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  1. #1
    Community Member Yunico's Avatar
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    Default the perfect (bravery) Streak

    Note: this is work in progress

    Assuming that you have access to Elite opening (opener/VIP status), have a balanced party, good skills, builds and gear that allow you to run Elites at or even above level, how much does the Bravery bonus and new Elite bonus give you? How much does the grind drop?

    I had a quick look at the free low-lvl (up to lvl2) quests, and checked how much xp you would get with running each on Elite only once.
    Since this is hard, Re-entry bonus and Flawless Bonuses are not counted.

    Quest name / Elite baseXP / real XP / bonus (elite + Bravery)
    The Cannith Crystal / 244 / 488 / 80+20%
    The Storehouse's Secret / 292 / 613 / 80%+30%
    Heyton's Rest / 356 / 783 / 80%+40%
    The Collaborator / 819 / 1883 / 80%+50%
    Necromancer's Doom / 364 / 837 / 80%+50%
    Redemption quest / 628 / 1444 / 80%+50%
    Sacrifices / 628 / 1444 / 80%+50%
    Stopping the Sahuagin / 628 / 1444 / 80%+50%
    Misery's Peak / 1660 / 3818 / 80%+50%
    Bringing the Light / 334 / 768
    Durk's Got a Secret / 1053 / 2421
    Garrison's Missing Pack / 879 / 2021
    Haverdasher / 412 / 947
    Information is Key / 1140 / 2622
    Missing in Action / 585 / 1345
    Recovering the Lost Tome / 1001 / 2302
    Stealthy Repossession / 1131 / 2601
    The Kobold's New Ringleader / 1452 / 3339
    Protect Baudry's Interests / 464 / 1067
    Retrieve the Stolen Goods / 724 / 1665
    Stop Hazadill's Shipment / 412 / 947
    The Smuggler's Warehouse / 802 / 1844
    The Sunken Sewer / 568 / 1306
    Walk the Butcher's Path / 1339 / 3079
    Kobold Assault / 1528 / 3514
    Redfang the Unruled / 996 / 2290
    The Captives / 940 / 2162

    Sum: 48994

    Total: 48994xp

    It turns out that with the new xp system, you can get from lvl1 to lvl 4 by just runing every quest up to level 2 ONCE.
    Of course, xp boosts and trap bonuses etc. will make you level even faster.

    That is a nice change, and would basically remove grind to a large degree. Better to do it right&slow the first time.
    Last edited by Yunico; 08-11-2011 at 10:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Nice post. The order you did them in wasn't the best I think though. I would have saved Collaborator until I had a +50 streak going, since it has one of the highest base xp. And actually, wouldn't the xp be even higher than that, opening on elite the first run also gives a +20% bravery bonus so it should be +100% per elite + whatever your streak is at? You have it listed as +80% + streak bonus.

  3. #3
    Community Member Yunico's Avatar
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    Obviously I need to do some more work on this, and any input in very much appreciated, ty.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunico View Post
    Obviously I need to do some more work on this, and any input in very much appreciated, ty.
    Where these actual runs you did or calculated values? Anyway, it's nice to know. From an xp/time perspective, I wonder if it's better to run each quest on E, H, N to get the xp bonus from those too. That would be way more than you need to level I imagine. Seems kinda funny to start banking xp at L1.

    Edit: Oh, and +1 for the work even if it's a work in progress.

  5. #5
    Community Member Yunico's Avatar
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    The value are calculated from the base xp given in the DDO wiki.

    Not sure where you get the extra +20% you're talking about - I could only find the +10% stacking bravery bonus and the new 80%.

    I'm sure you can milk more xp/min in zerg runs of lucrative quest, switching to Normal after running Elite.
    However, the 80% Elite makes even previously unattrative quests decent xp/min, take Missing in Action, which can be done quickly by splitting up, bringing it easily into the 1k/min range.

  6. #6
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunico View Post
    The value are calculated from the base xp given in the DDO wiki.

