So the realese notes say that thres a buff to the raid bosses. If you missed that its the smallest print in the bottom of the notesWell what does this meen ???? I realy want to know the defauld like everyone else. Broblem being that you have to reflag your toons in kamalia and people like ma are too lazy to even bother.
Just to say if the raid is let say 17 it doesn't meen youll buff it so that only lvl 20 toons can surive its lvl 17 and its supose to stay like that. If someone neads chalenge just do it on lvl. When i think of a lvl 17 raid meens that a good lvl 16 or sometimes even a lvl 15 can contribute well without having a party full of lvl 20's.
And one thing im also wondering is do you/did you fix Abbot. Well for some the update migth been nice but i didnt like it realy. The raid is enough bugy with out any added hp to abbot.
So most of the updates seem nice and have try them when i have time. So i would say that you did a great job on U11 from the looks of it but being little more spesific wouldnt hurt.