And gave them all +3 or +4 tome drops on that difficulty.
If reaver was that rough to make it fun again and also had a chance of dropping loot I wanted I might have run it in the past 4 months. Instead the last time I ran it was when I got a dreamspitter (And that was before U9 when that was a good thing).
Wait I lied I ran it once for XP at level during my TR.
At least it would give me something to do other than sleep/sneak on the floor while I go take a shower.
I honestly will not be likely to ever run reavers again. I won't be making any new barbs and I don't like madstones on any other class as it prevents the use of UMD and theres not a single other piece of loot I'd ever look for in there.
On level this will be too hard for many first timers.
Also I do not understand the equation of more HP and hit harder as making this already slow and boring raid any better?
Extra grind of killing him, doesn't equate to more fun times and content.
But over all, getting blooded is usually harder and more 'fun' than this raid.
ok 500 dmg is silly i can understant they want to challenge ppl but this should not happen in a low lvl raid. more hps mean nothing it just waists more of my time if they want to make this raid effective they shoud just increse the drop rates of the named loot and get rid of the +3 tomes cuz if you already have all the named gear and are not gonna get a +3 tome your not gonna run it at lvl 20. so all the ppl who are doing the raid will be doing it closer to there lvl so tey dont need to bother with it at higher lvl. they can then stick to running the high lvl raids that were ment for them. also i liked the idea that some one else metioned about it being like the first room of the tor where the mob keep spawning also if they were to throw in somthing other then just air ele's it would also be less boring. maybe toss in some stone giants and fire giants and such there are so many other ways to make this raid more challenging or intresting then just giving him more HPs and more dmg. plz stop taking the easy way out dev's
A 500 damage disintegrate in a base level 14 raid is stupid and unimaginative.
I recognize that others have also made this point. It needs to be restated.
So I did some more testing and reaver is casting disintegrate with full power from the start, this time i have screens with 2+26 failed save and hit for 487dmg. And I also tried to determine his HP, after dealing 2348dmg to him, his HP dropped 1 pixel=>probably around 350K HP.
edit: hm i can't figure out how to post screens and I don't have time now to mess with it. Here is link to screen of reaver's hp after I dealt 2348dmg.
Last edited by Algulcz; 08-12-2011 at 01:14 AM.
I can understand buffing the Abbot...that is an end game raid. Reaver was never an end game raid. It is run because people still want the few items in there that are decent. Making a mid level raid as hard as an end game raid is just poor design and will turn away new players. More challenging is fine...impossible at level is not.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
This is the biggest issue for me.
Why would he have almost-Horoth-level disintegrates in a level 16 raid?
A level 16 raid should in no way compare to a level 20 raid.
At first, I was thinking it would be okay to buff elite so long as normal and hard are close to how they were, but even if they're the same, I've come to the conclusion that balancing a LEVEL 16 QUEST to be challenging at level 20 is idiotic.
Oh, I presume he has some fortification and TS now, as well?
I'm still curious about Demon Queen. If nobody's checked her out, I think I'll go try that one tomorrow on my wizard and see if she's got TS now, too.