d10+80+20d6 at 20th level to me.
For that matter, a better brain might work too. Sadly that is not an option.
I think the normal convention for this would have been "1d6 per level + 2d10+6", But really, that is a weird set of numbers regardless, I suppose due to the weighted d10s?
OK, one more question. Are the blasts from runearms affected by Potency or other spell boosts?
So... lets see what multi-class/PrE combinations will gimp the Arti so far...
Ranger is pretty much a no go, AA is out, and unless having a rune arm counts as dual wielding, so is Tempest.
Stalwart Defender is a no, but Kensai seems viable.
I'm always leary about multi-classed casters (IE: Bard/Sorc), but this guy might not suck as an Arti/Wizard PM, summoner. Though the pet will likely not advance beyond your Artificer levels so that's out.
Rogue splashes are usually a go-to, but in this case the Artificer's existing skill-set seems to make him more Batman than Batman.
It's been stated that Rune-arms are non-ki, so no-monk splash.
I don't see Arti meshing well with much of anything at the moment that won't turn it gimpy, except Kensai Fighter.
I expect this to change after some thorough play-testing and tinkering by our resident builders, but at first blush it looks like a pure-build is probably the way to go.
I think splashing 2 Monk or Rog for evasion will be necessary if you want to focus on your trap skills. I don't see a pure Artificer surviving some of the high level traps with out evasion to be able to disable them.
As for other classes It really depends on if they give the free Artificer feats (at 4,8,12,16,20) and what they allow us to take.
A level of wizard might be nice just for the extra spell points and Arcane echoes. Plus it would give you another feat spot for Augmented Summoning.
My plan was making a 2mnk/18Art Elf Arcane Archer. I still might do this. I would lose the imbues from the rune arms on my bow attacks but would still benefit form the Artificers buff spells and the AA imbues. Also nothing would be stopping me from switching to a runearm and wands when I was waiting for Manyshot to refresh.
i expect to see plenty of splashes.
2 fighter adds haste boost, 2 feats (and it's looking like many artificers are going to be hybrid caster/melee, so bonus feats are going to be very nice), some extra hit points, some proficiencies (which means you don't have to blow your one infusion per item on master's touch).
2 monk adds evasion, 2 feats, a bit more hit points (not as much as fighter, but still more). you may not be offensively centered most of the time, but defensively centered is also fairly easy should you have enough wisdom for it to matter.
2 rogue adds stealth/social skills, evasion, sneak attack, haste boost.
heck, even 2 barbarian adds sprint boost, faster movement, lots of hit points, and the option to rage.
and i wouldn't even be surprised to see up to 4 levels in splashes (level 16 for blade barrier and reconstruct, then 2 rogue/monk and 2 fighter).
but of course, we'll have to see the final details on what artificer has to offer on it's own. who knows, maybe the capstone will be really awesome. but really, i wouldn't go remotely so far as to suggest that we have enough information to determine what artificer builds will look like.
It seems to me that the Rune Arm is replacing the "shield" so if you have a viable "Sword and Board" build (That isn't DR related) then it "May" work with some artificer splash.
Oh wait.. one handed attack speed and damage is gimp..
There had better be some awesome XBows added to the game, as thats the only weapon I can ever see wielding as an Artificer, and thats only if these Rune Arms actually turn out to be effective in the first place.
The "charge" up requires that you hold the shift/block key to charge, so I'm guessing all you can do while it charging is tumble around (assuming tumbling doesn't break charge). So if the charge time is too long and/or you cant buff the damage from these with other abilties, then people may not even use them.
So I guess Tumble will become an important skill with the a rune arm build?
How about an 18sorc/2art ? Hmmm may not be enough INT for trapsmithery. Wiz18/art2 then, although I'm not seeing that a whole lot better that using rog in the multi-mix. Maybe worse due to no evasion?
I'm going to make a full-on artificer just to explore the capabilities I think before trying any multi.
I was thinking 17wiz/3art as the new trapsmith wizard hybrid to grab insightful strike and/or the level 1 and level 2 curative admixtures. Loses evasion, gains AoE healing and INT bonus to attack.
Then I decided I would prefer evasion if I splashed, or just stay pure on a wizzie. The other abilities don't seem worth it.
I would say artificer 16 / monk 2 / fighter 2 for buffs, evasion, and a lot of feats to go with the trap skills and a pet. Probably a WF who has reconstruct, blade barrier, and deadly weapon (once we find out what it does) available. Self buffing, self healing, trapfinding, melee build with some ranged options. And might buff other player too when feeling generous.
We need more info for less speculation.![]() Posted by Turbine
I wonder what the chances are of the Artificer being released with a PrE ... ?
Agreed...please Eladrin gives us back our normal Dice Notation...if you want to keep the "special" translation please put it in small text at the bottom after flavour text.
You me RXBows (repeaters) right :P
You also lose tier 3 palemaster or tier 5 archmage.
I'm actually happy you can't use makes it unique not just another contender for AA.
Last edited by Failedlegend; 08-12-2011 at 08:26 AM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan