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  1. #1
    Community Member mobrien316's Avatar
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    Default Rude? Or to be expected?

    The other day I’m in a Chrono run on normal with my level 7 cleric. We started off with two clerics, but the other one ran straight into the Rusty Nail and promptly said he had to go AFK for a minute. That was the last anyone heard from him. So I was pretty much solo healing the raid.

    Before we went in the leader asked if I could heal or if I was a “ battlecleric” (and the tone of his voice let me know exactly what he thought of battleclerics…). I said that I would swap out my greataxe and switch from DPS mode to healing mode. I have a mace that does lousy damage but amplifies my healing spells, I have Empowered Healing, healing burst, and I carry a bunch of wands.

    In the fight with Blood Plate I went through all of my SP (it took three or four rounds to drop him – lots of people were going after him instead of the armorers) and was left with nothing but wands. No deaths, though a few close calls. This was my first time solo healing a raid.

    We hit the Blood Plate chest and I see one of the fighters has a cure wand. I ask if I could get it from him and he says, “No, I need the money.” Okay, it’s his loot. I guess he doesn’t realize I am spending my money on wands to heal him and the rest of the raid. No big deal.

    We get to the Razor Arm chest and another melee character gets a cure wand. I ask him if I could “steal that wand from him” and he says he needs it to sell to make money. This was a different player than the first one. I ask the whole group on voice that if anyone gets any mana pots I would sure appreciate them if they aren’t going to use the pots themselves. Even though I see a number of pots in the chests, no one offers them to me. Once again I’m thinking – no big deal. Their loot is their loot. But it is a bit one-way, in my opinion.

    At the final chest I again politely ask that if anyone gets any mana pots or cure wands and isn’t going to use them, I would appreciate it if they passed them to me. Even though I see a few cure wands and mana pots in the chests, only one elven rogue passes me a mana pot and says, “Thanks – Great job on the heals.”

    I understand that their loot is their loot, but when I play a melee character and a cleric is working hard and burning through SP and wands to keep the party healed, I always try to pass them some pots or wands. My rogue sometimes carries mana pots for no other reason than to pass them to a hard-working cleric. I think it just good manners. The cleric is burning through his own plats to keep me healed, let me throw some of my plats his way in the form of wands, scrolls, or pots.

    I know that the others can sell their pots and wands for plats, and that's fine. A little sharing would be nice.

    Don't forget to tip your healer!

    Just my two cents on the matter…
    All on Thelanis: Archenpaul Sixblade (Epic Triple Completionist), Archernicus Thornwood, Crestellin Moonwood, Gregorovic Redcloak, Jaklomeo Evermug, Jarladdin Nalfesne, Jonathraxius Kane, and Praetoreus Silvershield (Heroic Triple Completionist, Epic Triple Completionist.)

    Leader of Guinness Knights (Level 165), which is (since June 2021) a two-man, father-son guild.

    Cogito ergo summopere periculosus.

  2. #2
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    If I were you, and if I would be OOM, I wouldn't use any ressources on someone who don't want to give you (almost) worthless wand.
    After all, why the hell you need to pay for his raid completion?
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  3. #3
    Community Member gyerv59's Avatar
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    I've seen a lot of this on my FvS, it is what it is. Next time your with a group like that and there screaming for heals, tell them your they needed there to sell there wands for plat, and you nedd your sp for self heals. They prob won't get the message, but atleeast you tried.

  4. #4
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    Between the "stay in the back and buff/heal" to the same situation that you just had, I deleted (not TR'd) 3 of my 5 clerics ... and my other two will not play with 99% of the population. They wait for long periods of time to get help from us, but the "me, Me, ME" people just don't get it ... take care of us and we will be more than happy to help.

    I know someone is going to come on and say ... "If you don't like to heal, then cleric/FvS" is not for you. Wrong! Be less of a jerk and I wouldn't care. I do not let people in the real world walk all over me, it's not going to happen in game either.

