I really think Turbine should consider opening Threnal up as a F2P area.
- No one hardly ever runs it.
- It's long. If you do manage to get a group, there's a pretty decent chance they're going to get sick of it after the east and west ruins, and then you'll need to hope and pray you can get a group together at a later date for the southern ruins.
- It fills in a very nice f2p gap at level 8, 9, and 10 with two 8th level quests, 3 9th level quests, and 4 10th level quests.
- The other little "quests" in the zone can be fun, but no one ever runs them, except as solo quests.
- f2p players should be able to pay their respects at Dave's shrine.
- Everyone needs to experience the joys of keeping Loyle Coven alive!