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  1. #1
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    Default Barb Greensteel Selection

    Finally got 2 toons ready for shroud and have been dd grinding it with a few completions. Ingredients are moving along, and I have enough small/medium mats to make 2 or 3 tier 2 gs items. I am working on Cannith Crafting and by the end of the week I should have holy silver greataxe of outsider bane all done, so bb is covered. I will be TRing this character someday.

    Just want to check if my thoughts make sense:
    1st item Lit II greataxe (farming and TR weapon) - Holy, Shocking Burst, Shock Blast
    2nd item - goggles - 45 hp +6 wis Con opp - Neg/Pos/Neg
    3rd item - Necklace - blind, disease, poison, fear immunity, death block - Neg/Neg/Neg

    Most greensteel discussions dont mention the immunity item. It seems like a nice way to take care of everything though. Is it advisable to make it? Are these three items good ideas to make? Are there better gs to make? Are there better slots to put them in? Did I select the best tiers for the items? (their seems to be multiple ways to make a Lit II).

    I know that I will need to cleanse an item if I am going to wear 2 and have started going for completions.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. #2
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by game5551 View Post
    Just want to check if my thoughts make sense:
    1st item Lit II greataxe (farming and TR weapon) - Holy, Shocking Burst, Shock Blast
    2nd item - goggles - 45 hp +6 wis Con opp - Neg/Pos/Neg
    3rd item - Necklace - blind, disease, poison, fear immunity, death block - Neg/Neg/Neg
    I don't understand the point of a Con opp on a melee. The 4% chance for 30 temporary HP doesn't do much imo and isn't worth the larges imo. Now, if you are TRing into spellcaster, then make a goggle SP item (maybe triple Cha, with conc-op on your HP item).

    Better for a melee would be an Earth II Goggle as a single-shard (Summon Dense Earth Elemental 2/day, +45 HP, +6 con skills, earthgrab guard) or maybe some kind of double-shard guard effect (Salt II, Lightning II, Dust II).

    Also, note that Tower of Despair sets includes rings, belts, and necklaces, so a GS necky might not be a good choice. I particularly like the Stalwart Defender set (includes the Stalwart Necklace and Cinder's Band) for most melee tank toons since it gets you +15% threat, +6 str and +6 con, extra Action Boosts, +1 ex con, and a incredible potential slot that I'd use for 20% healing amp.

    Quote Originally Posted by game5551 View Post
    Most greensteel discussions dont mention the immunity item. It seems like a nice way to take care of everything though. Is it advisable to make it?
    Epic items often include slots for putting in immunities. A triple neg item, however, isn't bad as a throwaway item that you'll get rid of later. Cloak is my choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by game5551 View Post
    Are these three items good ideas to make? Are there better gs to make? Are there better slots to put them in? Did I select the best tiers for the items? (their seems to be multiple ways to make a Lit II).
    There's also a Triple Positive Maul, ideal for killing undead (Holy, Good Burst, Good Blast); includes a Raise Dead clicky and Greater Disruption which is +6d6 damage per hit and a 3% chance to instakill enemies under 1000 hp or do +100 damage to enemies over 1000 hp.
    Fire immunity (as in a % resistance) weapons are nice to toss on while tanking EChrono and EVelah. You have to go with a weapon though since gear slots don't provide %-age resistance.
    I actually don't mind a Lit 2 item (probably helm) with stacking electric resistance (Minor Good Guard, Inherent Elec Resist 5, Inherent Elec Resist 10) for tanking horoth and sully (both have Chain Lightning which deals 200-300 damage per cast for horoth), but this is far in the future when you can toss Heavy Fort & toughness onto an epic item slot and you don't need the Epic Dragon Helm (which, tbqh, isn't very good against devil bosses).
    Last edited by TheDjinnFor; 08-09-2011 at 02:09 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Doomcrew's Avatar
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    Your Lit II set up is good. A question of your Barb's race should come
    into play as G-Axe may not be the best way to go, unless your a dwarf.

    GS items and their slots will have a lot to do with what you envision your
    final gear set-up to be. Wil you be running epic content?

    I would suggest creating a dream gear set-up and try to utilize the slots
    left over.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDjinnFor View Post
    A popular end-game gear setup for tanks is this, which includes three set bonuses:

    Necklace: Stalwart Necklace
    Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw
    Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw
    Belt: Colethenis's Belt
    Ring: Ring of the Ravager
    Ring: Cinder's Band
    things to think on.
    You see in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.

  4. #4
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doomcrew View Post
    things to think on.
    To expand on that post...

