"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
I keep heal on the first hot bar, slot 7 I think is where it was my TR. All mass heals were on a completely different bar. Heal was where I could find it for keeping myself alive.
P.s. I like watching people die when I am drunk or they are d-bags.
While doing other offensive abilities (spells, melee) while also doing healing roles is normally fine if you're a reasonable multitasker.... I find that Blade Barrier is the exception. Since you're forced to kite things through it, it is really unconducive to parties. Both due to the actual kiting annoying any melee attempting to swing at the target, and the difficulty in multitasking healing and running like a headless chicken.
So save BB for soloing and Oh $^|+!!! situations. Stick to DP, smites and the like... and yes, you should absolutely have some heals hotkeyed. I keep Heal, Scroll Heal and Mass Heal hotkeyed. (and the top cure for when heal is on cooldown, but I almost never use it) I also keep the various Mass Cures on my hotbars, and will occasionally drag them into a more convenient position if I expect I'll need to spam Mass Cures.
Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)
Tell em mass heals on me!!!
They have to go with you if they want to live
Healing is fun!
eg:Solo shroud healing will bring lots of satisfaction.
My fvs is evoker specced. Important thing is to adapt, if you are the only healer and grp needs heals you must focus of healing if the grp dps is very good you can heal at times when necessary and do your own evoker or melee stuff. May be its a good idea to have 3 hot bars one which focus on healing filled with heal, cmw, csw, mass heal, etc. second with all offensive spells divine smite, bb, dp, heal (for self healing) etc Third with mix of both heal spells and offensive spells(this is what i use).
I think in your case its all about 'pause change mode and get the job done'
A lil practice is all that is needed.
Good luck
My 2 copper pieces is figure out what the group needs in a few mins. hang back see what is going on. If it looks like a full time healer, well thats what I do. Sometimes make a note to self on what groups to avoid. The looking for cleric or FVS, are dead give aways. But when I am running dps I like to know I have a healer to help cover the slowness of pots in a fight. Like I said my 2 CPs.
PS hotbar heal, mass heal and atleast 1 mass cureX.
Outside of extraordinary circumstances (i.e. certain quests on elite/epic), a group should never need a full time healer. If a group is taking that much damage per kill, the healer should be killing before the melees can suck. It's only the good groups that can kill quickly when a healer can just sit back and cc/nuke/pike at their leisure, rather than trying to kill everything before the rest of the group screws it up.
And as for "it's the leader's party, it's their show," that's just B.S. Any leader whose strategy is "find a healbot to chug a bunch of pots while we inefficiently stumble thru a quest" is a leader whose opinion doesn't count. A healer has every right to try to set the style of play in order to get thru the quest, it's their resources ultimately at stake.
Obviously, zerging away in a lowbie group with a bunch of new people isn't the way to go, but the OP was doing monastery on normal with a bunch of TRs. That is hardly a scary scenario, or one where melees should require constant attention, especially with the healer drawing most of the aggro.
Malpyre ~ Malyoko ~ Malsyn ~ Malyficent ~ Malkyrie ~ Malexi
Singh honey, Ive known you forever. and you know how I think about things like this. "Play your toons how you want to play them, Build them how you want to build them, and have fun playing while do so." Just because you have that symbol doesnt mean that specifies who your toon is. Have fun playing and if someone says hjeal me, well tell them to drink a pot they can buy convieniently in House J or the Guild Pot vendor, That you would be happy to point them in the correct location.
hotbar 1 for me is as follows:
1 - wings
2 - blade barrier
3 - divine punishment
4 - heal
5 - cure moderate wounds
6 - cure critical wounds
7 - mass heal
8 - mass cure moderate wounds
9 - mass cure critical wounds
0 - something I never really use since it's kinda far from WASD
That let's me heal while providing access to the spells (and wings) that I use most often. When soloing, you never need to reach beyond the number 4. Just turn on auto-attack and go.
Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
If you are killing everything, how are they taking damage to even need healing?
Just tell everyone "Masses on me" and zerg on...or "stand by me if you want to live". Hit mass heal when you need one (only a few more SP).
It's not your fault if they are squishier than you.
“No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Pugs are an excellent way to improve your group healing abilities Keep experimenting.
~back to chasing butterflies~
Chirpy, Churrlish, Churndash, Chirligig, Chirurgeon, Churchbot, Chrrg... I know I am missing a few more
When questing... a good healer keeps the party alive, a great healer prevents the party from taking damage. This means passing proper buffs and killing mobs, especially casters, before the party can even get to them.
What your doing is not wrong, just try to maintain a pace with the group. If you join a pug, your kind of expected to stay with the group for the most part, Unless it is a BYOH/ZERG group.
You can stay with the group and kill things as you come upon them. Slay Living and Destruction are awesome if you have the DC'S for them. If your a melee FVS, tell them masses on me. No it's not your fault if they a squishier than you, however as a healer you chose to heal/help others. A group will need as much healing as the lowest HP character needs. Simple group dynamics.
If you find yourself ahead of the group, feel free to kite trash back to them. LOL I do this all the time when I find the pace isn't fast enough for me. Kill them together, as long as you are not causing a party wipe most people don't care. They simply want to be alive and enjoy killng things as much as everyone else, and when it appears the party is in a hell storm of mobs and everyone is seconds from death but the party pulls through. You'll be the one they thank, even if you caused it. And they'll have fun doing it.
Set your bars up anyway you like, but healing and killing is basic multitasking, if you can walk and chew gum you can heal and kill. You simply have to remember to glance up at the red bars every few seconds. Always heal party first, kill second and you'll be fine. Just like you would yourself, you wouldn't cast BB when your at 10% health would you? Treat the party the same way.
Of course everything has an exception to it, but this is a good SOP if you are looking for compliments from groups while playing the way you like and not getting so many complaints.
WTT Large Bone for Underwater Action.Hellbound Angels - Hellspewn, Hellsscion, Hellstryke, Hellsmonster, Hellsnsanity, Cowboyup, Wiskie, Theralt