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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Jul 2007


    The Khortos quest don't count for the bravery bonus on lamannia right now. Don't know if it's wai.

    edit: my bad was testing with a veteran level 4 character. 3 level above the normal quest level of the strating quests of khortos.
    Last edited by Jojades; 08-11-2011 at 09:10 PM.

  2. #22
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Jojades View Post
    The Khortos quest don't count for the bravery bonus on lamannia right now. Don't know if it's wai.
    Can't be brave in Korthos? Sad.

    -Ozmar the Coward
    I can has no signature. Alas!

  3. #23
    Community Member Yunico's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    yeah, saw somewhere that most of that work was useless, as Korthos can not be 'Bravery' Territory.

    But still, it gives you an idea that pure Elite runs will be more than enough to lvl 1st lifers easily.
    And the numbers above do not contain Shipbuffs or xp pots, and not even Flawless, Ransack, Trap or Reentry bonuses or optional xp, all of which can be very significant.

  4. #24
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Yunico View Post
    yeah, saw somewhere that most of that work was useless, as Korthos can not be 'Bravery' Territory.

    But still, it gives you an idea that pure Elite runs will be more than enough to lvl 1st lifers easily.
    And the numbers above do not contain Shipbuffs or xp pots, and not even Flawless, Ransack, Trap or Reentry bonuses or optional xp, all of which can be very significant.
    In that case I'm very happy. My preferred play method is to run around the Harbor and hit all the quests elite. I like the favor as I tend to farm certain quests I really enjoy at higher levels (ie Diplo and Siegebreaker chains, Shadow Crypt, IQ2, etc) and end up very short on favor since I also farmed many of the low level ones. This may help to change that.

  5. #25
    Developer MadFloyd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunico View Post
    yeah, saw somewhere that most of that work was useless, as Korthos can not be 'Bravery' Territory.

    But still, it gives you an idea that pure Elite runs will be more than enough to lvl 1st lifers easily.
    And the numbers above do not contain Shipbuffs or xp pots, and not even Flawless, Ransack, Trap or Reentry bonuses or optional xp, all of which can be very significant.
    It should work in Korthos.

    You do have to be within 2 levels of the quest though. If the Normal CR for the quest is 2, then you must be level 4 or less.

  6. #26
    The Hatchery Rinnaldo's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    It should work in Korthos.

    You do have to be within 2 levels of the quest though. If the Normal CR for the quest is 2, then you must be level 4 or less.
    It worked for me in a Korthos with a level 1 character.

  7. #27


    Being some folks want numbers to play with...

    • The first 5 quests are assumed to be, in order, The Storehouse Secret, Heyton's Rest, The Cannith Crystal, The Collaborator, Stopping the Sahaugin, and have their Streak bonus added accordingly. They are among the closest quests when you start, no need to spend too much time running to other ones just to come back for a net of a few hundred EXP.
    • All other quests in the columns of Hard or Elite have full Streak bonuses (+25% on Hard, +50% on Elite).
    • All difficulties factor in the first-time completion (+25% normal, +40% hard, +80% elite) and the first-time Bravery bonus (+10% hard, +20% elite).
    • An extra 25% is assumed for various bonuses that may be obtained along the way (Ransack, Persistence, Voice of the Master/Mantle of the Worldshaper, Devious, etc.).