  5. #5
    Community Member cwfergtx's Avatar
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    Default The Most need and least respected

    The Cleric and Favored Soul are the two most needed classes for most parties when starting out and at the end game. They are not shown the respect that they kept the party alive at the cost of their own expense. Before the crafting in House K started I would farm the Desert to fund my clerics by selling the rare items. Then passed out the rest of the stuff to Clerics and Favored Souls. This would include +1 Tomes and lesser Rare Named Items. I could of sold all the loot for about 19k+ each run but helping some of the lower clerics and favored souls help keep some around. The same with collectibles I would turn them in house P and take the wands to Korthos and the Harbor to pass out. But alot of people are just plain uninformed and sometime even uncaring about other players.

  6. #6
    Community Member pseudomasochist's Avatar
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    It's difficult to tell when grouping with strangers who is adding their stable of capped characters and who is just starting out in the game, especially at lower levels. Unfortunately, the newer people who need loot for money are also the ones who may not realize how expensive playing a healer can be.

    I like how some raiding guilds want everyone to have at least one healing character. That makes filling parties easier and playing the role of raid/epic healer also provides valuable perspective.

  7. #7
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    personally i set myself a cap on consumables for pugs. 1 pot and 2 stacks of heal + MCMW scrolls (on a capped toon) after that i'm OOM. If 2700sp + bauble + blasphemy + 10% discount from abbot staff and the scrolls isn't enough for a normal difficulty raid. Then it was most likely doomed to begin with. As much as i like powering through and carrying the raid by chugging pots like Guinness, rarely do i see those pots returned when i pug... sooner or later it'll just leave a bitter taste in your mouth and a big hole in your pocket.

    So my advice is start early.. set yourself a limit.. especially if you dont have higher lever sugar-daddy toons. 1 pot.. 2 wands.. after that.. its out of your hands..
    Roldon - L16 Whirling tempest of gimp.. now TR3'd for extra super double gimp : Lauralis - L22 FvS: Roldocron - L20 ArchFail : Roldobot - L20 LotB FvS: Roldyn - L21 Rogbarian, i can has disable.. after i find trap with face... : Roldyne - L20 Bardouge, i can has disable... after someone else finds trap with face... Proud gimp of BeiberLu.. i mean Wanderlust

  8. #8
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    I think I would be a little more assertive in such a situation. Solo healing an at level raid, particularly chronoscope where you are severely lacking on class abilities (mass cures, raise dead etc) it is quite a difficult task and you did a great job solo healing it.

    I would pretty much demand those cure wands to replenish the ones you just used or refuse to use any expendables for the rest of the quest if they don't.

    Fact is, you can't complain about people never learning if you don't teach them.

  9. #9
    Community Member LordKhaan's Avatar
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    Running 2 battle clerics at the moment and I have very little problem unless there are noobs in the group. Even solo healed a few raids...
    IE, casters that dont cast hold but instead feel they should just nuke, melee with NO AC/DR, or that typical barb that runs ahead.

    Ive also started setting limits on what Ill use in pugs thanks to certain people DEMANDING you chug a pot or 20.
    My common responce to that these days "U have healing pots, chug those" I think in the times that its taken me to get Landrah to cap (3rd life TR) ive been offered 2 pots, and both were from guildies. However going through sins, gen point etc, ur just expected to always have a full sp bar.
    Needless to say, pugging has made me a big fan of my recall button.
    Allysiar TR 2 FVS ~ Jubelie TR KotC 18/2 Paladin/Monk ~ Leanedre 18/1/1 Tempest/Rogue/Fighter ~ Landrah 3rd life TR 18/2 Cleric/Monk ~ Morgaena 20 AA Ranger ~ Jaidzen 9/2 FVS/Monk ~ Sashani 20 Wizzie PM ~ Virrae 17 HotD Pally

  10. #10
    Community Member whitehawk74's Avatar
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    let them die. it's the only cure for these type of conditions.
    they will learn soon enough - or not

    no matter what they scream just dont take it personally.
    your blue bar is not an extension of their red bars.
    Health pots can be bought for gold coins, Mana pots can be bought for TP's. They have no reason to not have stocked up.
    My demands are simple. Ducks, penguins and tortoises as pets. I'll buy hats and bow-ties for them all.

