Will there be an event to help people lvl to 20 or not? Any dev wanna answer that? plz?
Will there be an event to help people lvl to 20 or not? Any dev wanna answer that? plz?
I suspect not. A dev just commented that they only give experience out if it high level characters are needed for testing. With artificer being brand new, I assume they will want people to test the class leveling from 1, not leveled to 20 automatically.
Its possible later in the test cycle that they may focus more on the raid/quest testing, and want more level 20's for that. Of course un-geared level 20's won't be a lot of use in those raids anyways.
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan
Cool thanks, i jut wannted to know cuz im thinking about lesser reincarnating my lvl 14 into part of the new class lol
I wish but I doubt it will be which is kinda to Bad. Main thing I will miss is my Guild at level 100 and the air ship..
As a matter of fact, at the next dungeon focused event we will be handing out experience to those who are unable to access the content (be that from inability to transfer or lack of appropriate level character).
I am confused. By "event" do you mean something like Crystal Cove?
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
What happened to Thoon?
Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk
Thoon attempted a true resurrection.
It turned out to be a Reincarnation. We have not seen him since...
Or have we?
Content Designer
Hmm, I wonder what one has to roll on the reincarnation tables to become a kobold? I think I remember in 3.5 Ed. PnP that if you roll a 100, the DM got to choose what race you came back as, and kobold may have also been on the table. Interesting things to ponder. :-)
On another but related front, I'm very much liking the new Turbine, and being able to see this update at an earlier stage of development than previous ones. Also, the interaction with the community on the forums has been supurb, especially given how busy I know all of you are with the new content, the changes to crossbows, the crafting system, and even managing to make some of the Korthos quests better and prettier. I've also noticed possibly that elite difficulty on quests with the current Lama build are harder? And artificer, which I am incredibly excited about. I think I know where this month's VIP TPs are going: another character slot so I can have an artificer when they hit live. Yeah, alt-itis has got me bad, too.
Looking forward to both events; my one capped toon just copied over to Lama. :-) Thanks devs.
Alfdis (pal20 h-elf THF KotC), Arnalda (clr19/ftr1 human THF battle cleric), Alfrun (wiz15 elf PM), Alfgunnr (brd3/ftr2/barb2 human THF warchanter), Phrygia (brd14/ftr2 elf TWF warchanter), Alfleif (h-elf ftr/pal/mnk WSS), Alfdrifa (AA/TWF Kensai in training). Proud member of Tactical Legion on Thelanis.