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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    It is a well thought out point.

    But /Not Signed.

    While, I am for f2p content being added to entice new players, I am against current P2P content being made F2P. It would not be fair to those that paid for it.
    /Signed, and I bought it.

    Personally, I prefer it over Delera's. They both need some tweaking, I think, but I really enjoy Threnal. Coyle is a chump, and the flagging needs to be overhauled completely, but otherwise the biggest problem I have with the pack is that nobody runs it! It's near the bottom of the premium must-have pack list, and the VIP's don't need to run it. At least if it was f2p I wouldn't always have to bribe my guildies with candy and loot to run it with me.

  2. #42
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    I've run Threnal a whopping total of 1 time. I'm VIP, so I can run it as much as I want, but I never saw a reason to.

    I'm with the OP on not spending dev time on "fixing" this chain, but to just make it F2P.
    With the one exception of fixing the flagging mechanic, that is.

    As for those that say Making it F2P is totally unfair to those who bought it?

    1. How do you think people felt when DDO went Free To Play?
    Do you think Turbine offered everyone a refund on their purchase?

    2. How much does the pack actually cost? (Serious question. If we're talking 2$, it's a lot different than if it cost $20.)
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  3. #43
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    /not signed

    I also agree that f2p has more than enough content to level to 20 at this point. Giving f2p even more content to run for TP would not a good financial decision. Also, as older content gets older, there will more requests for even more free content. If anything, a revamp of the area should take place, if/when it goes epic.

  4. #44
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danotmano1998 View Post
    1. How do you think people felt when DDO went Free To Play?
    Do you think Turbine offered everyone a refund on their purchase?
    They gained free 5k TP (after Euro p2p servers was shut down, and characters was transfered)
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    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  5. #45
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    I am going to play both halves.....

    I want them to make (part of) Threnal Free, and I want them to change and improve it as well.

    Ideally, I would like them to Increase the size of Threnal by about 10x. So large, you have to zone between each new area/quadrant and introduce mounts into the game. However, that is very unlikely to happen. Just a wish.

    A) The Giant's caves should be Free, and turned into a low Favor (you are mostly there to help yourself to their stuff. Robing is of limited use to even House P) chain, that could give you some nice, but limited end rewards for mid levels that can be used as buffs for crafting. Alternately, you could make it House C favor, for lower levels, as promised in the future.

    B) The Threnal Arena- Survive the Arena, get your item, you can craft on it. Note: The Threnal West reward could be reworked.

    C) Getting access to the Excavation points costs Points (or VIP).

    D) Up the Experience points for protection quests, and time. East 3 is an absolute sham of a quest, even after all of the significant improvements that have happened with Coyle, due to the very low exp it offers.

    E) Many of the End Rewards are quite good. Others are still awful. The awful ones need to be adjusted and given a purpose in game. Perhaps as the very RARE Named items that you could actually CRAFT on, much like the Threnal Sword as suggested above.

    So, split the area, improve it, give everyone a taste, and draw them in with a tie to new (crafting) content. (and a History that talks about how it may hold House Canith's secrets, etc.)


    Last edited by muffinlad; 08-10-2011 at 06:39 PM.
    Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.

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  6. #46
    Community Member Rumbaar's Avatar
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    At least that pack has an end reward that is useful. Now I'm all for the level appropriate nature of the request.

    But for pure useless packs sake Three Barrel Cove needs to go Free. It's useless, huge and no-one! runs it on level for items, rewards, XP and or favor.
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  7. #47
    Community Member arch0njw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by licho View Post
    Will there be any refund for premium who bought the pack before it get f2p?
    In LotRO they opened up an area to be f2p. There was no refund. If this were to happen, I would not expect one.

    In response to the OP, I agree. I think they can and should measure the popularity of various adventure packs and open up the lower, or lowest, popularity ones to the f2p players. I get that making -some- money is better than making -none- but there's also a hidden benefit to luring the f2p people into more areas of the game.

  8. #48
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    If threneal goes F2P, delera's sales will fall
    (who needs 2 +5%XP items, if they won't stack?)
    I never understood that anyway.... they should have made it so if you wore both items you got a bonus to the xp as well.... maybe not stacking to 10% but say ...7% otherwise its silly to create a set (2 pieces of equip) that go together, are meant to be worn together and have overlapping/nonstacking/wasted effects. That's right SILLY.
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  9. #49
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    As sick as I am of seeing the game being catered to FreeToPlay players.... I'm going to have to agree with this suggestion.

    No one runs these quests because no one buys the pack because the pack isn't worth the investment. That leaves noone but VIPs whom have access to it, and they can't find parties because noone else can go there.

    This content would get at least a little bit of attention if it were playable by the freebiee mooches.

    Turbine--- next time you are considering the development of more Free-To-Play content, DONT. Just convert Threnal to F2P. Use those logistics on quality pay content instead. Everyone wins.

    ((((((although if i had to wager, i'd put all of my chips on this suggestion NEVER happening. not an icecubes chance in hell)))))
    Eulogy- oh ninety eight

  10. #50
    The Hatchery Kilnedric's Avatar
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    FWIW, chiming in as a very casual premium player.

    I've bought all packs except 2: Threnal and 3BC. Mostly due to the reviews on these forums suggesting they're not worth it. So, with that in mind it does seem something should be done. Maybe free is extreme, but how about a price drop plus revamping loot and raising exp slightly?
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  11. #51
    Community Member augie's Avatar
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    It's hard to critique a chain of quests that's been out for over 5 years and has gone through only minimal changes. DDO is a vastly different beast nowadays. The cloak and the twink-friendly wraps are basically the only items worthwhile out of there by today's standards. In that level range, it's hard to compete with Chrono and Fens gear.

