Toon is currently at level 14 (12/2) so I want to plan out my level 15 and 18 feats now to avoid having to respec. Here's some of the ideas I'm kicking around.
1) Toughness + Quickdraw
Toughness is just a nice way to boost the hp's up to crazy levels. 83 extra hp's if you spend all the AP's on Warforged Con and Toughness (16ap altogether) and wouldn't have done so otherwise. Quickdraw is nice for weapon swaps but not critical on a THF toon and while this toon has some boosts it's nothing like a Kensei in that regard.
2) Toughness + Sap
I'm a sucker for controlling the battlefield. I have very good twitch skills and can pick out a favorable enemy to sap and position myself so glancing blows don't wake them. Seems a lot weaker though on a toon that can't bluff to single-pull.
3) Toughness + Toughness
Probably overkill but included this option for completeness as I have kicked it around.
4) Toughness + Great Cleave
Another overkill option given Supreme Cleave but included for completeness.
5) Toughness + Shield Mastery
An interesting idea for times when agro is already set and I'm looking for more survivability. Intim would allow me to get some big boosts to threat while using this method which might allow me to hold agro despite the reduced dps.
6) Toughness + Shield Mastery + Drop Stunning Blow for Bastard Swords or Dwarven Axes
As above but would sacrifice stunning blow to get the massive THF bonuses on my attacks.
7) Combat Expertise + Improved Trip
This one may be the most interesting to me of the lot. I've got the items sitting waiting for the epic upgrades in U11 for making an Epic Blademark's Docent. Being able to get a +15 always on (when wearing the docent) Vertigo item, stacked with a barbarian's already high strength, makes trip by itself highly viable. Adding in a +4 to the dc and much more importantly a longer duration and shorter cooldown makes me very tempted to eschew Toughness and go this route. It's not a question to me about whether I'd rather have Improved Trip or Quickdraw/Sap (my other top choices). I'd take Improved Trip in a heartbeat over the other two. It's the idea of giving up Toughness for CE as well. If I went this option though, not having Toughness opens up a ton of AP to take the Warforged Tactics line as well as the fighter trip/stun's first point. The DC's for stuns and trips on this guy would be outstanding then and the trips would last a long time and be on a short cooldown.
Just interested in thoughts from other people out there on what makes sense and especially on whether CE + Improved Trip could be worth it for a player that's capable of making use of them.