So, all those completionists out there will have to TR ($$$) into an Artificer ($$$) and then TR ($$$) back into their original class to get back to where they are today.
So, all those completionists out there will have to TR ($$$) into an Artificer ($$$) and then TR ($$$) back into their original class to get back to where they are today.
There's a big warning on the completionist feat that when new classes are created, the feat will be deactivated. It shouldn't some as a surprise to anyone.
Quomodo cecidisti de cælo, Lucifer, qui mane oriebaris. corruisti in terram, qui vulnerabas gentes.
Qui dicebas in corde tuo: In cælum conscendam, super astra Dei exaltabo solium meum.
Not to sound like a jerk, but this was a known issue.
I don't think anyone goes to completionist without keeping this in mind. It's not like they've hidden the fact that they're adding new classes.
It totally sucks, and I feel the pain. I think a compromise would be to not deactivate the completionist feat UNTIL the toon TRs again.
"Funny 'Ha-Ha, or Funny 'Uh-oh...'?
Probably Funny 'Uh-Oh.'"
Khyber - Mesaana, Samaeila Suncrusher
So do you want turbine not to make money on this game? I mean, really.
You can grind the tp to do it for free, so I don't see a problem.
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
It's been clear that would be the case since completionist was added. It's in the description of the feat. As far as I see it, you have many choices:
1. Don't go for completionist
2. Get completionist, enjoy it while you have it, don't get it again
3. Spend the money
I'm not sure why you think it costs too much. Turbine's not handing out free puppies - this is a business. If you don't want the product, don't buy it. If you do want it, be prepared to demonstrate that by shelling out the cash.
The Completionist feat will turn into a free feat respec token whenever a new class is released.
And why does TRing cost $$$? I'd expect a completionist to have 40 tokens in their bag by that time.
Infynity, Flaggson, Grazzit, Liryc
Yep, I think I facepalmed my nose off.
You could also just stay an Artificer. That'll save you the last TR. But I doubt folks who went all the way to completionist are going to be so enthralled with Artificer that very many of them will decide to not TR back to their "goal" class and stay there.
I understand TRing to get completionist on new classes, and paying to get new classes, but perhaps Turbine could also award a free TR upon achieving completionist to avoid the savage gouging of having to buy two TRs.
Hey, it would also be nice to let people keep their +4 tomes on a TR. You know, 20 TRs, finally done, eats a +4 whatever tome as the icing, then bam!
Shapshap, League of Extraordinary Ham, Sarlona and a bunch of alts that all have names begining with Sha or Sho. Of course Shapshap could be the alt and one of the others the main, it just depends on what day it is.
I don't know of a single completionist out of three who didn't use XP Pots, and of all those I know of that TR, most of them use XP pots too. Then there are the mana pots that make flying through levels with a caster ridiculously easy.
Regarding the OP, the worst part is, imo, the +4 tomes they have to re-obtain.
Somebody explain how this is a surprise to anyone that has obtained completionist?
Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?
It really shouldn't come as a surprise - it's pretty clearly labeled.
Usage: Passive
You win DDO! You've leveled to 20
in every class, and for your effort
you can take this feat to get a +2
bonus to all skills and ability
scores. When more classes are
added, this feat will deactivate
and you will need to gain those
past lives before this benefit
I would have thought that anyone gunning for completionist would have already had a plan to deal with new classes from the get-go. Personally, I think this is one more reason why the Feat itself should be free.But I guess for now, this is a nice gesture.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.