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  1. #41
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDjinnFor View Post

    Just throwing this out there: Horoth's Disintegrate always does exactly 400-600 damage (100d3+300) on all difficulties. 600 is not enough to make Disintegrate irrelevant... 800 is not even enough to make disintegrate irrelevant. You need 800 hp plus like 200% heal amp to make you unkillable in ToD; his DPS will bring you down below 600 regularly otherwise. If you can mitigate his DPS, a 650 hp might be 'unkillable' because his dots are still a factor.

    The minimum needed to actually function is like 300 so his dots and melee doesn't kill you and a 27 fortitude save so his disintegrate is minimized. More HP and heal amp than that *may* help prevent a tank death during a disintegrate fail. Sometimes you're unlucky and you get disintegrated for 560 hp when you're at 650 hp, then he takes a swipe at your face.
    I totally agree a 600 pt disintegrate would one shot my 550 HP First Life numbers (anything above 550 would). However, thats all 3s on 100d3+300 and is worst case (Which is good to prepare for). During my time as Tank (again limited as far as Horroth is concerned) I saw the average around 450 (failed saves) even lower average if you put in the numbers from Saves. Still not alot of breathing room and I contribute my survival to three things 1) My understanding of how a Paladin's skills and abilities work 2) The high AC to help midigate the incoming melee damage and 3) the nimble fingers of the healer(s). All of which I see as equally important. 2/3rds of which place a heavy burden on me as the tank.

    Again I'm not advocating Low HP. I'm only pointing out that it has and can be done.

  2. #42
    Community Member Jahmin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    . . . as long as you don't roll a 1.
    Shield Mastery

  3. #43
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cratesmasher View Post
    What does it take to be an effective tank in ToD?

    I've read that you should have 600+ HP because of Horoth's disintegrate. If a character has evasion does that reduce a failed save to half damage? I think it should not because disintegrate is a Fortitude save and not a Reflex save.

    If I'm right, how high does my Fort save need to be to be at a fail on 1 condition? Has anyone done that calculation or are there any antecdotal references to guide me?

    Lastly, how much hate would I need to generate in order to hold either general's attention (Horoth or Suulomades)?
    600 is a good number obviously more is better. Disintegrate is nasty, in my last run I think I took 2 and got 2x 1's on saves and you want to be able to soak that 500pts. I was sitting at around 95+ ac at the time with the buffs going so even elite melee damage was not a major concern.
    You are going to be constantly taking damage through DOTS and grazing hits regardless of AC so keeping hps as high as possible is a good thing, once your hp drops to below 520 you risk being dropped in 1 hit.
    Milacias of Kyber

    Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber

    The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
    The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.

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