    Name						Normal	Hard	Elite	
    Level 1									
    Heyton's Rest					470	603	837	
    Necromancer's Doom				480	684	1001	
    Redemption					810	1168	1727	
    Sacrifices					810	1168	1727	
    Stopping the Sahuagin				810	1139	1664	
    The Cannith Crystal				330	429	598	
    The Collaborator				1050	1444	2091	
    The Storehouse's Secret				390	483	657	
    Total						5150	7118	10302	
    Level 2									
    Bringing the Light				447	632	919	
    Durk's Got a Secret				1355	1952	2885	
    Garrison's Missing Pack				1140	1640	2420	
    Haverdasher					546	776	1133	
    Information is Key				1470	2120	3135	
    Misery's Peak					2130	3080	4565	
    Missing In Action				761	1088	1598	
    Protect Baudry's Interests			612	872	1276	
    Recovering the Lost Tome			1289	1856	2742	
    Retrieve the Stolen Goods			942	1352	1991	
    Stealthy Repossession				1460	2104	3113	
    Stop Hazadill's Shipment			546	776	1133	
    The Kobolds' New Ringleader			1866	2696	3993	
    The Smuggler's Warehouse			1041	1496	2206	
    The Sunken Sewer				744	1064	1562	
    Walk the Butcher's Path				1724	2488	3685	
    Total						18073	25992	38356	
    Level 3									
    Endgame: Marguerite				870	1240	1815	
    First Strike					1158	1656	2431	
    Kobold Assault					1986	2852	4202	
    Redfang the Unruled				1122	1604	2354	
    Return to the Sanctuary				1494	2142	3149	
    Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral		1230	1760	2585	
    Setting the Wards: The Patriarchs' Crypt	1374	1968	2893	
    The Captives					1302	1864	2739	
    The Cloven-Jaw Scourge: Blockade		1710	2454	3611	
    The Crypt of Gerard Dryden			1602	2298	3380	
    The Friar's Niece				774	1102	1609	
    The Hobgoblins' Captives			1230	1760	2585	
    The Kobold's Den: Rescuing Arlos		2022	2904	4279	
    The Kobolds' Den: Clan Gnashtooth		1590	2280	3355	
    The Old Archives				1230	1760	2585	
    The Sacred Helm					1866	2678	3946	
    Where There's Smoke...				1398	2002	2945	
    Total						23958	34324	50463	
    Level 4									
    Come Out and Slay				1190	1692	2475	
    Dirty Laundry					1190	1692	2475	
    Endgame: The Archbishop's Fate			306	424	605	
    Freshen the Air					1502	2140	3135	
    Irestone Inlet					2256	3224	4730	
    Proof is in the Poison				3894	5576	8195	
    Repossession					1190	1692	2475	
    Rest for the Restless				1554	2216	3245	
    Stand Your Ground				1190	1692	2475	
    The Bookbinder Rescue				1451	2068	3025	
    The Cloven-Jaw Scourge: Caverns of Shaagh	2802	4008	5885	
    The Depths of Darkness				1203	1712	2503	
    The Depths of Despair				969	1376	2008	
    The Stormreaver Fresco				1190	1692	2475	
    The Swiped Signet				2178	3112	4565	
    Venn's Trail: Clan Tunnelworm			2699	3860	5665	
    Venn's Trail: Venn's Fate			1334	1900	2778	
    Whisperdoom's Spawn				1814	2588	3795	
    Yarkuch's War-plans				1605	2290	3352	
    Total						31517	44954	65861	
    Level 5									
    A Small Problem					4623	6590	9647	
    Archer Point Defense				1158	1640	2387	
    Brood of Flame					1536	2180	3179	
    Ghost of a Chance				1830	2600	3795	
    Guard Duty					822	1160	1683	
    Halls of Shan-To-Kor				3006	4280	6259	
    Partycrashers					3300	4700	6875	
    Prove Your Worth				1382	1960	2855	
    The Chamber of Insanity				1326	1880	2739	
    The Deadly Package: Agent of the Darguul	1271	1800	2624	
    The Deadly Package: The Stronghold Key		2054	2920	4263	
    The Depths of Discord				1284	1820	2651	
    The Depths of Doom				1158	1640	2387	
    The Lair of Summoning				1494	2120	3091	
    The Legend of Two-Toed Tobias			1830	2600	3795	
    The Mystery of Delera's Tomb			2615	3720	5440	
    The Snitch					3090	4400	6435	
    The Stones Run Red				3045	4336	6342	
    Tomb of the Burning Heart			2040	2900	4235	
    Tomb of the Crimson Heart			2334	3320	4851	
    Tomb of the Immortal Heart			2334	3320	4851	
    Tomb of the Sanguine Heart			2334	3320	4851	
    Under the Big Top				3510	5000	7315	
    Total						49376	70206	102550	
    Level 6									
    Caged Trolls					1230	1736	2519	
    Dead Predators					975	1374	1988	
    Devil Assault					2850	5240	9185	
    Doom of the Witch-doctor: The Way to Zulkash	1830	2590	3765	
    Doom of the Witch-doctor: Zulkash, Herald of Woe1935	2738	3985	
    Gladewatch Outpost Defense			2445	3464	5044	
    Mirra's Sleepless Nights			1140	1608	2332	
    Purge the Heretics				975	1374	1988	
    Redwillow's Ruins				3120	4424	6446	
    Return to Delera's Tomb				150	200	275	
    Ruined Halls					2040	2888	4202	
    The Bloody Crypt				7800	11080	16170	
    The Bounty Hunter				1950	2760	4015	
    The Chronoscope					6360	9032	13178	
    The Forgotten Caverns				1635	2312	3361	
    The Iron Mines: Freeing Achka			780	1096	1584	
    The Iron Mines: Justice for Grust		1320	1864	2706	
    The Troglodytes' Get				1635	2312	3361	
    Valak's Mausoleum				2400	3400	4950	
    Total						42570	61492	91054	
    Level 7									
    Bargain of Blood				2310	3260	4730	
    Free Delera					3222	4552	6611	
    Gwylan's Stand					5910	8360	12155	
    Old Grey Garl					2085	2942	4265	
    Storming the Beaches				2742	3872	5621	
    Taming the Flames				2502	3532	5126	
    The Black Loch					2598	3668	5324	
    The Graverobber					3030	4280	6215	
    The Grey Moon's Den: Extermination		2070	2920	4235	
    The Grey Moon's Den: Trollish Scourge		1830	2580	3740	
    The Last Move: The Way to Yarkuch		918	1288	1859	
    The Last Move: Yarkuch's Last Stand		1878	2648	3839	
    The Missing Party				6837	9674	14066	
    The Pit						11670	16520	24035	
    The Scoundrel's Run				2070	2920	4235	
    The Tear of Dhakaan				5910	8360	12155	
    The Tides Turn					3030	4280	6215	
    Total						60612	85656	124426	
    Level 8									
    Caverns of Korromar				3210	4520	6545	
    Faithful Departed				3057	4304	6232	
    Haunted Library					4434	6248	9053	
    In Need of Supplies				1170	1640	2365	
    Spies in the House				5352	7544	10934	
    Stormcleave Outpost				5454	7688	11143	
    Stromvauld's Mine				4128	5816	8426	
    Tharashk Arena					3006	4232	6127	
    The Path to Madness				1034	1448	2085	
    The Prisoner					4740	6680	9680	
    The Rescue					4485	6320	9158	
    The Temple Outpost: Captives of the Cult	2139	3008	4351	
    The Temple Outpost: The Libram of the Six	2598	3656	5291	
    The Xorian Cipher				6780	9560	13860	
    Thrall of the Necromancer			6933	9776	14174	
    Tomb of the Shadow Guard			5658	7976	11561	
    Tomb of the Shadow King				6270	8840	12815	
    Tomb of the Shadow Knight			5658	7976	11561	
    Tomb of the Shadow Lord				4434	6248	9053	
    Total						80540	113480	164414	
