In such a situation, you could toss some more heals, then tell to the party: "sorry, but I don't have anymore pots or wands, so if you want me to continue to heal, please donate what you can, otherwise, you can buy cmw pots at the tavern".
In such a situation, you could toss some more heals, then tell to the party: "sorry, but I don't have anymore pots or wands, so if you want me to continue to heal, please donate what you can, otherwise, you can buy cmw pots at the tavern".
A variation of what has been said but you r aprpriate resp[once would have been to stopp healing theat player who wouldnt give you his wand. And if they complain tell them you have used wands in this raid and will use no more resources on them or anyone who gets a wand or pot without passing it on.
The flip side is did you inform them that you were burning your pots and wands? Most mellee are oblivious to what you are doing all they know is heal me. Educating them will make your life easier.
Goodo's on how you handeled that OP, i for one probably would have said. "okidoki lads, no more one way traffic! if there is no teamwork here and you need the 5 plat for the wands... that is too bad for you, here's the battlecleric and *series-of-bad-words* to you all"
I see where you're coming from but you're missing the point here. An at level solo heal of this raid with limited resources=great job OP..kudos to you as it's an accomplishment.
Sadly you'll encounter more of this attitude,but it tends to tail off as you get past level 10 or so.At that point most players have a slightly better grasp of the game,and are more likely to realise the costs of running a healer. But even to cap and beyond don't expect pots to be handed over,it's as rare an event as a solar eclipse in my experience.
I am not a fan of just suddenly going 'out of heals'. It's manipulative. How do you know that people are not willing to help and when they have the situation explained to them? People are more than ready to help out usually but you need to give them a chance. Not all newer players are selfish children - they may just not realise because they haven't been given the information. But put them on the spot like that and that's going to get their back up and escalate the situation and makes you sound like a demanding so and so.
Advance warning and clear explainations is better than a sudden stop.
Also if your advance warning gets you no follow up come the first chest looting,etc you know what kind of a group it is and should feel no hesitation in whatever actions you choose to pursue from that point on.
Not sure if you have potency items or whatnot (although it sounds like you have a clue so I'm guessing so) but having those covered is good if someone asks.
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
Yes but at least at cap you can *fund* yourself. A new player at level 7 and it's *horribly* ex*****ve relatively. By end game you can wear the costs of failed raids etc not too badly.
I ran a cleric up to 20 knowing no one on Thelanis. At least having played a while I knew how to get by and survive on the paltry little I had. But I recommend that experience to people who haven't been a newbie for a while remembering that there is a bunch of plat generating activities that you know that a new player doesn't.
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
hmm now you mention it.. i tred my sorc into a cleric and im close to level 15 now and never been offered
a pot or a wand also..
most low level people dont realise what a great help a cleric is and just keep busy with the killroster
and tryign to be first..
A lot ppl expect divince casters to be their personal healbot, they dont care about your sp or if you are using wands as long they are healed. If you run out of sp its your fault and they wont give you the mnemo pots or even wands they looted earlier this quest - they can be sold.
Many ppl are rude to divine chars, and dont show any respect. Just ignore them, you dont need such ppl.
So many divine caster group only with chars that are either self sufficient or bring their own healing.
Most divine chars dont need other party members, maybe for traps or to get ransack more quickly. But a lot of chars need divine chars to be successfull, remember that.
Be friendly to your "healer" and he will group again!
Many of the people replying seem to be forgetting the fact that if the heals stop, the cleric takes the blame. I know that it's unfortunate and stupid that clerics are scapegoats for noob ragers, but becoming the bad guy doesn't solve a whole lot in the short term. If you take their advice, people will just remember you as "that cleric that wouldn't or couldn't do his job."
I remember when I was new to this game I had a fairly similar mentality. I didn't know why some parties succeeded, while others failed miserably. I did not realize who was making what kind of contribution in which situations, and I certainly didn't give a lot of good players the credit they deserved. Once you've capped a few toons you know what's going on, but when you're doing low lvl content with people who don't understand raids or party mechanics and such, that's just how it's going to be.
Explain what you can, do what you can, but don't lose your temper. How are you going to help anything by acting like a d*&#? Remember that a failure is Your wasted time as well.
Good luck with the questing - this won't be the last batch of noobs. When you get the good groups remember who they are, and always help people help themselves.
Yesterday evening, in Europe, typical Sunday evening you dont really know what to do.
I picked my cleric in Argo... I didn´t bother to check the LFM, I directly picked a hireling and soloed a bit.
