I'm playing lvl 20 Bard for 2 months now. I made Horc classic rocker warchanter and its great. Modest dps, best warchanter songs, ok heals if its needed, buffs what man can ask more for? Well is some1 wants to try/play bard there are some cons
1. noobs don't know how awesome bards are for group, what boost for their dps u will be, that u can switch 2 off healing (with good gear even like main healer), that u buff, rage and haste party all the time, remove curse/poison etc..

2. noobs don't get how awesome your songs are so they don't wait for songs , they just running around even on the start of the dungeon ( Barbarian mostly )

3. I personally have on any boss fight- quicken+ maximize+ sup ardor clicky and have my finger on mass cure critical ( saved so many times healers on hard boss fight) + i raise dead + scroll heal when things go wrong and didn't get any single "thank you for heals". funny thing is ppl will mostly congratulate noob cleric/fvs for great healing without knowing that you are 1 kept them alive. You will not get thank you for 20-30 heal scrolls or potions u spent, clerick/fvs will, or no1 will donate any of them 2 you.

4. Your main CC and 1 of great strengths to be Bard is fascinate, Highest Dc in game, even warchanter with starting 12 charisma can get 2 lvl where no mob can resist.. great..or is it? 80% of melee will constantly breaking fascinate mobs with cleave or they will not know why the hell that mob is just staring at them with all that little notes floating around them. Mostly I give up soon, because after spending 5 songs you will see how it goes .

5. Bards cant dps.. - yes we can, not good as fighters/barb etc but our dps is modest + dps boost for raid = dps

I'm not bragging here.. just wanted to point out some things for new bard players.

My 2 cents here ( and sorry for bad English)