    Level 9									
    Entering the Gate Chamber			3390	4760	6875	
    Fathom the Depths				5982	8408	12155	
    Gateway to Khyber				1086	1518	2181	
    Haywire Foundry					7494	10536	15235	
    Into the Deep					6630	9320	13475	
    The Church and the Cult				2670	3746	5409	
    The Claw of Vulkoor				4200	5900	8525	
    The Fane of the Six: Cleansing the Temple	2904	4076	5885	
    The Fane of the Six: The Fall of the Prelate	3066	4304	6215	
    The Giant Lieutenants				690	960	1375	
    The Giant's Lair				636	884	1265	
    The Jungle of Khyber				13110	18440	26675	
    The Keeper's Sanctuary				2418	3392	4895	
    The Last Stand					5091	7154	10340	
    The Library of Thernal				1374	1922	2769	
    The Missing Expedition				2580	3620	5225	
    The Shadow Crypt				14730	20720	29975	
    Total						78051	109660	158474	
    Level 10								
    Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan			5850	8200	11825	
    Escort the Expedition				8549	11988	17292	
    Hiding in Plain Sight				4140	5800	8360	
    Hold For Reinforcements				1176	1640	2354	
    Plane of Night					3000	4200	6050	
    Reclamation					4710	6600	9515	
    Secure the Area					3228	4520	6512	
    Slavers of the Shrieking Mines			5850	8200	11825	
    Sykros' Jewel					4710	6600	9515	
    Tempest's Spine					9726	13640	19679	
    The Chamber of Rahmat				2051	2868	4125	
    The Gate Chamber				1974	2760	3971	
    The Giant's Supplies				720	1000	1430	
    The Sanctum: Church of the Fury			3057	4280	6166	
    The Sanctum: Quench the Flames			3057	4280	6166	
    The Vault of Night				17250	24200	34925	
    Total						79048	110776	159710	
    Level 11								
    An Offering of Blood				7950	11120	16005	
    And the Dead Shall Rise...			5550	7760	11165	
    Desert Caravan					4470	6248	8987	
    Dreams of Insanity				6270	8768	12617	
    From Beyond the Grave				1950	2720	3905	
    Made To Order					4830	6752	9713	
    Maraud the Mines				4751	6640	9554	
    Purge the Fallen Shrine				3750	5240	7535	
    Raid the Vulkoorim				3150	4400	6325	
    The Chamber of Kourush				2150	3000	4307	
    The Enemy Within				7950	11120	16005	
    The Spawn of Whisperdoom			5550	7760	11165	
    The Twilight Forge				18150	25400	36575	
    Tomb of the Blighted				7350	10280	14795	
    Tomb of the Forbidden				6990	9776	14069	
    Tomb of the Tormented				10950	15320	22055	
    Tomb of the Unhallowed				6270	8768	12617	
    Total						108031	151072	217394	
    Level 12								
    A Relic of a Sovereign Past			8550	11934	17141	
    Against the Demon Queen				9600	13400	19250	
    Chains of Flame					6702	9352	13431	
    Diplomatic Impunity				5505	7680	11028	
    Eyes of Stone					6954	9704	13937	
    Frame Work					5820	8120	11660	
    Invaders					6450	9000	12925	
    The Chamber of Raiyum				9600	13400	19250	
    The Cursed Crypt				10230	14280	20515	
    The Titan Awakes				3930	5480	7865	
    Zawabi's Revenge				7710	10760	15455	
    A Cabal for One					4638	6456	9251	
    A Cry For Help					7631	10628	15235	
    Total						93320	130194	186943	
    Level 13								
    Assault on Summerfield				4902	6824	9779	
    Blockade Buster					5100	7100	10175	
    Feast or Famine					7190	10012	14355	
    Foundation of Discord				6134	8540	12243	
    Mired in Kobolds				3714	5168	7403	
    Siegebreaker					8400	11700	16775	
    The Maze of Madness				5430	7560	10835	
    Trial By Fire					6311	8788	12595	
    Undermine					5298	7376	10571	
    Total						52479	73068	104731	
    Level 14								
    Desecrated Temple of Vol			8016	11144	15950	
    Flesh Maker's Laboratory			8016	11144	15950	
    Ghosts of Perdition				9672	13448	19250	
    Gianthold Tor					9534	13256	18975	
    Inferno of the Damned				8844	12296	17600	
    Madstone Crater					10454	14536	20807	
    The Crucible					12570	17480	25025	
    The Prison of the Planes			6360	8840	12650	
    The Reaver's Fate				9810	13640	19525	
    Total						83276	115784	165732	
    Level 15								
    Acid Wit					6198	8600	12287	
    Delirium					5766	8000	11429	
    Fear Factory					5550	7700	11000	
    In the Flesh					9546	13250	18937	
    Litany of the Dead				13110	18200	26015	
    Missing						7206	10000	14289	
    Sinister Storage				3174	4400	6281	
    Total						50550	70150	100238	
    Level 16								
    Let Sleeping Dust Lie				10151	14068	20075	
    Rainbow in the Dark				12650	17532	25025	
    Ritual Sacrifice				11150	15452	22055	
    Running With the Devils				10650	14760	21065	
    The Coalescence Chamber				13950	19336	27599	
    Total						58551	81148	115819	
    Level 17								
    Acute Delirium					6234	8624	12287	
    Ascension Chamber				9510	13160	18755	
    Enter the Kobold				13254	18344	26147	
    Monastery of the Scorpion			12630	17480	24915	
    Prey on the Hunter				9510	13160	18755	
    Stealer of Souls				13878	19208	27379	
    The Lord of Eyes				9003	12458	17754	
    The Lord of Stone				5298	7328	10439	
    The Sane Asylum					7287	10082	14366	
    The Shroud					17310	23960	34155	
    Total						103914	143804	204952	
    Level 18								
    A Vision of Destruction				12300	17000	24200	
    Dream Conspiracy				5739	7928	11281	
    Finding the Path				5739	7928	11281	
    Hound of Xoriat					12300	17000	24200	
    I Dream of Jeets				6225	8600	12238	
    In the Demon's Den				6468	8936	12716	
    The Mindsunder					5739	7928	11281	
    The Shipwrecked Spy				6225	8600	12238	
    Total						60735	83920	119435	
    Level 19								
    A New Invasion					13758	18992	27005	
    Bastion of Power				7710	10640	15125	
    Eye of the Titan				6450	8900	12650	
    Genesis Point					13590	18760	26675	
    Mining for Ancient Secrets			5946	8204	11660	
    Reclaiming Memories				5946	8204	11660	
    Sins of Attrition				10734	14816	21065	
    The Weapons Shipment				5190	7160	10175	
    Wrath of the Flame				3482	4802	6820	
    Total						72806	100478	142835	
    Level 20								
    Dreaming Dark					7197	9920	14086	
    Tower of Despair				17550	24200	34375	
    Total						24747	34120	48461	
    Full Total					1177304	1647396	2372150	
    SQL command:
    Select Name, 
    ROUND(ROUND(EXP * (Level + 9) + 100) * 1.5) as Normal, 
    ROUND(ROUND(EXP * (Level + 9 + (LevelProgression * 1)) + 100) * 2.0) as Hard,
    ROUND(ROUND(EXP * (Level + 9 + (LevelProgression * 2)) + 100) * 2.75) as Elite from Quest
    Where TakenOut = "N" and Name != "" and SoloOnly = "N" and Name != "Mark of the Dragon"
    Order by Level, Name
    Last edited by MrCow; 08-11-2011 at 10:49 PM.
    Server - Thelanis
    Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Wizard, Sorcerer, Melee, Divine, Artificer, Druid)