    Not sure where you get the extra +20% you're talking about - I could only find the +10% stacking bravery bonus and the new 80%.

    I'm sure you can milk more xp/min in zerg runs of lucrative quest, switching to Normal after running Elite.
    However, the 80% Elite makes even previously unattrative quests decent xp/min, take Missing in Action, which can be done quickly by splitting up, bringing it easily into the 1k/min range.
    Have you tried MIA on elite?... traps\arcanes... this will be fun for the devs to watch.
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  7. #7
    Community Member KyrzaBladedancer's Avatar
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    You have Heyton's Rest listed twice. Also the Bravery bonus is actually 20% for first run of a quest on elite plus the bravery stack, e.g. 80% +20% for Cannith Crystal and then 80%+20%+10% for Storehouse ect. That's what he meant by the extra 20% on elite.

    Jyrja, Ploratus, Alcedon, Kyrzi, Lilayn, Jaidynn, Morsus

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  8. #8
    Founder ARIES's Avatar
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    looks like i gotta grab a vip buddy to tr with then

  9. #9
    Community Member Yunico's Avatar
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    Edited in the changes, thinking of calculating how much the different Adventure Pack net now when running on elite only, compared to N then H.

  10. #10
    Community Member Ashbinder's Avatar
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    You have it wrong. Bravery bonus for first time on elite only nets a +75% at full stack, not +50%.

    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Let me try to explain it.

    If a quest has never been run by your character (i.e. it's 'virgin' to him/her) then you qualify to get a Bravery bonus by running it on either hard or elite.

    Failing and trying multiple times doesn't matter.

    Once you complete it on either hard or elite, you get a Bravery Bonus. This is on top of the one time difficulty bonus that you already enjoy.

    Now, this quest is no longer 'virgin' and you're free to re-run it 10,000 times without having it affect future Bravery bonuses.

    Now you go and complete another virgin quest on hard or elite. This starts a streak. Now you get the one time difficulty bonus, plus a bravery bonus PLUS an additional bonus for having a streak going.

    Streaks stack up to 5 times and a completion of Elite counts as both a Hard AND Elite streak. In other words, if you complete Elite 3 times in a row, your streaks look like:

    Hard: 3
    Elite: 3

    A hard streak is 5% per and elite is 10%, so you would get a 30% bonus in this case.

    If you end up completing the next virgin quest on Hard, your Elite streak is reset but Hard continues:

    Hard: 4
    Elite: 0

    In this case you get a 20% bonus (4 x 5%).

    You can start your Elite streak back up, but because we always apply the highest bonus, you would get 25% for Hard (5 x 5%) until your Elite streak bonus surpassed the Hard streak bonus.

    I'm writing this quickly, sorry if I'm not being clear.

    I'd recommend picking the four fastest, lowest exp quests to max your stack, then cash in on the streak from there.
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  11. #11
    Community Member KyrzaBladedancer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashbinder View Post
    You have it wrong. Bravery bonus for first time on elite only nets a +75% at full stack, not +50%.

    I'd recommend picking the four fastest, lowest exp quests to max your stack, then cash in on the streak from there.
    nope Stack maxes at 50%. Read what you quoted again and you'll see it uses the highest % not both the hard and elite bonuses. So AFAIK you can get up to 150% over base on an elite quest, 80% for first time on elite, 20% for first time in quest ever and doing on elite then a Max stack of 50% for doing consecutive quests First time ever on elite.

    Jyrja, Ploratus, Alcedon, Kyrzi, Lilayn, Jaidynn, Morsus

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  12. #12
    Community Member Yunico's Avatar
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    from the release notes:

    General Quest Changes

    A new bonus has been created that awards characters for running quests for the first time consecutively on hard and elite difficulties within their level range (up to two levels above the level of a quest on normal difficulty.) This Bravery Bonus is a 5% bonus (10% bonus on Elite) that will "stack" up to five times, or until a character runs a quest they have not run before on Normal difficulty.
    XP Rewards for first time completion on normal, hard, and elite are now 25%, 40% and 80% respectively.

