As the title states, I am looking for an item with superior galaciation 8 (from risa festival). I would prefer the item to have major ice lore as well.
Please respond via private message, or you can reach me in-game as Urdrick the Pale
As the title states, I am looking for an item with superior galaciation 8 (from risa festival). I would prefer the item to have major ice lore as well.
Please respond via private message, or you can reach me in-game as Urdrick the Pale
lol kits for these were selling for like 3 or 4 scales during the event.
good at business
it may be easier to farm the lord of eyes quest for his scepter ( and hope you get the glaciation version )
You are probably better off farming the ice version of this scepter.
Just saying.
Edit : There, ninja'ed.
Why would you want that, with single mindedness on it, rather than one without single mindedness? Some people have the Superior Glaciation 8 scepters made from ice games with major Ice Lore on it. It'll cost a lot more than 1 scale, but it's worth it.
over the period of the first and second risia games, i made a sup glac 8 sceptre on one with major ice lore(and a guild slot). I did not have problems with recipes, but it took me a very long time to farm that many motes. It has been a great scepter, I don't know how much they sell for, but I cannot believe it would only be 1 LDS.
Right after the event was over, I saw someone selling on a major ice lore scepter... He wanted 450k for it.
I don't know if that's a normal price, but that was the only price I have to work with, so that is where I started at in my offer...
With the amount of motes and recipes you need, that seems worth a lot more than 450k. I'd say closer to 1.5 million.
Yeah I wouldn't part with my Major Ice Lore, Spell Penetration Superior Glaciation VIII scepter for just a LDS.
as i recall, it requires something crazy like over 9000 motes (and i'm not just saying that as an "over nine thousand" DBZ joke either). that is an awful lot of motes...
yea, worth at least 4 LDS imo, the reason you were seeing that ice lore scepter for so high is because it was either on the AH or the seller does not understand the worth. another point is that major ice lore should not be compared to sup glac 8 of the same value
Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq
I'm pretty new to this stage of the game... So trading ingredients still has a bit of a learning curve for me...
As I mentioned, all I have to go off of was the little I saw right after the completion of the festival (to be honest I wasn't even thinking about it during the festival, so I didn't know any of the comprable prices).
After the festival, I saw a guy who was offering a major ice lore scepter that had superior 8 on it, and he was asking 450k. I didn't have that much plat, so I didn't follow up with him on it. Later after I thought about it some, I went to check the AH, to see what the going rate was for LDS. There were 4 of them on the AH, and all were 450k.
Whether or not these are average numbers, I couldn't say, but it was all I had to work with when I made the post...