TBH it was about time they made ML 18 raid items better than ML 12 raid items![]()
TBH it was about time they made ML 18 raid items better than ML 12 raid items![]()
Formerly Rathic of harvestgain
There is only a large gap for TR toons, and that gap is because the MLs of Greensteel are way out of whack from other quest items.
It's a level 17 raid that has ML 11 gear. In regular quests, the ML of the gear is usually quest level, or quest level -2. On rare occasions it's quest level -4.
GS items are quest level -6.
So the gap only applies to TR'd toons, and it is only because the MLs of GS are borked compared to the MLs of other items, and even compared to the MLs of other raid loot.
And on that note, the MLs of some other raid loot is all out of whack as well.
VoD, for example. Tharne's Goggles are ML 13.... but you can't even get into the Sub until level 14.
When they changed the level needed to enter the Sub, they should have changed the level required to use these items as well.
TR totally screwed up the ML of raid loot, as did the change to the entry level for Sub.
Items that you had almost no chance to get at the ML of the items become available MUCH earlier than they would be on a first lifer simply because you TR'd. That's poor design. I realize that TR wasn't a concern at the time, but now that it is these things should be reconsidered.
Last edited by Calebro; 08-24-2011 at 11:38 PM.
If you mean level wise, realistically you wont be running shroud until level 17ish on a first life character anyway. You get your greensteel, then use it to be able to make the next step and get your alchemical weapon(s).
Unlike most games though, even though you have replaced your greensteel with something else, your old weapons are not useless, they are still there if you TR that character.
IMO this is a pretty **** good design, give us a clear progression for gear, without making the previous tier obsolete and making the ingredients used feel like they are wasted. Is greensteel at ml12 too powerful? Maybe, but with the xp changes, people have the option to run their characters primarily on hard or elite if they want the challenge and speed up levelling with their TRs.
WHAT THE MOTHER #*%&#? Now, I realize SupComb IX isn't -that- amazing, only impacts meteor swarm, there are already better clickies. But this introduces a new quality that isn't even present in -epic- items.
If you didn't think the Epic Ruby-Encrusted Gauntlets warranted even Improved 9, what the hell puts Superior at tier -1- of this? (only really matters for fire since it's the only with a high-enough level spell that this changes anything, but the point regarding this applies to other elements as well) It's a big step to put something literally not-before-seen in this game (okay, Superior Glaciation IX with all the festival recipes, and a painful amount of mote-grinding) on the FIRST TIER of the new raid items.
I'm really curious as to the design philosophy behind this.
Unless you're taking my perspective as stated earlier that because the superior IX isn't, effectively that much better/that big of a deal anyway, it won't really be enough of a game-changer to put on a higher tear.
There are already too many crafting systems with varying levels of complexity and intuitiveness. It's getting out of hand now and storing all the ingredients has already become an issue for me.
Consolidate this fragmented clusterfudge of a system please Turbine.
Edit: Or fix bags so that I can put BTA items like seals and shards into them and still be able to store it in the account bank.
The change was made U9. You may want to check this again.
Also, here is a link to the U9 Release Notes for reference.◦Bags which have items that bind to account are now able to be placed in shared banks. They now also say "Bound to Account by contained bound item" in the examination tooltip.
naw, naw, naw! dont trust account bank everyone. seriously.
I bought huge ingredient and collectable bags for my main.
I use the tiny bags that you start with for BTC things on all my toons.
I use large ingredient and collectable bags to pass between my other toons, and place anything gathered into those.
When I log into my main, I take everything out of the large bags that get passed and I put it all in my main's bags. That way everything is consolidated on one toon, and if my large bags ever mysteriously disappear from my account bank I've only lost what has accumulated since the last time I consolidated everything.
Easier management of mats/collectables, with minimal risk involved.
I just got a Glorious Obscenity from the Reign of Madness Chain Reward