    For an actual barbarian, I prefer the encrusted ring thanks to the +20 hp. Ravager is more of a DPS belt, which is fine for a barbarian tank, but so is Encrusted, so either one. I also like the ECavalry Plate for the Superior False Life, +5 Resistance (great on an evasionless, low dexterity tank for making those reflex saves versus DBF and Chain lightning) and Demonic Shield (effectively a stacking DR 6 that works against spells since it's a 20% chance to proc +30 temporary HP). This tank can afford to sacrifice DPS in exchange for survivability thanks to all the +threat gear he's packing.

    Weapon: Epic Slotted Sword of Shadows/Crafted +5 HB Silver of GEOB
    Armor: Hotswap - Epic Cavalry Plate (Tier 3), Epic Marilith Chain

    Goggles: Salt II Greensteel HP Item
    Helmet: Hotswap - Epic Helm of the Red Dragon, Lit II Greensteel
    Trinket: Hotswap - Epic Bloodstone, Greater Bold Trinket
    Necklace: Stalwart Necklace
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak/Neg II Greensteel
    Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw
    Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw
    Belt: Knost's Belt/Colethenis's Belt
    Ring: Encrusted Ring/Ring of the Ravager
    Ring: Cinder's Band
    Boots: Hotswap - Madstone Boots, Striding Boots, Boots of Anchoring

    Consider the above when making a choice to gear your toon.

  5. #5
    Community Member Indoran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDjinnFor View Post
    To expand on that post...

    For an actual barbarian, I prefer the encrusted ring thanks to the +20 hp. Ravager is more of a DPS belt, which is fine for a barbarian tank, but so is Encrusted, so either one. I also like the ECavalry Plate for the Superior False Life, +5 Resistance (great on an evasionless, low dexterity tank for making those reflex saves versus DBF and Chain lightning) and Demonic Shield (effectively a stacking DR 6 that works against spells since it's a 20% chance to proc +30 temporary HP). This tank can afford to sacrifice DPS in exchange for survivability thanks to all the +threat gear he's packing.

    Weapon: Epic Slotted Sword of Shadows/Crafted +5 HB Silver of GEOB
    Armor: Hotswap - Epic Cavalry Plate (Tier 3), Epic Marilith Chain

    Goggles: Salt II Greensteel HP Item
    Helmet: Hotswap - Epic Helm of the Red Dragon, Lit II Greensteel
    Trinket: Hotswap - Epic Bloodstone, Greater Bold Trinket
    Necklace: Stalwart Necklace
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak/Neg II Greensteel
    Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw
    Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw
    Belt: Knost's Belt/Colethenis's Belt
    Ring: Encrusted Ring/Ring of the Ravager
    Ring: Cinder's Band
    Boots: Hotswap - Madstone Boots, Striding Boots, Boots of Anchoring

    Consider the above when making a choice to gear your toon.
    Goggles: Agree / swap with tharne's when not tanking.
    Helmet: eHelm of the Frost (not because of the charisma obviously, but partial set bonus)
    Trinket: agree
    Necklace: Shintao cord
    Cloak: Envenomed cloak
    Gloves: Agree
    Bracers: Agree
    Belt: Agree
    Ring: Agree
    Ring: Kyosho's
    Boots: add boots of corrosion.

    This way you get more strength than with the incredibly elusive Helm of the Red Dragon. And I clearly prefer Kyosho's to cinder's set.

    Soooooo: craft a li2 weapon and the goggles hp item (salt is nice)
    Last edited by Indoran; 08-09-2011 at 02:32 PM.
    Khyber: Pinel / Laerak / Sibeli / Kaeral / Gilmara - Crafter

  6. #6
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    Thank you. The gear set-up is very helpful. Part of the problem I was having was picking which slot to put the gs in because I didnt really know what was out there to shoot for. I am a Dwarf currently, but might go Half-Orc on a TR, so I am deciding between Greataxe and Falcion.

    Only question I have is about salt II. I see that salt II is suggested, and from what I see it is 80-480 damage over 4 seconds, whereas the lit II gaurd is 600-650 all at once. Is salt suggested to get around lightning immunity?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indoran View Post
    Goggles: Agree / swap with tharne's when not tanking.
    Helmet: eHelm of the Frost (not because of the charisma obviously, but partial set bonus)
    Trinket: agree
    Necklace: Shintao cord
    Cloak: Envenomed cloak
    Gloves: Agree
    Bracers: Agree
    Belt: Agree
    Ring: Agree
    Ring: Kyosho's
    Boots: add boots of corrosion.

    This way you get more strength than with the incredibly elusive Helm of the Red Dragon. And I clearly prefer Kyosho's to cinder's set.

    Soooooo: craft a li2 weapon and the goggles hp item (salt is nice)
    Going by this setup, we will have 4 augment slots available from the abishai set;
    1) Boots of corrrosion x 2
    2) Envenomed cloak
    3) Helm of frost

    What will you propose to add into the 4 augment slots?

    Will appreciate any suggestions and advice!

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