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Thread: Reaver's fate

  1. #81
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollowgolem View Post
    A level 16 raid should in no way compare to a level 20 raid.
    umm why exactly ? The game pretty clearly always intended raids to challenge high level players. Hundreds of thousands of players are lvl20 now.. So thats the new high lvl. Cap was 14 when reaver came out, so there just fixing that flaw now that the cap is up.

    Seems to me that 99% of reaver on elite difficulty get run with at least a few level20s in the group. Why should it be the boring 1 player solo the raid while 11 go afk snoozefest is currently is on elite?

    The lower lvl reaver lfms i see are almost always for normal/hard.

    I doubt he has max/emp on normal, so if you wanan run it easily at lvl14.. There you go, I'd be willing to bet many lvl14s will continue to solo this raid on at least normal like they have been for years. It's not like theres any special loot on hard/elite here. Just like 2% higher droprate no one really notices.

    The fact elite has been the defacto default difficulty for high lvls here for years has always been a major issue, not an intended design. The intention is always for most players to run raids on normal, and elite be limited to those looking for an elite challenge.
    Last edited by Shade; 08-12-2011 at 05:17 AM.

  2. #82
    Community Member Invalid_50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    umm why exactly ? The game pretty clearly always intended raids to challenge high level players...
    Cause the loot here isnt end game. Difficulty shouldnt be end game.

    It's for level 16 players, elite challenges level 16 players (non tr, non Greensteel, this comes before vale after all) and gives level 16 players who risk elite a better chance to get loot.

    Not a chance for level 20 multi TR to have a tougher time soloing this quest, then come brag about it.

  3. #83
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    I agree something was needed to make Reaver's Fate more challenging, but a 500 damage disint, I think this is just silly. Now the Stormreaver on elite have a stronger disintegrate than the elite Black Abbot, a lich, a powerful undead caster. That's also more powerful than most epic casters, and is as powerful than Horoth's disintegrate. I think a 250-300 damage disintegrate would be a lot more appropriate, this is still a lvl 14 quest on elite, unless they decide to raise the lvl of the quest to 17 or higher like they did with Accursed Ascention.

    Instead of this, this raid needs a bit more. There's too little air eles that spawn and I wouldn't disagree to see some variety, why not fire, earth and even water eles that also spawn with the air eles. Or when the lever is pulled, a bunch of fire, earth, water eles spawns and the force field is only lowered once they are all dead. Also, remove the little perch on top of the force field.
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  4. #84
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    500 is a bit nutty at that lvl how about 250 and we all win.

  5. #85


    Meh. So what if it is 500.

    It just means that you can't stand still. Move and avoid the ray.

    It will make getting charges a little more interesting, then again with how pugs have been going, they'll probably be safer running like chickens trying to cut off a toenail.

  6. #86
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I'm down with calling it a level 20 raid - but let's adjust the level so I can get XP from running it with a bunch of 20s in the party.

    If we call it level 16 and give XP like it is such, it should be that hard. If we make it as hard as a 20, awesome - let's scale the XP too.

    I'd have no problem with DA / chrono-like stepped-progression for some of the raid difficulties.

    Reaver normal 14 hard 17 elite 20

    or something
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  7. #87
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    I'm down with calling it a level 20 raid - but let's adjust the level so I can get XP from running it with a bunch of 20s in the party.

    If we call it level 16 and give XP like it is such, it should be that hard. If we make it as hard as a 20, awesome - let's scale the XP too.

    I'd have no problem with DA / chrono-like stepped-progression for some of the raid difficulties.

    Reaver normal 14 hard 17 elite 20

    or something
    Yeah, that would actually make more sense.

    On a L16 raid L16s SHOULD be able to complete it, and not a lot of them can take 500pt untyped damage. It's a tad overboard. At level 20 that's fair game.

  8. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    Yeah, that would actually make more sense.

    On a L16 raid L16s SHOULD be able to complete it, and not a lot of them can take 500pt untyped damage. It's a tad overboard. At level 20 that's fair game.
    Why? How many players can get into a raid. 12. Tell me, how many people have active jobs in the raid? 2? 3?

    Get in line, wait for your number. The dev's made us not fear death a year or two back when they removed xp penalties. So now they have either intentionally, or in inadvertently made us the bait. Not like people haven't been doing this for how long in epics and such with traps? Just res on the other side to get though them. Player behavior has caught up with us.

    Also, How long does it take to get to the quest. Answer: how fast can you get to GH? There isn't a pre raid, there isn't a run to it. No, it is right there easy to get to.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    I'm down with calling it a level 20 raid - but let's adjust the level so I can get XP from running it with a bunch of 20s in the party.

    If we call it level 16 and give XP like it is such, it should be that hard. If we make it as hard as a 20, awesome - let's scale the XP too.

    I'd have no problem with DA / chrono-like stepped-progression for some of the raid difficulties.

    Reaver normal 14 hard 17 elite 20

    or something
    Very good idea. If it's going to challenge 20's then it should give full xp to groups w/ 20's in them. I'd even take 14/16/18 as a 10% penalty isn't terrible there if you bring a 20.

