Wishbone (Suspension)
Wishbone (Suspension)
Murderthumbs McGillicutty - 20 Light Monk -+- Traumaturge - 20 Water Savant -+- Targetov Opportunity - 20 Defender of Siberys
Are you bored enough to waste scales on a Min II Shuriken? Try this!
ETA: I expect armies of metal-mutts named K-9 will lay siege to the Marketplace. Mark the day.
Last edited by KreepyKritter; 08-11-2011 at 08:23 PM.
We get a class with a HAND CANNON and a ROBOT DOG and NO ONE, I MEAN NO ONE mentions RUSH!!!
Side note: Any chance theres a choice of constructs..not just the dog?
Last edited by Failedlegend; 08-11-2011 at 10:38 PM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Main toons: Kessem (Caster), Grubbly (Melee)
Proud Noob of Band of Gypsys on Khyber.
I'm going to name mine Bob, because it will swim so well.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
What is the status with pets and PvP? Will they be unusable (like certain Wall of Fire spells) in PvP or will I see the Lobster filled with 4500 Artificers and their dogs?
With persistent pets - just make sure no raids ever have a contagious spell effect of any type...
Heres the ultimate artificer pets...
Dog (Half-life 2)
Ravage (Transformers)
probably showing my age here but... MUFFIT II (Battlestar Galactica)
are we 100% positive that dogs are the only pet option? Or are we just assuming based on the splash screen?
99% of the discussion of artificer is speculation partly based off the PnP artificer and partly based of the small tidbits of info from rune arm/scroll drops, the blurbs on the char creation screen and the concept art...there's only been a FEW mentions from devs and its mostly wait and see.
Last edited by Failedlegend; 08-12-2011 at 09:26 AM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Eriar Tahlaer AA/Healer ShiC Drd/Rng/Ftr 17/2/1 - Cryme Otta TR B-Eng Arti 11 - Larue K'Dhar SDII Ftr/Pal 16/2
Koroz PMII Wiz/Rog/Ftr 12/2/1 - Feevin Otta Rog 4
Found in Sai Gon (Orien)
If artificers can bring their pets out in public they should be required to clean up after them - yeah i said it - I don't want them leaving their greasy little dumps on my front lawn!
Alternatively, I could be appeased if my rogue was allowed to pick other players' pockets (or shopkeepers!) in public spaces.
Greyhawk Wars for TripleA
...and his waste will weigh as much a 1,000 suns.