quoting your post tho also responding to the guy you quoted on my ignore list as id otherwise not of seen it..
re: questioning his DCs? in the tell.. standard practice as I said. In the thread: a jest. After seeing his sig Im pretty sure I've actually ran with many of his alts and accepted im many times in the pasts,and had I knew it was him maybe id have taken him.. But in this case he and another caster from a similarly good guild signed up at the exact same moment, so it was mainly poor timing more then anything for the autodecline.
re: other guy:
My reputation is what it is because my fans like yourself and others. You earn a rep like mine based on others reactions, you can't create one yourself. I am who I am, and known for how im known for that reason. I don't pride myself upon it, nor do I make any apologies for it, it is what it is and I appreciate the support.
"Perfect" groups. Heh occasonally sure, all the time.. Hardly. I often have more fun running with players who can play on a similar level to myself, so thats what I look for sometimes. On the other hands I like to group with new players with the right mindset, qualifying them helps determine that before we engage in a 20-30 min quest. Theres usually no minimum limit to my questions like whats your DC? I've often accepted players with as low as 30 enchant DC. It's more so a english/comprehension check then anything.
I run EDA usually a minimum of 2x a night so ive had alot of practice at it (been trying for silver wraps to no avail yet) so its not only my dc's (44-45 necro atm 42 or so enchant) that helped, but it was familiarity. Knowing where and when the eles/casters were gonna spawn helped me more then a mana pot could of. Run it a couple times even if its with a rag tag group and get the feel for it.
I mean if i can solo it anyone can :P
Thnx to all who replied, even if its was in a criticizing manner.
Coinoperated - 20th lvl Idiot.
Grafven & Griefen.
Aitu - Someone who does something..sometimes.
Unreliable & Unresolved.
oh nevermind
Last edited by porq; 08-09-2011 at 01:41 AM.