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  1. #1
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    Default help me sort out gear

    i need some help trying to sort out gear on my secondary character, Brautwurst of Sarlona, a human 17 cleric/2 monk/1 fighter, whirling steel strike build.
    base stats after tomes, level ups and enhancements are:

    current items i run him with are:
    blindness ward goggles of battle skill, +2
    dragontouched vestments with feather falling and con +6, sov run is empty
    thaarak bracelet
    epic ring of the buccaneer, tier 3 upgraded, epic slot is empty
    +30 striding boots
    maenya's iron fist
    katra's razor wit
    kormor's belt
    cloak of resistance +4
    greater cunning trinket
    nightforged gorget
    teraza's perfect sight

    notable gear that i currently have and would like to use if they can be fit in:
    dread admiral's tricorne with archmagi and concentration +15, really need this for raid healing when using scrolls, could be a swap item
    epic brawling gloves, tier 3 upgraded, epic slot is empty, this would even out str
    epic spyglass, tier 3 upgraded, epic slot is empty, mostly for true seeing, also could slot a stat here
    morgana's belt

    other notable items on hand that may be able to be used:
    ethereal bracers, could be a swap item, not perm equipped
    enough tapestries to get a minos legens
    eldritch runes of striding and fortification
    tempest runes of charisma and exception con
    greensteel goggles, currently blank
    +3 greater potency 7 longsword

    items i currently would like to get:
    morgana's ring with exception wisdom on it
    epic mabar cloak if that event comes back
    sov rune of greater potency 7, superior potency 6 would be better but doesn't exist
    greensteel item with con opp and +150 sp
    greensteel item with +45 hp, can also have heavy fort on this
    greensteel item with all immunities, maybe stick deathblock on it if mabar doesn't return and i can't get an epic cloak
    some item with greater false life or better

    i primarily melee and heal with this toon first, resort to damaging spells when needed. i also seldom use divine power due to the short durations even with extend which i'm thinking of swapping out.
    if possible i'd like to get his AC up a bit more, currently 44 in water stance but i do not want to do a lesser reincarnation and change stats, i like them where they are. i would like to have a feather falling item permanently equipped and be in a slot that can be swapped out and back in quickly to drop faster when needed. could slot this into one of the epic slots on the crystal cove items. a striding item is somewhat desirable but can be lived without.

    so, with what i have and what i would like to get what suggestions as to what to farm and make, preferably items that are somewhat reasonably obtainable. this would probably rule out most epic items as i really don't want to spend a year or two trying to make one item as i am also trying to run my main thru completionist.
    Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared

  2. #2
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    I would suggest putting +5 resist on your dragontouched instead of featherfalling and keep a pair of ff boots to hotswap. That frees up your cloak slot for something else.

    I made my conc opp as goggles with 150 sp blind/disease immunity with +6 wis (haggle/diplo boost). That is for my wizard, but should be good for a cleric too I would think.

    I'm not sure about the rest. Finding a spot for the 45 hp or min II item is hard for me as well on my toons.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zildoran View Post
    I would suggest putting +5 resist on your dragontouched instead of featherfalling and keep a pair of ff boots to hotswap. That frees up your cloak slot for something else.

    I made my conc opp as goggles with 150 sp blind/disease immunity with +6 wis (haggle/diplo boost). That is for my wizard, but should be good for a cleric too I would think.

    I'm not sure about the rest. Finding a spot for the 45 hp or min II item is hard for me as well on my toons.
    very good point. i do want to swap feather falling off the DT. just not entirely sure what to put in its place. there are several very useful eldritch runes for my build. striding +25, heavy fort, resistance +5 and greater false life. it all depends on what i can slot elsewhere that will determine what gets put on. i do want to have ff perm equipped though, my keyboard skills aren't quite up to the task of swapping something like that fast enough unless it's on the main hotbar which is usually full.
    i could slot ff on one of the epic slots that are on the crystal cove items. any of the ones i have would be ok as swapping any out to fall faster won't drop my hit points or spell points. spy glass would probably be the optimal one to use if i did this as there would be very little negative effects for the few times when you need ff not equipped. such as when doing icy runs with guildies or tempest spine runs.

