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Thread: Becoming VIP

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Becoming VIP

    so i been trying to become Vip and im getting this msg every time i tried
    The system was unable to update your billing information. Please verify your billing information and try again later. If you continue to experience this error, you may wish to try another credit card or contact your issuing bank. To request further assistance, please visit [err: 30005]
    The system was unable to update your account at this time due to a system error; we apologize for the inconvenience. If this problem persists, or resulted in any issues in your account, please contact Turbine Customer Service. [err: -2]
    i used 2 different cards and tried in two diffrents computers so at this point i dont know what the problem is, the first credit card i used was the same i used in the past to get points or to become vip last year, so i hope u can help me.

    Ps: sorry for my english but i didn't check my grammar or orthography

  2. #2
    Customer Service Representative
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    We do have a sticky here that may answer your question. There is a lot of good information there.

    If after trying all the steps in that sticky you still need some help, you will want to contact the Account Management Team directly. You can use the information in my signature. They will be happy to help!
    DDO Support Page & Knowledge Base
    To request support from a Customer Service Agent, simply click on "Submit a Ticket"
    English Account/Store Support is available from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday (GMT -5). 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

    Contact us on Twitter @DDOUnlimited

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