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This is going to be incredibly disjointed, bear with me.
I have been running a sorc tank for a little while now and there are a couple issues with your proposed build.
You need to decide what you are really trying to with this build, there are very few places where a dedicated tank is required and building a tank to be able to do most of these and building a tank to be able to take care of elite horoth are vastly different ball games.
If you have built this with the intention of tanking horoth ( with the shield mastery and DR) you do not have the required total HP to be able to do it safely, while 650 will probably be fine on hard but on elite you will be to reliant on luck to be a reliable tank.- Not really sure what my intent was, pretty much just messing around and trying to get a general idea of what is needed for an arcane to tank.
If the goal is not to tank Horoth then you don't need to splash levels as every other boss in this game with the exception of maybe epic chrono can be safely tanked as a straight 20 sorc WF.
Even then for a boss like epic chrono evasion with a high reflex save would be much more useful than having a shield and the primary tank killing abilities are spells with a reflex save.
If you splashed 2 levels of monk you would be able to pick up 2 additional toughness feats as well as evasion, which you are capable of getting into the low 40s with a bit of effort raid buffed and high 30s self buffed. This allows you to do things like solo evon fire platform, walk through most epic traps without issue and vastly reduces damage from a lot of bosses spell damage. - Unfortunately the reason for not taking monk was that I didn't have it, but I''m thinking of dropping one of the fighter levels and only taking shield mastery (15% instead of 20%).
Best savant choice for this build is air primarily due to knockdown immunity and wind dance, both offer a lot more flexibility in what you can offer as a tank.
Torq and conc opp will not give you enough SP to effectively tank for any length of time, even a quick kill like suulomades in TOD will require at least 4 or more pots to keep up the required damage output to keep threat, caster tanking with pure spells is incredibly mana inefficient and will require large amounts of pots. - Can't argue with this, but it would significantly extend the time that I could tank for, and the purpose of the intim dots were to allow other casters to max dot damage for a much faster kill without the worry of taking agro. EDIT: After getting a torc and dual conc-opps I must say that I no longer agree with you at all on this point. I tanked VOD at 16 on a variant of this build twice (one toughness, all levelups into Cha), both times someone displaced me after asking them not to. They also dropped a fog spell on sully so that I had miss chance from him too. So I was getting 50% less sp back from trash, and 20% less from sully, I was forced to use one single pot. The incoming damage isn't high enough to worry about (with 30+DR/-), in that case were I not displaced I would have had effectively infinite SP. Held aggro from pugs who didn't understand "wait 10 seconds so I can get a lead on agro" by equipping a ring of lies for 15% more threat gen.
Threat-wise you wont keep aggro versus any full 20 sorc who uses anything beyond his 2 dots and even then its likely they will pull aggro due to the additional 2 sorc levels. You will easily keep aggro against bad melee but decent melee will also give you a run for your money this mainly applies at the beginning of a fight as casters are slow to build up their dps unlike melee who are very front loaded. - With intim, it *should* hold agro *agian, intim was IP and was just 'assumed' that I would hit the levels, just don't have a breakdown yet.
Your intimidate is to low to be reliable and anything unreliable is the bane of tanking. If you cant reliably do something 99% of the time then it causes problems. Tanking is about reducing chance to the bare minimum. - Yes, the Intim is still In progress, for the purposes layed out, I was 'assuming' it would hit reliable levels.
An arcane tanks power comes from being a true self healing tank, you can tank any boss except horoth without requiring a healer. You will never have even half decent DCs, your nuking will be weak on any mob with evasion.- Can't argue with this, dedicated tanks often are support, but as said in the op this is not final, just examining a possibility atm.
If anything you fulfill a support role in raids.