Red Augment Slot of Devil's Ruin
Just wondering what this may be worth
Any insight is greatly appreciated
Red Augment Slot of Devil's Ruin
Just wondering what this may be worth
Any insight is greatly appreciated
1,5 - 2,0 mill plat. They sell for something in between that
Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!
Thanks for the reply Delta
Guess it comes down to finding a Buyer
Anyone interested just let me know
Make an offer, Mainly looking for Plat and Large Ingreds
pm sent
Xanderhawk, Airhawk, Torrahawk, Angelhawk, Slayde, Vanyon, Johnnykage, Hawkke
Since you've got the answer, may I highjack your thread and ask the same question about the Red Augment Slot of metalline edges? any price on that? propably half or even less the worth i recon?