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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Bonulino View Post
    I would like for people to stop saying "Just buy the Soul Gems on the AH". I check the AH daily, and the soul gems to do Adamantine 1 ritual on 1 item cost 50K pp! That's fine if you have millions of pp, but I don't. Fortunately for me, one of the casters in my guild now has the Trap the Soul spell, and would be willing to trade with me for a much more reasonable amount. However, that only helps me and the members of my guild. If we are to depend on the AH for distributing these things, I would ask for the casters to begin producing vastly larger numbers of them, and offering them at substantially reduced prices on the AH. If the gems you put up do not sell, it is probably because the people who need them cannot afford the highly inflated prices, and is not because they simply don't want them.
    Time for me to start flooding ah again, at time value money tradeoff.

    Seriously, you can make 50k plat in a shroud run. In that time you could also go run a low level quest with no loot to speak of except the elementals appropriate for adamantine ritual.

  2. #42
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Tuney View Post
    You know... all this talk is reminding me of how one made a boat in Vanguard. It REQUIRED you to know or make charaters for several differnt tradeskills to even get parts for the boat.

    Though I think once you had all the parts you may or may not have needed someone to put it togeather of a differnt tradeskill then the ones who made the parts. But still , it is not far fetched to think in a massivly multiplayer game. You don't know ANYONE who can do a little bit for you , for free or at a small cost or even 'at cost' to help you.
    There is a diferance between a crafting system where no single character can create any end item by them selves and a crafting system for making your own equiptment. I actualy have no problem with the idea of requiring others to help with crafting. But if you are going to do it then everyone needs to be able to provide something that no one else can. My original point is not that you need to ask an arcane for a Soul Gem but that they are the only ones you can ask and there for they can charge excessive amounts for it. EG: the other day I foolishly paied 2000 Kiber Dragon Shards for 1 Soul Gem: Undead. I even had to go in the mission with the guy and protect him while he tryed to get it. (I am fine with the helping. It is fun after all.) That was the price for getting me the gem, that or 25kpp which I do not have as I have been deconstructing everythign I can lay my hands on unless I consider it to realy be worth selling.

    As for getting guildies to help you out. It helps to be in a guild with the required classes. My guild currently dose not have a L15 archane class. Infact we only have 2 character above L15 at all. Sure we are a small guild but we find it hard to recuit as we dislik advertising for just anybody to join and would rather find people through playing with them first. I know this is bad for progression but I just cannot bring my self to just randomly invite people or spam adds in the chat windows every 5 minutes or less. It seems like bad manners to me. (It anoys the hell out of me to be on the recieving end of this behaviour.) I think there are more than enough players out there in a similare position.

    Now some quick examples of things other classes could make for crafting.
    FvS, Cleric, Pala: Componenets for adding healing abilitys to items.
    Ranger: Arrows for the greater bane shards (This replacing the Slaying arrows in current recipes)
    Wiz, Sorc: Soul Gems, Spell Components for adding spells items.
    Barbarian, Bard, Fighter and Rogues nothing comes to mind now.

    So ether everyone contributes somthing or no one dose. I do not care if you need high level characters to do this or not. This was supose to be basic crafting after all. If you want to socalise for craftign then save it for the higher tier crafting. (GS and the like.)

  3. #43
    Community Member
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    Jul 2011


    This would probably be less of an issue if Trap the Soul wasn't a rare spell (as level 8 scrolls can't be purchased). If it was available then every wizard would have it in their book, and people with UMD would carry a few, and the exclusive supply issue wouldn't exist.
    The Guild of Calamitous Intent
    Yinquessir the Wizzard
    Orrior Dorf (Storage Alt)
    Yinserothe Oft Lost (Crafting Alt)

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