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  1. #1
    Community Member Acaios's Avatar
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    Default earthgrab GS on epics

    is it worth it anymore? i`ve read about it, being usefull before the autocrit change, for melee to cc (especially to THF with glancing blows), but would you suggest to make on a TWF ranger?

    i dont mind about the ings, as i have already 2 litII khop and cannith crafted DR breakers.

    i`m just saying about their usefulness in epic (and perhaps some other cases as well).

    proc 5% DC35 reflex save.
    ddowiki says that epic mobs have about 25, meaning 25+1d20 it will be a 50% when it procs to be saved. (correct me if i`m wrong here)

    which means that i`m gonna earthgrab 1 in 40 attacks. even with 100% offhand proc (tempest II), that`s a lot to wait till it procs.

    and yes, i know, that they dont break trash devils DR. even so, i was willing to craft it, in case the group`s casters found it difficult to cc, but the low proc rate makes me think it twice

    so, what`s your opinion about that?

  2. #2
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    I personally found my Earthgrabber not even worth carrying before the update 9 epic changes. Now, the mobs have +4 saves, so it'll proc even less.

  3. #3
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    I still use my Earthgrab weapon in some situations, it is not as good as it used to be, but it is far from useless. I would not reccomend making one as your first GS (I realize that this would not be your first GS, just making a point), but having an earthgrab in your "bag of tricks" is handy. The extra acid damage is also nice on the Boss in chrono (lightning form) and does decent damage to a lot of mobs in other epics as well, like the trolls in VoN1.
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  4. #4
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    about mobs saves in epics it also highly dependant what mob you are hiting.
    For example I wouldnt bother with trying to use earthgrab on drows, on other hand stunning / assasination / quilvering palm work quite well. But for example gnols (CoF) have quite low Reflex (even archers), this same should also go for most undead.

  5. #5
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    They go off enough that I use them all the time.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    My rogue used dual earthgrab picks in epic before TRing (pre-U9), and it proc'd at a very respectable rate. Also, keep in mind that while earthgrabbed, mobs lose their DEX bonus to reflex: if a second earthgrab procs before the first one ends, it's more likely to succeed. It's not that uncommon to get mobs into a 2-3 hit earthgrab chain.

  7. #7
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    I was THF'ing, so that's probably why I noticed much poorer performance. Everyone who mentioned they like them are TWF'ers.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    I was THF'ing, so that's probably why I noticed much poorer performance. Everyone who mentioned they like them are TWF'ers.
    I use mine on a thf Fvs over the lit2 on occasion. I built them from before update 9. I am not sure they worth the ingredients, but if you have enough extras they do provide a small benefit. In situations where the arcane is having trouble controlling all the aggro, they are nice to have.
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  9. #9
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    I actually use them more in VOD and Amrath. . .Most epics we have CC and everything is held already, or its Drow and they don't work well.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    If it's a mob that acid damage works on and there triple acid.. Sure they should still be pretty solid DPS.

    Not the uber trash killers of pre u9 no.. But they aren't too worse then say a lit2 hvy pick for what they work on, and cheaper to craft.

    Actually for a few mobs taht were otherwise immune to crits pre u9.. They are now better for.. Like undead/elementals, +50% dmg for helpless still applies to those. And earthgrab even works on earth elementals fairly well, they have a rather low reflex save.

  11. #11
    Community Member Acaios's Avatar
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    thanks guys for your responses, you have really made me change 2-3 times my mind of crafting them and not!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    I was THF'ing, so that's probably why I noticed much poorer performance. Everyone who mentioned they like them are TWF'ers.
    and thank you for observing that fact, as i thought that the THF were getting more out of it. but i gues TWF gives the advantage that once you have locked a mob, you probably earthgrab it again (and again till it`s dead) so there you go, some nice one on one control.

    i guess i`ll make one and see how things go. and i`ll keep in mind that it should work on some mobs better than others.

    trolls in von1
    conjoined abishai (blue) - litII would have healed him if they were still on
    gnols (COF)

    Last edited by Acaios; 08-08-2011 at 08:41 AM.

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