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  1. #1
    Community Member Yunico's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default the perfect (bravery) Streak

    Note: this is work in progress

    Assuming that you have access to Elite opening (opener/VIP status), have a balanced party, good skills, builds and gear that allow you to run Elites at or even above level, how much does the Bravery bonus and new Elite bonus give you? How much does the grind drop?

    I had a quick look at the free low-lvl (up to lvl2) quests, and checked how much xp you would get with running each on Elite only once.
    Since this is hard, Re-entry bonus and Flawless Bonuses are not counted.

    Quest name / Elite baseXP / real XP / bonus (elite + Bravery)
    The Cannith Crystal / 244 / 488 / 80+20%
    The Storehouse's Secret / 292 / 613 / 80%+30%
    Heyton's Rest / 356 / 783 / 80%+40%
    The Collaborator / 819 / 1883 / 80%+50%
    Necromancer's Doom / 364 / 837 / 80%+50%
    Redemption quest / 628 / 1444 / 80%+50%
    Sacrifices / 628 / 1444 / 80%+50%
    Stopping the Sahuagin / 628 / 1444 / 80%+50%
    Misery's Peak / 1660 / 3818 / 80%+50%
    Bringing the Light / 334 / 768
    Durk's Got a Secret / 1053 / 2421
    Garrison's Missing Pack / 879 / 2021
    Haverdasher / 412 / 947
    Information is Key / 1140 / 2622
    Missing in Action / 585 / 1345
    Recovering the Lost Tome / 1001 / 2302
    Stealthy Repossession / 1131 / 2601
    The Kobold's New Ringleader / 1452 / 3339
    Protect Baudry's Interests / 464 / 1067
    Retrieve the Stolen Goods / 724 / 1665
    Stop Hazadill's Shipment / 412 / 947
    The Smuggler's Warehouse / 802 / 1844
    The Sunken Sewer / 568 / 1306
    Walk the Butcher's Path / 1339 / 3079
    Kobold Assault / 1528 / 3514
    Redfang the Unruled / 996 / 2290
    The Captives / 940 / 2162

    Sum: 48994

    Total: 48994xp

    It turns out that with the new xp system, you can get from lvl1 to lvl 4 by just runing every quest up to level 2 ONCE.
    Of course, xp boosts and trap bonuses etc. will make you level even faster.

    That is a nice change, and would basically remove grind to a large degree. Better to do it right&slow the first time.
    Last edited by Yunico; 08-11-2011 at 10:24 AM.

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