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    Being some folks want numbers to play with...

    • The first 5 quests are assumed to be, in order, The Storehouse Secret, Heyton's Rest, The Cannith Crystal, The Collaborator, Stopping the Sahaugin, and have their Streak bonus added accordingly.
    • All other quests in the columns of Hard or Elite have full Streak bonuses (+25% on Hard, +50% on Elite).
    • All difficulties factor in the first-time completion (+25% normal, +40% hard, +80% elite) and the first-time Bravery bonus (+10% hard, +20% elite).
    • An extra 25% is assumed for various bonuses that may be obtained along the way (Ransack, Persistence, Voice of the Master/Mantle of the Worldshaper, Devious, etc.).

    Name						Normal	Hard	Elite	
    Level 1									
    Heyton's Rest					470	603	837	
    Necromancer's Doom				480	684	1001	
    Redemption					810	1168	1727	
    Sacrifices					810	1168	1727	
    Stopping the Sahuagin				810	1139	1664	
    The Cannith Crystal				330	429	598	
    The Collaborator				1050	1444	2091	
    The Storehouse's Secret				390	483	657	
    Total						5150	7118	10302	
    Level 2									
    Bringing the Light				447	632	919	
    Durk's Got a Secret				1355	1952	2885	
    Garrison's Missing Pack				1140	1640	2420	
    Haverdasher					546	776	1133	
    Information is Key				1470	2120	3135	
    Misery's Peak					2130	3080	4565	
    Missing In Action				761	1088	1598	
    Protect Baudry's Interests			612	872	1276	
    Recovering the Lost Tome			1289	1856	2742	
    Retrieve the Stolen Goods			942	1352	1991	
    Stealthy Repossession				1460	2104	3113	
    Stop Hazadill's Shipment			546	776	1133	
    The Kobolds' New Ringleader			1866	2696	3993	
    The Smuggler's Warehouse			1041	1496	2206	
    The Sunken Sewer				744	1064	1562	
    Walk the Butcher's Path				1724	2488	3685	
    Total						18073	25992	38356	
    Level 3									
    Endgame: Marguerite				870	1240	1815	
    First Strike					1158	1656	2431	
    Kobold Assault					1986	2852	4202	
    Redfang the Unruled				1122	1604	2354	
    Return to the Sanctuary				1494	2142	3149	
    Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral		1230	1760	2585	
    Setting the Wards: The Patriarchs' Crypt	1374	1968	2893	
    The Captives					1302	1864	2739	
    The Cloven-Jaw Scourge: Blockade		1710	2454	3611	
    The Crypt of Gerard Dryden			1602	2298	3380	
    The Friar's Niece				774	1102	1609	
    The Hobgoblins' Captives			1230	1760	2585	
    The Kobold's Den: Rescuing Arlos		2022	2904	4279	
    The Kobolds' Den: Clan Gnashtooth		1590	2280	3355	
    The Old Archives				1230	1760	2585	
    The Sacred Helm					1866	2678	3946	
    Where There's Smoke...				1398	2002	2945	
    Total						23958	34324	50463	
    Level 4									
    Come Out and Slay				1190	1692	2475	
    Dirty Laundry					1190	1692	2475	
    Endgame: The Archbishop's Fate			306	424	605	
    Freshen the Air					1502	2140	3135	
    Irestone Inlet					2256	3224	4730	
    Proof is in the Poison				3894	5576	8195	
    Repossession					1190	1692	2475	
    Rest for the Restless				1554	2216	3245	
    Stand Your Ground				1190	1692	2475	
    The Bookbinder Rescue				1451	2068	3025	
    The Cloven-Jaw Scourge: Caverns of Shaagh	2802	4008	5885	
    The Depths of Darkness				1203	1712	2503	
    The Depths of Despair				969	1376	2008	
    The Stormreaver Fresco				1190	1692	2475	
    The Swiped Signet				2178	3112	4565	
    Venn's Trail: Clan Tunnelworm			2699	3860	5665	
    Venn's Trail: Venn's Fate			1334	1900	2778	
    Whisperdoom's Spawn				1814	2588	3795	
    Yarkuch's War-plans				1605	2290	3352	
    Total						31517	44954	65861	
    Level 5									
    A Small Problem					4623	6590	9647	
    Archer Point Defense				1158	1640	2387	
    Brood of Flame					1536	2180	3179	
    Ghost of a Chance				1830	2600	3795	
    Guard Duty					822	1160	1683	
    Halls of Shan-To-Kor				3006	4280	6259	
    Partycrashers					3300	4700	6875	
    Prove Your Worth				1382	1960	2855	
    The Chamber of Insanity				1326	1880	2739	
    The Deadly Package: Agent of the Darguul	1271	1800	2624	
    The Deadly Package: The Stronghold Key		2054	2920	4263	
    The Depths of Discord				1284	1820	2651	
    The Depths of Doom				1158	1640	2387	
    The Lair of Summoning				1494	2120	3091	
    The Legend of Two-Toed Tobias			1830	2600	3795	
    The Mystery of Delera's Tomb			2615	3720	5440	
    The Snitch					3090	4400	6435	
    The Stones Run Red				3045	4336	6342	
    Tomb of the Burning Heart			2040	2900	4235	
    Tomb of the Crimson Heart			2334	3320	4851	
    Tomb of the Immortal Heart			2334	3320	4851	
    Tomb of the Sanguine Heart			2334	3320	4851	