    I can't see where the '20% for anything new' comes in, only the stacking Bravery, which is max 50% on top of 1st Elite of 80%.

  13. #13
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunico View Post
    I can't see where the '20% for anything new' comes in, only the stacking Bravery, which is max 50% on top of 1st Elite of 80%.
    The release notes never include all the changes.

    There indeed a +20% bonus there too. So +100% for first time elite, if you skiped norm/hard.

    Dunno about the stacking bravery bonus. I never seen it go past the +100% and i was doing everything on elite.

  14. #14
    Community Member KraahgDaAxe's Avatar
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    My understand is 80% elite bonus and 10% stacking bravery bonus.

    First quest on elite 90% bonus
    Second quest on elite 100% bonus
    Third quest on elite 110% bonus
    Fourth quest on elite 120% bonus
    Fifth quest on elite 130% bonus
    Sixth quest on elite 130% bonus, etc, etc.

    This doesn't account for the normal 10% no reentry 10% no deaths or any traps, etc. The above also assumes a new quest run for the first time on elite.

    Stillz Azgoth:
    11 Dwarf Light Monk - 7th Life

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by KraahgDaAxe View Post
    My understand is 80% elite bonus and 10% stacking bravery bonus.

    First quest on elite 90% bonus
    Second quest on elite 100% bonus
    Third quest on elite 110% bonus
    Fourth quest on elite 120% bonus
    Fifth quest on elite 130% bonus
    Sixth quest on elite 130% bonus, etc, etc.

    This doesn't account for the normal 10% no reentry 10% no deaths or any traps, etc. The above also assumes a new quest run for the first time on elite.

    I think it only stacks to 5 times, so max bravery bonus is 50%

  16. #16
    Community Member KraahgDaAxe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qindark View Post
    I think it only stacks to 5 times, so max bravery bonus is 50%
    Yes. Fifth and Sixth both show 130%, stating that it didn't change.

    Stillz Azgoth:
    11 Dwarf Light Monk - 7th Life

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by KraahgDaAxe View Post
    Yes. Fifth and Sixth both show 130%, stating that it didn't change.

    doh! need to check my reading skillz

    Quote Originally Posted by AZgreentea
    So if I am understanding the bonus, let me try it out.

    I run a new quest for the first time E/E/E/H/N to max the XP I get from it. This gives me a 5% bravery bonus the first E, and I get all of my other first time bonuses.

    Then I run a second new quest E/E/E/H/N for the first time, and I gain the stacking bravery bonus plus the other bonuses, and I can do this with three more new quests to max my stacking bravery bonus for Elite?
    not quite. more like E/H/N/N/N to max the xp. the bravery bonus is once per quest.

    edit: and I think it's not reset until you do a different quest on less than elite.

  18. #18
    Hero AZgreentea's Avatar
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    So if I am understanding the bonus, let me try it out.

    I run a new quest for the first time E/E/E/H/N to max the XP I get from it. This gives me a 5% bravery bonus the first E, and I get all of my other first time bonuses.

    Then I run a second new quest E/E/E/H/N for the first time, and I gain the stacking bravery bonus plus the other bonuses, and I can do this with three more new quests to max my stacking bravery bonus for Elite?
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  19. #19
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    Did you include xp pots/ship buffs there? That could make it even shorter.

    This isn't the level range I'd like to see the bulk of the work done also. Not that this thread isn't's outstanding! But I'd love to see some work done on the 15-20 range as well as this is where things get sticky on the TR1's and ugly on the TR2's.

  20. #20
    Community Member KraahgDaAxe's Avatar
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    No, the first run of elite gives 10%, hard gives 5%.

    Stillz Azgoth:
    11 Dwarf Light Monk - 7th Life

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