My static group friends are all on vacation, so I will only group with my rogue or my hagglebot (sometimes people blind invite me...its so fun... I don´t even have weapons on my hagglebot...picking and not feeling bad about it)
Goat, Sammich, Poultry
My point is that money is worth more when you are new.
Therefore the resources both for the OP and for what sounds like a lot of the party members have a LOT more value.
Therefore negotiation of those resources, including the OPs sp, should have more weight.
But, being newer players it may not happen. Hence forum discussion. But hey if you feel that anything I have to contribute is not worth your reading time it's not hard to skip over my name.
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
In my view you should have explained to them that it costs too much for you to keep 11 players alive as the only healer, and as they don't want to help with the costs you will have to leave. "Sorry, I don't have the resources and you refuse to help. Good luck, bye bye."
Thankfully, it does get better at higher levels where the amount of noobs, egoistical kids and random idiots gets thinned out, so don't give up.
Also, I think Chrono pugs are often shunned by more experienced players (any vet worth his/her salt would have passed/given you whatever you needed) since they know it most likely will be full of clueless kamikaze pilots and they will have to do 90% of the heavy lifting themselves - while having to listen to children (of all ages...) brag about their characters.
So you can comfort yourself with the fact that it does not get much worse - you've passed through pug purgatory![]()
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
Those low level noobs don't realize that that is garbage money and they won't make a cent doing that, ignore their ignorant stupidity. :/
From what I have seen you are going to run accross this at all levels. There will always be some idiot that thinks you are his very own personal hireling. He will not care what you have to do to keep him alive just so long as his red bar stays full. These tend to be the exception the higher level you get, but they still are out there. You will even run into people that will pass you wands, scrolls, and pots at the begining of a quest in order to help you out.
Personally I tend to pass consumables to whoever can use them while in a quest if they drop for me. I even pass cure pots to the melees when on my healer since I really don't tend to use them.
Point is really that all folks are perfectly allowed to keep their loot. It is annoying, true coz the wand of cure moderate won't really do any good to their checkbook.
The problem arises for them when a healer starts remembering their names... *evilgrin*![]()
This. When i usually run Chrono at level (mostly on my favor running battle cleric) I met lot of very competent and nice players.
I remember one time I was only cleric in party (but was supported by someone, but don't remember now bard or rangers) When I finished I just used 1 wand (not sure if whole) and 1 normal potion potion. After completion leader passed me 4k plat for expenses and before abishai devastator i got 2 normal potions from WF monk (too bad he was the only one there that I couldn't keep alive).
Well wands ?
Should always be passed, if asked for. Even if the cleric is not in immediate need as they are simply not worth enough to keep and sell them otherwise.
Don't heal people who refuse to pass them, when asked.
On the other hand, usually no one bothers to much with them. Have only once ever seen anyone asking for it.
Pots ?
Totally different matter. The completely ridiculous prices these fetch on the Khyber auction house make every pots more worth then every other non-named loot of nearly every quest. I wouldn't demand of every lv 7 first life toon that he gives up like 20k found plat to safe the run. It would be nice, of course, but totally understandable if one refuses.
And clerics shouldn't use them on low levels. Wands are that much cheaper it's only a waste. depending on the size every pot is worth more wands than you have inventory space left.
I have played a cleric to 20 without any twinkage and... well, i really didn't use more than 5 pots in the whole life. Used lots of wands of course. I carried some pots for emergencies, but i rarely found myself in a situation where wands and SP and bursts and aura were not enough but a pot would safe the run. I really can't say that a cleric needs to be that more expensive to play then every other class that they need to be supported by the rest of the group.
To me, it sounds like the OP explained the situation.
I think it was the leaders job as well to explain to the group that one healer on Chrono at level would stretch things thin and to play smart and donate to the cleric/FVS.
I'm not a fan of suddenly going out of heals either.
However, sometimes I'm in a group that doesn't exercise due caution or appreciation for healer expense and I may not want to spend the resource on principle alone.
I always have more then enough resources to stay in SP and wands/scrolls for anything I'm joining but I may just not spend those resources if a group is taking unnecessary damage in a quest with few shrines or something like that.
If, for example, I have a sliver of a blue bar and a barb goes around smashing exploding barrels with his ax when we are far from a shrine then he better pot himself to health because I'm not doing it.
I'd never let a player intentionally die for revenge but I may choose the smart player over the dumb player for my heals and, as always, reserve the right to choose if and when I spend resources on a party.
95+% of the time a party is well worth not making any plat or losing plat from quest, after expenses are counted, if that's what it takes
Last edited by phillymiket; 08-08-2011 at 07:01 AM.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.