    By today's standards, there's no doubt it needs a major facelift. But if it's a matter of allocating time and resources into redoing Threnal instead of developing new content, then I'm fine with relegating Threnal to being a more nostalgic area than anything.

    Farming elite South part 3 for ultra rare +1 tomes and the legendary vorpal weapons, trying to box in the unhealable, unbuffable, unknockoutable Coyle behind a bookcase just to keep him alive in East part 3, farming the Giant Caves...

    Back to the rocking chair I go.
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  12. #52
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    Many good suggestions.

    Quote Originally Posted by muffinlad View Post
    I am going to play both halves.....

    I want them to make (part of) Threnal Free, and I want them to change and improve it as well.

    Some great ideas in your post muffinlad, except for the massive explorer area. An explorer area yes. A new supersized 3 Barrel Cove? No!

    I think the same thing that applies to this older content applies to much of the older content paks in that it just doesn’t get played as much. New quests offer decent XP, cool new loot, and most of all something new. When Threnal was end game it got run into the ground, protecting Coyle was like a six man raid, success meant you got your fancy loot. Today as it sits not even worth the bother of a VIP to head on out to it. I think the pack that has held up best over time is the Desert, I could think of many small improvements to make it better but overall it has lots of benefits. At level it is good XP, its loot is still highly sought after and for the most part it has a decent explorer area, that encourages people to visit/farm.

    If any pack where to go free my votes would be as follows:
    #1 Titan
    #2 Threnal
    #3 Three Barrel Cove
    #4 Sorrowdusk
    ... Where does it end?

  13. #53
    Community Member Jandric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by augie View Post
    It's hard to critique a chain of quests that's been out for over 5 years and has gone through only minimal changes. DDO is a vastly different beast nowadays. The cloak and the twink-friendly wraps are basically the only items worthwhile out of there by today's standards. In that level range, it's hard to compete with Chrono and Fens gear.

    By today's standards, there's no doubt it needs a major facelift. But if it's a matter of allocating time and resources into redoing Threnal instead of developing new content, then I'm fine with relegating Threnal to being a more nostalgic area than anything.

    Farming elite South part 3 for ultra rare +1 tomes and the legendary vorpal weapons, trying to box in the unhealable, unbuffable, unknockoutable Coyle behind a bookcase just to keep him alive in East part 3, farming the Giant Caves...

    Back to the rocking chair I go.
    Back in the day, the +5 weapon in Threnal Arena was a big deal. If they made some minor item and XP passes (drastically increase the XP from protecting Coyle for 15 minutes, for example) the pack would get more play. Increase the variety of weapon types in the arena and make the reward something truly worthwhile.

  14. #54
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    I don't mean to be rude to anyone, but "This quest Sucks" should not be the criteria for it to be made free to play... just saying.

  15. #55
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    I don't mean to be rude to anyone, but "This quest Sucks" should not be the criteria for it to be made free to play... just saying.
    Maybe not but it is a good criteria to say that something needs to be changed. Better loot, killing Coyle and selling his soul to Sully, better xp for the effort, whatever.

    3 Barrel is worse in a way, because it is an awesome area to run in... with very poor xp rewards at a level with much better areas to grind for xp, and no loot to be had, making it worthless compared to even some F2P quests. I bought it, I run the explorer every character/life, but that's because I like the area; I could find much more profitable use of my time in-game elsewhere.
    Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...

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  16. #56
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Plus side, we'd get a potentially broader crowd to team up with.
    Down side, p2p paid for it.

    Either way, it needs some revamping, as suggested above.


    I guess the real problem for most of us is: lower levels are overcrowded with same-level quest chains, competing for the same level bracket.
    I recall I had little problem getting my earlier chars to 8-10, even as a f2p player, skipping those p2p quests altogether.

    I agree on tweaking levels for some packs so they cover a different gap, and making sure chains don't bridge too many levels between starting and ending quests.
    I recall I had troubles with Tangleroot: people who were low level enough to run earlier quests without an XP hit, weren't high level enough to run the final quest in the chain.
    I could never get a smooth chain run with pugs.
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  17. #57
    Community Member Stormanne's Avatar
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    I don't have a problem with Threnal going f2p. Just don't hand out refunds for it to the people who have already paid for it. You don't see people beating down Valves door for making Team Fortress 2 free after they had already bought it. If something is made free after you bought it, oh well. Consider it an investment in future content.

  18. #58
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    If they added an option to kill Coyle instead of protecting him maybe...................

    Hell I would buy that.

    And I'm VIP!

  19. #59
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azrael4h View Post
    Maybe not but it is a good criteria to say that something needs to be changed. Better loot, killing Coyle and selling his soul to Sully, better xp for the effort, whatever.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alabore View Post
    Either way, it needs some revamping, as suggested above.
    Quote Originally Posted by somenewnoob View Post
    If they added an option to kill Coyle instead of protecting him maybe...................

    Hell I would buy that.

    And I'm VIP!
    This is my idea, Let me know what you think.

    and I agree, something needs to be done. I just do not agree that making it F2P is the solution.

  20. #60
    Community Member stille_nacht's Avatar
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    i own threnal, and /signed.

    to put it a bit bluntly: this just isnt worth p2p status. the quests are just kinda boring :/. it fills in a nice spot, and hardly anyone runs it anyway. If it does go free, i would not consider a refund necessary, but it would be kidna nice :P

    making three-barrel cove f2p might also be a good idea IMO. i have never actually seen an lfm for that place
    Last edited by stille_nacht; 08-11-2011 at 09:48 PM.
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