    using the planner it looks like i can have either a +45hp min 2 or smoke 2 item. min 2 would give heavy fort and +6 to con skills, very useful on a cleric, the +5 deflection is redundant with the CC ring. smoke 2 would give +6 to dex skills, an extra +6 to balance would also be helpful on a cleric but may be a little less useful than the con skills. difficult to say. concentration on Braut is at 30 with no items boosting it. balance is 15. i'd prefer to stay away from guard effects.
    Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared

  4. #4
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Don1966 View Post
    very good point. i do want to swap feather falling off the DT. just not entirely sure what to put in its place. there are several very useful eldritch runes for my build. striding +25, heavy fort, resistance +5 and greater false life. it all depends on what i can slot elsewhere that will determine what gets put on. i do want to have ff perm equipped though, my keyboard skills aren't quite up to the task of swapping something like that fast enough unless it's on the main hotbar which is usually full.
    i could slot ff on one of the epic slots that are on the crystal cove items. any of the ones i have would be ok as swapping any out to fall faster won't drop my hit points or spell points. spy glass would probably be the optimal one to use if i did this as there would be very little negative effects for the few times when you need ff not equipped. such as when doing icy runs with guildies or tempest spine runs.

    using the planner it looks like i can have either a +45hp min 2 or smoke 2 item. min 2 would give heavy fort and +6 to con skills, very useful on a cleric, the +5 deflection is redundant with the CC ring. smoke 2 would give +6 to dex skills, an extra +6 to balance would also be helpful on a cleric but may be a little less useful than the con skills. difficult to say. concentration on Braut is at 30 with no items boosting it. balance is 15. i'd prefer to stay away from guard effects.
    Depending on what you can fit elsewhere, Resist +5, GFL or Heavy Fort should be (basically) your only considerations for a generic set of DT.

    If you can swing Boots of the Innocent (Striding 20 / Resist 5) that will help with the choice.

    The Sora Katra set is remarkably solid; I probably wouldn't swap it until you get serious epic gear in those slots (more than the Brawling Gauntlets). There's no reason you can't use a hat-swap during buffing, etc. anyway.

    For the Spyglass, I'd slot Good Luck +2 and use it as a UMD swap.

    If you plan on running w/ the ring all the time, what color slot does it have?
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Depending on what you can fit elsewhere, Resist +5, GFL or Heavy Fort should be (basically) your only considerations for a generic set of DT.

    If you can swing Boots of the Innocent (Striding 20 / Resist 5) that will help with the choice.

    The Sora Katra set is remarkably solid; I probably wouldn't swap it until you get serious epic gear in those slots (more than the Brawling Gauntlets). There's no reason you can't use a hat-swap during buffing, etc. anyway.

    For the Spyglass, I'd slot Good Luck +2 and use it as a UMD swap.

    If you plan on running w/ the ring all the time, what color slot does it have?
    thanks for bringing up the boots of the innocent, i forget i pulled a set of those the other day.
    there is no reason to slot good luck +2 on the spyglass, that is already on the CC ring.
    i did not put any points in umd, not enough skill points to go around after maxing concentration and putting what was left in balance.
    i agree the sora kell set is pretty nice but i think i could swap other stuff in and consolidate stats which opens up places for greensteel items.
    the CC items have the following color slots:
    ring is green
    gloves is yellow
    spyglass is green

    with my build all stats but int are somewhat important. so having a +6 or +7 item to boost them is very desirable. since ring gives dex, gloves give str, mogana's belt gives con, morgana's ring and a con op gs item will both give wis, i could slot cha on one of the CC items leaving 2 with available slots.
    Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared

  6. #6
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    I think you would be better off slotting a second ToD ring than wearing the CC ring all the time. You could put 2 exceptional con on one of your rings and wisdom on the other? I don't recommend featherfalling on an epic item, as I don't usually take my epic items off.

  7. #7
    Community Member mistalley's Avatar
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    For superior potency6 you can get a bard necklace in amrath.
    I suggest go heavy fortification in tier 1 DT so you free the necklace slot.
    Try to get a decent echrono group and get your epic envenomed cloak for resist 5, con 7.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zildoran View Post
    I think you would be better off slotting a second ToD ring than wearing the CC ring all the time. You could put 2 exceptional con on one of your rings and wisdom on the other? I don't recommend featherfalling on an epic item, as I don't usually take my epic items off.
    well i'm not liking that idea all that much. the CC ring gives Protection +5, Dexterity +7, Swim +15, Underwater Action, Good Luck +2, and an Empty Green Augment Slot which i can slot a +6 stat into or anything out of the blue or yellow augment lists. 1 ring with a +7 stat and a +6 stat and a few more things would be a bit better than a ring with a +6 stat and a +2 exceptional. putting feather fall on that ring would be nice as i wouldn't lose any hp or sp when taking it off for fast falling. the ring would only be taken off for fast falling. but, really i would prefer putting feather falling on the trinket. i wouldn't really lose anything important by having that off for the few fights it would need to be off.
    Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared

  9. #9
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    The green slot is the best place to put heavy fort or greater false life if you aren't getting it anywhere else.

