This is theoretical only, because I couldn't get 7-12 people grouped up to check it while I was on Lamannia, but can someone confirm whether this is the case or not...?
Currently, when people invite for a raid, the way people show up in the groups is always different on everyone's screen because YOUR toon always takes the first slot regardless of when you join. Now that your own toon doesn't show up in the bar, it seems as though on a raid, we could get everyone to the entrance - (or some other predetermined spot - like an airship) and then strategically invite those toons to group that needed to be a priority for heals, essentially letting our healers determine who occupied the F2-F6 buttons.
This would be not only beneficial for raid groups where the large numbers force some to be unselectable via hotkey (still don't know why they haven't added slots 7-12 in the keymapping =(), but also in static groups, where I could set up a group so that my friend who is running his tank is ALWAYS in the F2 slot and my caster friend was always the F6.
Shoot maybe this is possible now, but isn't in practice, but I'm pretty sure right now on live the person that is in the F2 slot, for instance, is different for most other group members.
Am I just wishful thinking here or is this a reality?