  10. #90
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    I'm down with calling it a level 20 raid - but let's adjust the level so I can get XP from running it with a bunch of 20s in the party.

    If we call it level 16 and give XP like it is such, it should be that hard. If we make it as hard as a 20, awesome - let's scale the XP too.

    I'd have no problem with DA / chrono-like stepped-progression for some of the raid difficulties.

    Reaver normal 14 hard 17 elite 20

    or something
    I kind of wish all the quests did that.

  11. #91
    Community Member Ssmooth's Avatar
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    I like the fact that they are making this harder. If you can tank on a level 16 caster with just over 420hp on elite(as I did on my last run)...there is a problem.

    You cannot tank any other raid with almost no healing and endless mana with a caster.

    I like it.
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  12. #92
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    I kind of wish all the quests did that.
    Maybe many of the lower raids could scale too ...

    DQ ... 12 / 16 / 20
    VON ... 10 / 14 / 18

    You wouldn't need to worry so much on the VoD / HoX / Abbot because they are already near 20 anyway
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  13. #93
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Seems to me that 99% of reaver on elite difficulty get run with at least a few level20s in the group. Why should it be the boring 1 player solo the raid while 11 go afk snoozefest is currently is on elite?

    The lower lvl reaver lfms i see are almost always for normal/hard.
    I hate to agree with you, but when I put up an LFM for level 13-17 Reaver Elite, I get maybe one or two other people joining me.

    Of course, my LFM says "Reaver Elite - must be blooded, BYOH, YLYC, pikers welcome, leaving in 11" - and my build is clearly a battle-cleric abomination

    Still, when I run it at level 20 with the same build, it fills long before the 11 minutes passes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    I doubt he has max/emp on normal, so if you wanan run it easily at lvl14.. There you go, I'd be willing to bet many lvl14s will continue to solo this raid on at least normal like they have been for years. It's not like theres any special loot on hard/elite here. Just like 2% higher droprate no one really notices.
    The first time I ran it on Stryde at level 15 (Normal), I had 2 alt accounts in there piking with me (no one else wanted to join, not surprising). The warded chest had 2 pieces of named loot (Treason and Tenderizer, most likely) and a +2 tome. My first thought was "If I had been running this on Elite, that woulda been a +3 "
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  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grosbeak07 View Post
    Not sure I would got that far, but I would be in favor of after a couple of "free" wrong selections, the party starts to take damage after each wrong solution.
    Ohh - I don't like that! I prefer to solve the puzzle manually which means that I do take a few more steps to solve it than one of the solvers.
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  15. #95
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    LMFAO, really? They chose to make the reaver that much harder on elite? /sigh

    Hint to the developers: stop screwing with old raids that only newer players actually want things from. The only truly useful thing to a player who has been playing this game for a while from this raid given all the other gear available is the boots. All that happens here is newer players get screwed.
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  16. #96
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Why? How many players can get into a raid. 12. Tell me, how many people have active jobs in the raid? 2? 3?

    Get in line, wait for your number. The dev's made us not fear death a year or two back when they removed xp penalties. So now they have either intentionally, or in inadvertently made us the bait. Not like people haven't been doing this for how long in epics and such with traps? Just res on the other side to get though them. Player behavior has caught up with us.

    Also, How long does it take to get to the quest. Answer: how fast can you get to GH? There isn't a pre raid, there isn't a run to it. No, it is right there easy to get to.
    I didn't say it shouldn't be changed, but it should be completable by 12 people at level.

    That's why I liked the idea of it being considered L19 or 20 on elite so that the toughness was there but the level was appropriate.

  17. #97
    Community Member Ssmooth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elaril View Post
    LMFAO, really? They chose to make the reaver that much harder on elite? /sigh

    Hint to the developers: stop screwing with old raids that only newer players actually want things from. The only truly useful thing to a player who has been playing this game for a while from this raid given all the other gear available is the boots. All that happens here is newer players get screwed.
    I disagree here. I think it will benefit newer players by better preparing them to handle end-game content. It'll be kind of a wake-up call for some. Raids shouldn't be steam rolled or solo'd on elite.

    As far as the gear goes, yes, pretty much just the boots...but the occational +3 tome won't be turned away
    Bjornegar, Bloodtrail, Chronogear, Clarkk, Flied, Nugente, Soulgear, Ssmooth, Throrin

  18. #98
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Has anyone tried horoth on lam to see if he is now much deadlier on elite? Until its tried we cant say stormreaver compares.
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  19. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    I didn't say it shouldn't be changed, but it should be completable by 12 people at level.
    What makes you think it won't be completable?

    We were completing shroud, elite, complete with utter lag fest at cap of 16 without greensteel.

    We were doing the exact same to in Hound and VoD.

    If it raises the bar a bit, so be it. It STILL will be completed. So you may lose one or three people now making it a snooze fest vs. a snore fest.

    People are so focused on the Reaver, how about the elementals? Did they get touched at all?

  20. #100
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ainmosni View Post
    What is this hoard of which you speak?

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