Just wondering if any time left on a jewel of fortune is supposed to be cleared if you lesser reincarnate.
I've done a few lesser reincarnates before going from Shintao-Ninja Spy and back again, both of which had time left on a jewel and neither of the times it got cleared.
However I now have the issue of losing time on the ones I had left. Even more so annoying is that I stacked up more than a few....I had about 230 hours worth of it ticking away. I'm in the middle of changing from 20 monk to 20 rogue, and haven't been playing during the week wait time. However when i got on today to do some low favour clean up I noticed that ALL the time was gone, no symbol for loot boost, nothing. Needless to say I'm pretty bloody annoyed with this.
No-where in game does it say any time remaining will be removed, and as I said I've done it before without issue. Can someone clarify what's happened? Did something get changed along the way and now the timer gets cleared? I have a further 2 reincarnations to go but would like some dev input on this....if it is a bug, I really do hope it can be sorted and have the timer reset back to where it was when this all happened. If it's WAI, I think it needs to be clear when you talk to the guy in House J before you reincarnate.