After exiting DDO lama version i get error message (well at least nothing that have negative effects).
After exiting DDO lama version i get error message (well at least nothing that have negative effects).
In particular, I've noticed that it only occurs when a DM voiceover gets interrupted by another DM voiceover. For example, in HoX going from the entrance to the center as the tank makes like 3 DM voiceovers happen... and what usually happens is, the next time I alt+tab in, whatever voiceover was interrupted gets replayed, starting from the point it was interrupted at.
All of these things are truly awesome.
Especially update 10 reign of madness being missing. I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with how they fixed character transfers.
Well, on the upside we get to see whether or not MajMalphunktion is going to live up to all the things he said about the 'old' QA and how he and his team are going to improve things. Will he chime in here? Will it all get fixed? Will some of it get fixed? Are they aware of any other issues? Did they turn off other packs as well to pseudo force people to test *cough* I mean preview only the new content?
Stay tuned....
Last edited by Avidus; 08-10-2011 at 12:38 PM.
~ Rukan 4/3 pal/mnk(Past Life mnk x3) ~ Ignavus 16 wiz(Past Life sor/wiz) ~ Styphon 20 Game Deformer(Past Life Clr) ~~ Wyek 7/6 mnk/ftr ~ Lystara 5/6/2 ftr/rng/mnk ~ Tinder 12 brb ~~ Broken Talons ~
I get this all the time from Reaver's Fate. Nothing startles you more than leaving Gianthold, closing the solver, clicking back to DDO and hearing "I'm sorry but that selection is incorrect".
I also notice the explosion from the end of Chronoscope sometimes goes off after I leave the quest.
These are on live
-Anything is possible....if you don't understand the problem.
-Better to be perceived a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
-Luck is simply a crossroads between circumstance and knowledge, both are things you can control.
You guys wanted Lamma earlier right? Well, you ask you get. Complete with warts. There is nothing in this thread I don't already have a bug written on.
1. Cleric hireling had not clothes on - name Maloren.
GAH Maloren!! WE love her.
2. Try and make a drow and see the same hair when you scroll though the numbers, same goes for the noses.
Drow are screwed up in this build. Something we decided to live with to get this out yesterday.
3. Putting leathers on - you look nude.
Same thing as number 2.
4. The bonus xp thing is not working. If you do a quest on hard and then go todo a different quest on elite you get told u dont get the bonus because you need todo the quest on hard or elite. Strange because i was. Only way to get the bonus back is todo all quests on hard. lol.
5. Goggles dont show on half-orcs.Wrforged, Half elves...and I think or anyone not a human last I looked.
6. If you log out of toon and do alt-enter then click back you get the DM from the last quest saying something.
Various UI issues- Yep Known. Party size annoying. Ki, annoying. Work in progress. Please Please bug anything you don't like about it.
DM /Sound repeat - This was fixed, and now it is back. This has been an inherent issue with the sound engine for a while. Sigh.
Update 10 content is now on, including the Twelve. Not a bug, just a missed switch. Igor flipped it to 'on'.
Yes, I think it is good that the update is earlier in the process on Lamania, allowing hopefully more actual bugs being found and fixed before it hits live.
It used to be that there was one Lamania update and it was lon Live servers veery soon after. The current form with several updates of Lamannia based on player feedback is definitely better.
No, most of us have witnessed, first hand, major bugs come to Lammania, then go live broken.
That is why we are so negative about broken things we find on Lam. Because there is a track record/history of them going live broken. We have even been told (in the past) that Lam is a "preview server" not a "QA server" and only "spit and polish" will be done to a build before it goes live, not bug fixes.
So, with so many broken and/or horridly designed things in U11, most of us are expecting well over 95% of them to go live as-is, because that is what has always happened.
Just because somethign does not get fixed does not mean you are being ignored. It just means the bug you submitted did not meet the level for fixing.
A Bug Association Rep would be able to mitigate the lack of feedback for player submitted bugs. I know, I used to be one. But that is a hard position to quantify financially.
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
This is very obviously not a spit and polish build. Participation on Lammania is not mandatory. If you do not want to see the sausage being made, feel free to continue playing our fine game on Live. It is a preview server, not a QA server, but we are attempting to preview--even in a buggy state--the contents a little earlier. Lessons learned and all that.
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
The quest blown to bits, blowing up the crates optional: There isn't enough crates after going through the entire area 5 were still missing.
It is good to know that MajMalphunktion seems to be on top of things, and that some things were just missed (reign of madness) in order to give Update 11 more time on lamaland. All of his responses so far are positive ones that make sense and are acceptable.
Thanks for getting in here so fast MajMal![]()
~ Rukan 4/3 pal/mnk(Past Life mnk x3) ~ Ignavus 16 wiz(Past Life sor/wiz) ~ Styphon 20 Game Deformer(Past Life Clr) ~~ Wyek 7/6 mnk/ftr ~ Lystara 5/6/2 ftr/rng/mnk ~ Tinder 12 brb ~~ Broken Talons ~
Does that bug report list also include an apparent nerf in melee and caster dps? Is this part of the warts, or is this actually intended?
In the live server Orien, I seem to be doing more damage with the older version of the antique axe than I am with the "purified and updated" version. Or perhaps I am mistaken?
Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien
Fernian Summer Carnival