    Under the Big Top				3510	5000	7315	
    Total						49376	70206	102550	
    Level 6									
    Caged Trolls					1230	1736	2519	
    Dead Predators					975	1374	1988	
    Devil Assault					2850	5240	9185	
    Doom of the Witch-doctor: The Way to Zulkash	1830	2590	3765	
    Doom of the Witch-doctor: Zulkash, Herald of Woe1935	2738	3985	
    Gladewatch Outpost Defense			2445	3464	5044	
    Mirra's Sleepless Nights			1140	1608	2332	
    Purge the Heretics				975	1374	1988	
    Redwillow's Ruins				3120	4424	6446	
    Return to Delera's Tomb				150	200	275	
    Ruined Halls					2040	2888	4202	
    The Bloody Crypt				7800	11080	16170	
    The Bounty Hunter				1950	2760	4015	
    The Chronoscope					6360	9032	13178	
    The Forgotten Caverns				1635	2312	3361	
    The Iron Mines: Freeing Achka			780	1096	1584	
    The Iron Mines: Justice for Grust		1320	1864	2706	
    The Troglodytes' Get				1635	2312	3361	
    Valak's Mausoleum				2400	3400	4950	
    Total						42570	61492	91054	
    Level 7									
    Bargain of Blood				2310	3260	4730	
    Free Delera					3222	4552	6611	
    Gwylan's Stand					5910	8360	12155	
    Old Grey Garl					2085	2942	4265	
    Storming the Beaches				2742	3872	5621	
    Taming the Flames				2502	3532	5126	
    The Black Loch					2598	3668	5324	
    The Graverobber					3030	4280	6215	
    The Grey Moon's Den: Extermination		2070	2920	4235	
    The Grey Moon's Den: Trollish Scourge		1830	2580	3740	
    The Last Move: The Way to Yarkuch		918	1288	1859	
    The Last Move: Yarkuch's Last Stand		1878	2648	3839	
    The Missing Party				6837	9674	14066	
    The Pit						11670	16520	24035	
    The Scoundrel's Run				2070	2920	4235	
    The Tear of Dhakaan				5910	8360	12155	
    The Tides Turn					3030	4280	6215	
    Total						60612	85656	124426	
    Level 8									
    Caverns of Korromar				3210	4520	6545	
    Faithful Departed				3057	4304	6232	
    Haunted Library					4434	6248	9053	
    In Need of Supplies				1170	1640	2365	
    Spies in the House				5352	7544	10934	
    Stormcleave Outpost				5454	7688	11143	
    Stromvauld's Mine				4128	5816	8426	
    Tharashk Arena					3006	4232	6127	
    The Path to Madness				1034	1448	2085	
    The Prisoner					4740	6680	9680	
    The Rescue					4485	6320	9158	
    The Temple Outpost: Captives of the Cult	2139	3008	4351	
    The Temple Outpost: The Libram of the Six	2598	3656	5291	
    The Xorian Cipher				6780	9560	13860	
    Thrall of the Necromancer			6933	9776	14174	
    Tomb of the Shadow Guard			5658	7976	11561	
    Tomb of the Shadow King				6270	8840	12815	
    Tomb of the Shadow Knight			5658	7976	11561	
    Tomb of the Shadow Lord				4434	6248	9053	
    Total						80540	113480	164414	
    Level 9									
    Entering the Gate Chamber			3390	4760	6875	
    Fathom the Depths				5982	8408	12155	
    Gateway to Khyber				1086	1518	2181	
    Haywire Foundry					7494	10536	15235	
    Into the Deep					6630	9320	13475	
    The Church and the Cult				2670	3746	5409	
    The Claw of Vulkoor				4200	5900	8525	
    The Fane of the Six: Cleansing the Temple	2904	4076	5885	
    The Fane of the Six: The Fall of the Prelate	3066	4304	6215	
    The Giant Lieutenants				690	960	1375	
    The Giant's Lair				636	884	1265	
    The Jungle of Khyber				13110	18440	26675	
    The Keeper's Sanctuary				2418	3392	4895	
    The Last Stand					5091	7154	10340	
    The Library of Thernal				1374	1922	2769	
    The Missing Expedition				2580	3620	5225	
    The Shadow Crypt				14730	20720	29975	
    Total						78051	109660	158474	
    Level 10								
    Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan			5850	8200	11825	
    Escort the Expedition				8549	11988	17292	
    Hiding in Plain Sight				4140	5800	8360	
    Hold For Reinforcements				1176	1640	2354	
    Plane of Night					3000	4200	6050	
    Reclamation					4710	6600	9515	
    Secure the Area					3228	4520	6512	
    Slavers of the Shrieking Mines			5850	8200	11825	
    Sykros' Jewel					4710	6600	9515	
    Tempest's Spine					9726	13640	19679	
    The Chamber of Rahmat				2051	2868	4125	
    The Gate Chamber				1974	2760	3971	
    The Giant's Supplies				720	1000	1430	
    The Sanctum: Church of the Fury			3057	4280	6166	
    The Sanctum: Quench the Flames			3057	4280	6166	
    The Vault of Night				17250	24200	34925	
    Total						79048	110776	159710	
    Level 11								
    An Offering of Blood				7950	11120	16005	
    And the Dead Shall Rise...			5550	7760	11165	
    Desert Caravan					4470	6248	8987	
    Dreams of Insanity				6270	8768	12617	
    From Beyond the Grave				1950	2720	3905	
    Made To Order					4830	6752	9713	
    Maraud the Mines				4751	6640	9554	
    Purge the Fallen Shrine				3750	5240	7535	
