Sadly I have to agree with the above poster, the Bravery Bonus system as it is "Proposed" to be is frought with way too many issues, and may actually lower overall XP from some quests. Bear with me as I explain that last point.
Currently most "high" XP/Min quests are run 8+ Times on normal, and then finally on H and E, ensuring "FULL" XP on those runs since you will get the first time bonus. However if you run those same quests by doing E First, it will count as ONE of your total completions, meaning that a run routine of (E,Nx8,H) is mathmatically worse then (Nx8,H,E).
Just in case you think I'm talking crazy talk, here's a MATH Example 10k XP Quest, Assuming Full x5 Bravery Stack and the "New" First time run bonus's.
10k +80% Elite First Time + 50% Bravery = 23k
10k +25 Normal First Time = 12.5
10k = 10k
10k -10% = 9k
10k - 20% = 8k
10k - 30% = 7k
10k - 40% = 6k
10k - 50% = 5k
10k - 60% = 4k
10k +50% Hard First Time = 15k
Total for (E,Nx8,H) = 99.5k
10k +25% Normal First Time = 12.5
10k = 10k
10k = 10k
10k -10% = 9k
10k - 20% = 8k
10k - 30% = 7k
10k - 40% = 6k
10k - 50% = 5k
10k +50% Hard First Time = 15k
10k +80% Elite First Time = 18k
Total for (Nx8,H,E) = 100.5k
So you get MORE XP by NOT USING THE BRAVERY BONUS and just keep on doing **** the way we always have.
So yeah, Bravery Bonus = FAIL
The fact that who knows how many hours of developement time was wasted to create a system that doesn't actually help the players at all, change how they run quests, or reduce the number of times required to run a quest... seriously.