    Feather fall is -far- too situational to bother having full time.
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  10. #10
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    alrighty, time to revisit this thread. a few minor changes to what is currently equipped, the DT now has heightened awareness 4 so while in water stance and no other buffs AC is at 48. also have the alchemist pendant necklace from U11 though i think that may get swapped out.

    have all pieces but the seal to make grims bracelet, beginning to think the epic chest doesn't drop seals anymore, 5 times i've opened it and no seals for anyone in the party each time. really want this, will add +3 to AC and be the strength item, can also slot +4 natural armor in it which would take AC to 55 unbuffed. getting close to a somewhat viable AC.
    have the seal, shard and base item for mask of tragedy, not really sure about making one.
    thinking about working towards 3 of the abishi set, cloak, helm and one other though i have no idea on what the third piece would be.
    bracers would replace the Thaarak Bracelet, losing toughness there isn't too bad but would lose dodge +2, really trying to get a decent AC on this toon. with that said i do have the base item for the sentinals bracers if i could epic that i'd lose the +2 dodge but gain +2 to overall AC, just have no idea what extra it gives when in stance.

    So, anyone have any suggestions? i'd really like to go ahead and make a +45 hp GS ConOp item but until i figure out the gearing i don't know where to put it.
    Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared

  11. #11
    Community Member Partydeluxe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Don1966 View Post
    alrighty, time to revisit this thread. a few minor changes to what is currently equipped, the DT now has heightened awareness 4 so while in water stance and no other buffs AC is at 48. ...stuff... AC to 55 unbuffed

    i'd really like to go ahead and make a +45 hp GS ConOp item but until i figure out the gearing i don't know where to put it.
    55 AC is still nowhere near enough to justify slotting AC gear where you could slot healing/melee gear instead, if I were you i'd drop that line of thought and just heal through the damage you receive.

    I would aim for the echrono 3-piece set as mentioned earlier since that will already touch a lot of the bases you are trying to cover.

    With respect to slotting your +45HP greensteel, think about whether you wish to grind VoD for a tharne's goggles or not. As a support melee you will virtually always get sneak attacks so its kind of a MUST to include that in the build. If you can get your sneak attack on another gear slot then go ahead and make greensteel goggles!

    Edit: I see you made the brawling gloves, those are as good a source as any for sneak attack i suppose, think goggles are a good slot to make your greensteel

    Items that i think are interesting to look at for a build such as yours are;
    - Torc (necklace, mandatory for any battlecleric)
    - Bauble (Major pot clickie: again, mandatory for any battlecleric)
    - Litany of the Dead (you use almost all stats in your build, but i don't know if you are up for 20-40 abbots)
    - Epic cloak+gauntlets+boots from echrono (not too hard to get epic stuff but you do need to be decently raid-geared, have a bauble, and willingness to drink a pot now and then)
    - tharne's goggles, wretched twilight, epic ring of venom, epic bracers of the hunter are all alternative sources of sneak attack.
    Sarlona Deluxe
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  12. #12
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    Superior Ardor VI - buffs cures, bursts and auras (V for bursts)
    Superior Brilliance V - buffs divine punishment and lesser light spells (unbounded shields clickies are at the AH right now!)

    75% buffs - the text description of 50% is a update 11 bug.

    To buff mass cures and heals:

    Amara's Belt - Belt: Superior Ardor VIII (3/3), Wizardry VIWizardry VI: (set gives 3 additional turn attempts)
    Tokala's Belt - Belt: Superior Ardor VIII (3/day), Wizardry VI, Radiant Servant (set gives 1 addtional turn attempt)

    All clickies for 3 minutes each click (9 minutes per item) that you can click and swap out for a weapon or greater false life belt.
    Last edited by Firesmall_at; 09-26-2011 at 12:04 PM.
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