The settles the process of deciding what savant my first ever sorcerer will be. Now if only I can find a decent build guide...
Guilds: Prophets of the New Republic & Revenents Khyber
Active: Clean 18barb/2ftr Cleen 20arti Kleaner 20monk Darkstaar Dark Knight Psyborg 20sorc Warrwitch 20wiz Roque 19rog/1mnk Killeric 18fvs/2monk AA Duality Helves Angel
Builds: Helves Angel Hurtlocker Dark Knight Riddle of Steel
Even if this spell did the SAME damage as polar ray wouldn't it pull ahead on averages since each tick gets a shot to crit?
3 ticks = 3 chances to crit vs polar rays 1 chance?
UPDATE: its ealry and i havent had my morning coffee so if my math is suspect thats prolly the reason
-Stealth RULEZ- A compilation -Favor 101- "How-to" unlock the game -Boycott the changes- combat changes stink
You say you want your $$ back, i d g a f about the $$. I want my GAME back..
4 seconds.
Guilds: Prophets of the New Republic & Revenents Khyber
Active: Clean 18barb/2ftr Cleen 20arti Kleaner 20monk Darkstaar Dark Knight Psyborg 20sorc Warrwitch 20wiz Roque 19rog/1mnk Killeric 18fvs/2monk AA Duality Helves Angel
Builds: Helves Angel Hurtlocker Dark Knight Riddle of Steel
what i'm reading here is alot of really mad Water Savants that just realized they are no longer King of the Castle.
just remeber this guys- up til now, we Earth Savants have had exactly ONE Acid spell that breaks through Mantle of Invulnerability: Acid Fog.
if we wanted to do boss DPS, we had to use non-acid spells.
now we have a high level damge optionthat allows us to compete.
we can cast BDB, while you water Savs out there can cast Otilukes, Niacs, and Polar Ray, and STILL out DPS us.
so please, stop complaining
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith
I think water savants just got better for "dot nuking".... If you wanna drop all your dots and just go for a speed kill, then water is still the way to go.
Water Sav:
Niacs w/ boosted CL
Eladars w/ normal cl
Bdb w/ normal cl
Air sav:
Niacs w/ norm cl
Eladars w/ boosted cl
Bdb w/ -9 cl
Earth sav:
Niacs w/ norm cl
Eladars w/ -9 cl
Bdb w/ boosted cl.
The only one here that doesn't take a negative to one of its dots is the water sav.
Last edited by Darknark; 08-10-2011 at 09:27 PM.
Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith
Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith
So they nerf melees like crazy and buff casters to an obscene level? When will melees get some love? At this rate I'd be happy to call it even if you give us our attack speeds back fully to what they were pre-update 5 so we can at least compare to casters. I've never had any desire to play an arcane caster, not my play style personally. Divines are fine where they are now but arcanes are getting a little redicious.
Veriden, Orien server: Lost count of lives. 3 of all base classes, 3 halfling, 2 gnome...working on trying to make the game work again. May or may not return.
I think this is the most important point made in this thread.
This is now the -second- high-level acid spell for earth-savvies.
Remember that, as it now stands, the only savant end-game that -really- competes with water is air, and their BDB will be horrible. This allows earth to put a potent spell of their own element into their spell rotation.
Because these spells aren't just important to consider on their own, but in the context of the wider meta game, where this is clearly a balancing factor to earth savvies being the red-headed stepchild of savants. Fire gets the most items to boost its damage and, arguably, some of the best bonuses/SLAs to compensate for the immunities endgame, and the other two were popular because they're good. Now earth savants can shine in quests that aren't Sleeping Dust.
I never complained about my earth savant, because I made it work great with the tools given. And lots of time spent levelling crafting.
Explain what is immune to acid? I mean completely immune. I already know of a few things, but I want to know what is truly immune to acid that make acid limited use.
Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith
Velah isn't vulnerable to cold on Epic.
This spell is definitely slightly superior to Polar Ray, which is Cold's second best spell for single-target damage output.
It's still no Niacs or Eladars, and doesn't justify taking Earth Savant at endgame. Looks like a very worthwhile spell to use on a Water Savant at certain times, however.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.