    Raid the Vulkoorim				3150	4400	6325	
    The Chamber of Kourush				2150	3000	4307	
    The Enemy Within				7950	11120	16005	
    The Spawn of Whisperdoom			5550	7760	11165	
    The Twilight Forge				18150	25400	36575	
    Tomb of the Blighted				7350	10280	14795	
    Tomb of the Forbidden				6990	9776	14069	
    Tomb of the Tormented				10950	15320	22055	
    Tomb of the Unhallowed				6270	8768	12617	
    Total						108031	151072	217394	
    Level 12								
    A Relic of a Sovereign Past			8550	11934	17141	
    Against the Demon Queen				9600	13400	19250	
    Chains of Flame					6702	9352	13431	
    Diplomatic Impunity				5505	7680	11028	
    Eyes of Stone					6954	9704	13937	
    Frame Work					5820	8120	11660	
    Invaders					6450	9000	12925	
    The Chamber of Raiyum				9600	13400	19250	
    The Cursed Crypt				10230	14280	20515	
    The Titan Awakes				3930	5480	7865	
    Zawabi's Revenge				7710	10760	15455	
    A Cabal for One					4638	6456	9251	
    A Cry For Help					7631	10628	15235	
    Total						93320	130194	186943	
    Level 13								
    Assault on Summerfield				4902	6824	9779	
    Blockade Buster					5100	7100	10175	
    Feast or Famine					7190	10012	14355	
    Foundation of Discord				6134	8540	12243	
    Mired in Kobolds				3714	5168	7403	
    Siegebreaker					8400	11700	16775	
    The Maze of Madness				5430	7560	10835	
    Trial By Fire					6311	8788	12595	
    Undermine					5298	7376	10571	
    Total						52479	73068	104731	
    Level 14								
    Desecrated Temple of Vol			8016	11144	15950	
    Flesh Maker's Laboratory			8016	11144	15950	
    Ghosts of Perdition				9672	13448	19250	
    Gianthold Tor					9534	13256	18975	
    Inferno of the Damned				8844	12296	17600	
    Madstone Crater					10454	14536	20807	
    The Crucible					12570	17480	25025	
    The Prison of the Planes			6360	8840	12650	
    The Reaver's Fate				9810	13640	19525	
    Total						83276	115784	165732	
    Level 15								
    Acid Wit					6198	8600	12287	
    Delirium					5766	8000	11429	
    Fear Factory					5550	7700	11000	
    In the Flesh					9546	13250	18937	
    Litany of the Dead				13110	18200	26015	
    Missing						7206	10000	14289	
    Sinister Storage				3174	4400	6281	
    Total						50550	70150	100238	
    Level 16								
    Let Sleeping Dust Lie				10151	14068	20075	
    Rainbow in the Dark				12650	17532	25025	
    Ritual Sacrifice				11150	15452	22055	
    Running With the Devils				10650	14760	21065	
    The Coalescence Chamber				13950	19336	27599	
    Total						58551	81148	115819	
    Level 17								
    Acute Delirium					6234	8624	12287	
    Ascension Chamber				9510	13160	18755	
    Enter the Kobold				13254	18344	26147	
    Monastery of the Scorpion			12630	17480	24915	
    Prey on the Hunter				9510	13160	18755	
    Stealer of Souls				13878	19208	27379	
    The Lord of Eyes				9003	12458	17754	
    The Lord of Stone				5298	7328	10439	
    The Sane Asylum					7287	10082	14366	
    The Shroud					17310	23960	34155	
    Total						103914	143804	204952	
    Level 18								
    A Vision of Destruction				12300	17000	24200	
    Dream Conspiracy				5739	7928	11281	
    Finding the Path				5739	7928	11281	
    Hound of Xoriat					12300	17000	24200	
    I Dream of Jeets				6225	8600	12238	
    In the Demon's Den				6468	8936	12716	
    The Mindsunder					5739	7928	11281	
    The Shipwrecked Spy				6225	8600	12238	
    Total						60735	83920	119435	
    Level 19								
    A New Invasion					13758	18992	27005	
    Bastion of Power				7710	10640	15125	
    Eye of the Titan				6450	8900	12650	
    Genesis Point					13590	18760	26675	
    Mining for Ancient Secrets			5946	8204	11660	
    Reclaiming Memories				5946	8204	11660	
    Sins of Attrition				10734	14816	21065	
    The Weapons Shipment				5190	7160	10175	
    Wrath of the Flame				3482	4802	6820	
    Total						72806	100478	142835	
    Level 20								
    Dreaming Dark					7197	9920	14086	
    Tower of Despair				17550	24200	34375	
    Total						24747	34120	48461	
    Full Total					1177304	1647396	2372150	
    SQL command:
    Select Name, 
    ROUND(ROUND(EXP * (Level + 9) + 100) * 1.5) as Normal, 
    ROUND(ROUND(EXP * (Level + 9 + (LevelProgression * 1)) + 100) * 2.0) as Hard,
    ROUND(ROUND(EXP * (Level + 9 + (LevelProgression * 2)) + 100) * 2.75) as Elite from Quest
    Where TakenOut = "N" and Name != "" and SoloOnly = "N" and Name != "Mark of the Dragon"
    Order by Level, Name
    So a NON-TR ViP could cap by just doing all the quests on that list ONCE on elite. But I still think if you check the math in "The Other Problem with the Bravery Bonus" thread, you may be suprised by the result.