  11. #11
    Community Member wemery73's Avatar
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    Easy just don't heal the ones that won't give you the cure wands and where going to sell them..

    Take there soul stones and drop them in the deepest sewer you can find...
    Ghallanda Guild Keepers of the Asylum & Plague -[ Beowulfs 14 fighter/3 pal / 3rog Drow]

  12. #12
    Community Member Beld's Avatar
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    Default Don't ask, tell them to pass the wands....

    If they refuse, stop using all resources, when OOM, then you are OOM, if the raid wipes and you get any complaints, ask them how many wands they still have in inventory that they can't use and how much better passing those along would have made the raid experience for them/the group.

    After the first failure to pass a resource that you were clearing burning thru, a decent leader would have pointed out that A) you were nice enough to be solo healing the raid to get a completion for everyone and B) without resources, the raid was doomed to failure and C) if people didn't want to pass the wands then the group would leave their stones wherever they fell and move on.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Some people don't like to play hard. That's why we have 'normal'.

  13. #13
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    The solution is to not do at level chrono. Seriously. I'm passing on this bit of wisdom to you through personal experience.

    It is terrible exp and the loot you should out-level a few days after you get it. It is basically only run by people people who are new-ish to the game and very, very rarely by vets looking to mess around a little. For that reason, any at level chrono group you join is almost guaranteed to be terrible.

    Get to level 20 and start doing epic chrono. It will probably even be less resource intensive than at level.

  14. #14


    "feel free to sell those wands to cover your repaircosts then"

  15. #15
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    wow they must be extremely *hard* up to pass along a measly cure wand to a hard working cleric. I mean it sells for so little plat.

  16. #16
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Nice job solo healing. Very nice little accomplishment.

    You could do the OOM thing if you like. But maybe it's best to be up front and explain to people: "hey I have x sp and each csw I cast costs x and during that bank fight I went through x wands and x pots. I would appreciate being able to use any spares you might have as each wand costs me x plat'

    It informs newer players what it costs to run a healer type when if they don't play one they just would have no chance to know. No need to be prima donnaish about it as I've heard some healers do.

    If you get zero response then for me it's a choice of well how much do I want this completion? If I do I will just spend the resources and never expect to get anything.

    Always better to say something well before the OOM point.
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  17. #17
    Community Member alexp80's Avatar
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    My personal policy when playing my fvs is mainly:

    if you don't get the mass-healing (with obvious exceptions) you die.

    Healing is not only an healer matter. Involves all the group to playing accordingly (get resistences, not run away while buffing, not go ahed or fight a mob lonely, remove quickly healing curses...) I usually declare on which ppl i'll throw my heals (usually myself, i'm melee spec) and others should simply stay close to be safe. I just give a bit more of freedom to arcanes (but they usually provides themselves)

    It is important that all players in party get the idea that the healing (and the quest success in general) is the result of correct teamplay.

    You will learn that this policy is a must in end game content (end-game raids and epics) cause you need to manage resources or simply you will fail.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    The solution is to not do at level chrono. Seriously. I'm passing on this bit of wisdom to you through personal experience.

    It is terrible exp and the loot you should out-level a few days after you get it. It is basically only run by people people who are new-ish to the game and very, very rarely by vets looking to mess around a little. For that reason, any at level chrono group you join is almost guaranteed to be terrible.

    Get to level 20 and start doing epic chrono. It will probably even be less resource intensive than at level.
    If you want to have loads of fun, try chrono at lvl!

    Topic:It is sad to see group doesnt recognize the need and donot respect the healer. Healers need love

  19. #19
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    squelch them and move on. They need you you don't need them. If they don't support you, don't support them back and see which side wins the argument. "accidentally" mistell into general chat explaining why they need to stop using sooo many of your resources without helping you out by replacing them... make sure to use names in the "mistell"
    Some people need to learn to follow instructions and pain and suffering is the only way to reach some of them...

    I think you get my drift.
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  20. #20
    Community Member Jiirix's Avatar
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    And that's why it's more fun to raid with freinds and guildies. Squelch the greedy ones and move on.
    Last edited by Jiirix; 08-08-2011 at 06:14 AM.
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