  9. #29
    Community Member Ashbinder's Avatar
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    Thank you for your numbers MrCow.

    It's easy to see from this that with a full streak bonus there is enough exp to level a new character to 20 by running quests just once on elite and still have room to skip the ones you don't like. Several well known exp quests stand out for their impressive returns (24K Pit, 26K VoN 3, 30K Shadow Crypt).
    Moved to Guild Wars 2

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Xionanx
    So a NON-TR ViP could cap by just doing all the quests on that list ONCE on elite. But I still think if you check the math in "The Other Problem with the Bravery Bonus" thread, you may be suprised by the result.
    Not entirely worried about what the other thread is about, being this one is about a "Perfect" streak and the EXP associated to the quests on the first completion. It may not be the fastest path to leveling by utilizing Streak and Bravery bonuses, but it is still a boon, especially in situations like:

    • Folks who want some form of reward for doing the quests on higher difficulties near the quest level, because normal just doesn't float their boat.
    • Folks who like getting favor while leveling (for Turbine Points, the +2 tome, or whatever other reason).
    • Quests and quest chains that are not much harder when done on Elite.

    For those of us who won't gain much of any bonus from Streak or Bravery bonuses we still have the flat increase to first-time bonuses to look forward to.
    Last edited by MrCow; 08-12-2011 at 10:15 PM.
    Server - Thelanis
    Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Wizard, Sorcerer, Melee, Divine, Artificer, Druid)

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    Not entirely worried about what the other thread is about, being this one is about a "Perfect" streak and the EXP associated to the quests on the first completion. It may not be the fastest path to leveling by utilizing Streak and Bravery bonuses, but it is still a boon, especially in situations like:

    • Folks who want a some form of reward for doing the quests on higher difficulties near the quest level, because normal just doesn't float their boat.
    • Folks who like getting favor while leveling (for Turbine Points, the +2 tome, or whatever other reason).
    • Quests and quest chains that are not much harder when done on Elite.

    For those of us who won't gain much of any bonus from Streak or Bravery bonuses we still have the flat increase to first-time bonuses to look forward to.
    True, I am very happy they boosted the H/E bonus's, but it would be nice to some more people interested in the actual overall benefit of the bravery bonus, and not the lame ViP/Prem/F2P debate thats taking place, completely glossing over the fact that it doesn't really help TR's whether they be ViP/Prem/FTP lol

  12. #32
    Community Member Stillwaters's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    Do 5 quests (first time elite) to raise the stack,

    Remember to never open a quest you HAVEN'T run before on normal <- this resets the stack to 0%

    After you raise your stack new quests must be run ENNH for max xp.

    Is this the gist?
    Last edited by Stillwaters; 08-11-2011 at 11:57 PM.
    -Stealth RULEZ- A compilation -Favor 101- "How-to" unlock the game -Boycott the changes- combat changes stink
    You say you want your $$ back, i d g a f about the $$. I want my GAME back..

  13. #33
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Shameless plug of my sheet too. On sheet three I have started breaking down the rank ups for doing each quest in a variety of different ways. I am missing some quests, but I will add them in asap.

    The new changes definitely make the path to 20 a lot more focused and one time through. I really like that change.

  14. #34
    Community Member Wildseed's Avatar
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    Default It doesn't work in Korthos

    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    It should work in Korthos.

    You do have to be within 2 levels of the quest though. If the Normal CR for the quest is 2, then you must be level 4 or less.
    Unless something changed in Korthos since the 10th, it didn't work in Korthos for a level 4, My guildie and I both rolled up a new toon, did korthos quests on elite, and the streak didn't change, and didn't count, it was our first times in the quests (new characters)
    Current TR project -- Anshel life 8 of 20 ending up FVS
    Side TR project -- Daciana (life 8 of 14 maybe)(Will be completionist druid)
    Khyber main server

    Originally Posted by MeliCat:
    I don't like strawberry ice cream. You can offer all the strawberry ice cream that you like and I won't eat it. Offer me chocolate and I'll ask for second helpings.

  15. #35
    Community Member Avidus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildseed View Post
    Unless something changed in Korthos since the 10th, it didn't work in Korthos for a level 4, My guildie and I both rolled up a new toon, did korthos quests on elite, and the streak didn't change, and didn't count, it was our first times in the quests (new characters)
    All of the Korthos village quests with the exception of the collabarotar are CR 1, therefore to get the streak you would need to be level 3 or lower running them on elite to get the bonus. You can confirm this by making a new non-veteran character and running them on elite.

    That is what I took from MF's post.
    ~ Rukan 4/3 pal/mnk(Past Life mnk x3) ~ Ignavus 16 wiz(Past Life sor/wiz) ~ Styphon 20 Game Deformer(Past Life Clr) ~
    ~ Wyek 7/6 mnk/ftr ~ Lystara 5/6/2 ftr/rng/mnk ~ Tinder 12 brb ~

  16. #36
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunico View Post
    +1 Rep
    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Grease is an extremely valuable party buff.

  17. #37
    Community Member Rumbaar's Avatar
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    Very informative posts in this thread, I'm sure as the system is released more in depth 'perfect' XP routes will be formulated.

    I like the fact that doing a quest once in that order can yield over the 1.9 mill required for a first lifer.
    Leader - Ωmega Syndicate [L41] guild of Khyber|Orien -
    Khyber - Eldraine - Monk | Eldaline - Favored Soul | Eldnuker - Sorcerer
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  18. #38
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    It seems like people will just rocket through the low to mid levels with the bravery thing, I don't see it making much difference at L16+ though, it's still going to be a lot of repetition. Looking at MrCows number and at Seikojin's spreadsheet, it's still pretty depressing to see that running all the L18, 19, and 20 quests on elite including the raids would only get you about 3 ranks into L19 on a multi TR.

    The real problem with multi TR is that the xp is in all the wrong places, the L8-12 quests have more xp in them than the 18-20 quests and those are the levels when you really need it. If they wanted to reduce quest repetition for TRs they should have just doubled the xp from all the L18-20 quests because that's where most of the worst repetition is at. U11 quests will help with that somewhat though, I just hope the new quests are more like Monastery or EtK type xp/min and not more Weapon's Shipment type xp/min.

  19. #39
    Community Member gloopygloop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    It should work in Korthos.

    You do have to be within 2 levels of the quest though. If the Normal CR for the quest is 2, then you must be level 4 or less.
    Based on what I've seen so far on Lamannia, it looks like you don't get the Bravery bonus from Korthos quests if you start out as a level 4 character off the Veteran boat (although you DO get the Bravery bonus from all the low level Harbor quests). You do get the Bravery bonus on Korthos quests if you start out as a level 1 character.

    I expect this is because the game flags all of the Korthos quests as "done" in order to give you your Misery's Peak end reward as soon as you step off the boat at level 4.

  20. #40
    Community Member Wildseed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avidus View Post
    All of the Korthos village quests with the exception of the collabarotar are CR 1, therefore to get the streak you would need to be level 3 or lower running them on elite to get the bonus. You can confirm this by making a new non-veteran character and running them on elite.

    That is what I took from MF's post.
    If that's the case, then for collaborator we should've gotten the streak to change, it didn't. So, at the very least Collaborator didn't start our streak.
    Current TR project -- Anshel life 8 of 20 ending up FVS
    Side TR project -- Daciana (life 8 of 14 maybe)(Will be completionist druid)
    Khyber main server

    Originally Posted by MeliCat:
    I don't like strawberry ice cream. You can offer all the strawberry ice cream that you like and I won't eat it. Offer me chocolate and I'll ask for second helpings.

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